Wednesday, April 24, 2024

 Science 10:  Log into Office 365 and open your OneDrive.  Ensure you have a Science 10 folder.  Open Microsoft Excel using the desktop app, NOT the browser app.  Save your spreadsheet to your Science 10 Folder in your OneDrive, using a file name in this format:  "LAST NAME space FIRST NAME Telescope Database April 2024".  Research between 8 and 10 different large telescopes and create a database of Telescopes.   We watched the first 18 minutes of this clip about the James Webb Telescope.

Chemistry 11:  We completed Part II of Lab 20 C, then finished all the Calculations and Follow - up Questions.  I gave out the Titration WS, which will be your assignment to finish during Friday's class.  Friday's class will also include 40 minutes for your Lab 20C conclusion.  For this conclusion, please include these ideas and key terms (titration, phenolphalein, burette, volumetric pipette;  explain why the light pink color indicated the endpoint, describe good technique like using a white background, 3X rinsings, washing the sides of the erlynmeyer mid way, etc).  Lab 20C will be due Tuesday.  No due date has been set for Unit 7 # 33 -35.  

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Science 9:  After handing in the practice test we completed the Electricity Test.  Due next class is the DIY Electricity Cross Word.

Chemistry 11:  We completed Part I of Lab 20 C, and Calculations # 1-3 are due tomorrow.  Really well done!  

Science 10:  We began by going through pg 380 # 2-15, then we had a short discussion about the celestial sphere (altitude, azimuth, the ecliptic, Polaris).  We read pages 306 to 312 and completed pg 313 # 1-8 in quality point form.  Pg 313 is due tomorrow.

Science 8:  We spent some time discussing lenses, using our Mini Lens Lab as a guide.  Key terms to learn were converging, diverging, principal axis, focus, and focal distance.  We used convex lenses to magnify a random object, and found that the object has to be held closer to the lens than the focal distance.  After reading section 5.3, we completed pg 197 # 1-10.   In the last part of our class we went over the anatomy of any eye. 

Monday, April 22, 2024

 Science 9:  We marked part of the Electricity Practice Test, then I collected it to mark the last portion.  Next day we will have a Test on the electricity unit; all learning since April 2nd.  We then reviewed continents and oceans, and shaded the countries we have visited as well as 3 that we wish to travel to.   A short discussion began about the 4 spheres that are used to organize the surface of our planet:  Geosphere, Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, and Biosphere.    Everyone made a graphic that showed three materials found in each sphere, plus ways that spheres are connected.  We read pages 296 to 299, then everyone sketched Figure 4.7 and added captions.  Below the sketch, 4 greenhouse gases were listed (water, carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide.

Chemistry 11:  We reviewed endothermic and exothermic reactions, and spoke about how the chemical energy in all the fuels we use originally came from the sun.  After a short review of predicting products and balancing, everyone prepared Lab 20C for next day's titration.  A titration was demonstrated for everyone, since this techique has a number of new glassware items that need special care.  We began Unit 7 # 33 - 36, but this is not due Tuesday.  Arrive with your Lab 20C prepared for tomorrow.   Expect a test early next week on Chemical Reactions.

Science 10:  After a short review of the inner solar system, we watched a short clip on the moon, which oddly enough allowed for the first careful study of the sun.  We completed pg 380 # 2-15 in the old textbook, half in point form and half in sentences.  This is due on Tuesday.

Science 8:  After going through the responses for page 186 # 1-6 we used convex and concave lenses to try to cast a real image of the window onto the classroom wall.  Only Convex lenses could cast an image, and these were small, inverted, and real.  We did the Lenses Mini Lab, then we labelled the Human Eye Anatomy diagram and did the crossword puzzle on the back.  No work is due for Tuesday.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Science 9:  Today we did the electricity practice test, and time was provided to finish the cross word puzzle review assignment.  The electricity test is on Tuesday.

Science 8:  We went over page 181 # 1,2,4-8, then we used a concave mirror to cast an image of Crusty the Clown onto a screen (a small, upright, real image was produced).  We watched this clip that showed how concave mirrors are used in telescopes.  After reading pages 182 to 186 we completed page 186 # 1-6 in fine sentences.  In the last part we used convex and concave mirrors to find images of ourselves, and we discussed the characteristics of each image (smaller/larger than object, upright/inverted, real/virtual).  

Chemistry 11:  We began with a short review of endo and exothermic reactions, (1,2,3,4,5,6,7).  Unit 6 # 70 - 80 was completed once we read section 6.6. In the last 20 minutes we did a quiz on Stoichiometry.

Science 10:  We finished the graph for the Force of Gravity Lab. We completed the Free Body Diagram WS to understand how the Force of Gravity is always working on us, as well as anything that is near us in cluding the Moon.  After a short discussion about the Moon we read section 12.4 in the old Probe Textbook.   

Thursday, April 18, 2024

 Science 10:  Whew!  We accomplished a lot today.  We began with a short review of the planets, then we read section 12.4 from the old Science Probe to learn about the planets in detail.  For each planet, write 2 or 3 key ideas, and include a sketch.  We watched the first 15 minutes of disc 1 of BBC's "The Planets" series.  This short exercise allowed us to practice skills with Scientific Notation, which we see a lot in Astronomy.  We took notes on Gravity, then we did a short inquiry to answer the question:  How is the force of gravity affected by an object's mass?"  We made measurements, then graphed our data.  In the final minutes we calculated the slope of our graph line. 

Chemistry 11:  I collected the WS titled "Predicting Products".  We completed the legal sized WS titled "Finding Limiting Reactant".  This is due Friday.  Time was provided to complete Lab 6B, and this is also due Friday.  We wrote notes on Energy Changes in reactions, then we started Unit 6 # 70 - 80, but this is not due on Friday.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024


Science 9:  After a short review of electrical terms we add one more example to our notes on Electrical Energy, then we completed this WS on Electrical Energy.  We watched this clip on Solar energy, and this one on Nuclear energy.  Both ways do not create CO2 emissions directly.  Of the two, only Solar is considered renewable and sustainable.  In the second half we started a review assignment:  Make a crossword puzzle using key terms.  Friday will be practice test day, and Tuesday will be the electricity unit test.

Science 8:  We reviewed terms related to light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum.  I collected Lab 5-2.  We watched this clip showing the principles behind refraction before we completed Lab 5-3.  After reading pages 168 to 174, we completed page 181 # 1,2 and 4 to 9.  #8 was optional.   In the second half we did the star race track challenge, then we used the ray boxes and curved mirrors to learn about foci, focal length, principle axis, converging, and diverging.  Only lab 5-3 and page 181 is due on Friday.   

Science 8:  We went through the experimental design of the Reflection Lab, and spoke about the independent variable, the dependent variable, and how these are shown graphically.  This lab was handed in.  We completed Activity 5-2 from our textbook;  a lab that can easily be completed from home.   When recording ray diagrams in our Data sections, it is important to use straight lines for light rays, normals, and surfaces.  Normals are always dotted.

Science 10:  Progress reports were handed out today, and this data can be seen by logging into myed using the family or student portal.  We brainstormed objects that are in our solar system,  then we wrote brief notes on what we discussed.   Time was provided to finish Lb 12B.

Science 9:  We went over # 1-5 on page 344, then we brainstormed different ways that electricity is generated (hydroelectricity, solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, nuclear, coal, natural gas, oil), then we watched this clip on hydroelectricity and this clip on coal fired electricity.  We wrote brief notes on Electrical Energy

Chemistry 11:  We completed a WS on Predicting Products, then time was provided to finish Lab 6B, which is now due on Friday.  Only the WS on Predicting Products is due on Thursday. 

Monday, April 15, 2024

Science 8:  We began with a review of Electromagnetic Radiation categories from last day.  After this we drew and measured some angles, and learned that "The Normal" is an imaginary line that is perpendicular to a surface.  We completed a short inquiry based on this question:  How does the angle of incidence compare to the angle of reflection when using a flat mirror?  With partners, everyone designed a simple procedure using the ray boxes, baffles, mirrors and paper.  Data was recorded and a tidy results table was created.

Science 10:  After the practice test was handed in we completed the Energy Unit Test.  Any remaining time was spent finishing the Solar System Model from Lab 13B.

Chemistry 11:  We began with a short review of reaction categories and predicting products.  We did a mini review of predicting products and balancing.  Time was given to finish Lab 6B, which is due Thursday (all Questions and Follow Questions, and a Conclusion).

Science 9:  Today we learned about Power, and how it can be calculated by multipling the Voltage and Current in a circuit.  After taking notes on Power, we complete pg 344 # 1-11 from a hand-out.

Friday, April 12, 2024

 Science 9:  Quizzes were handed back first, then we did a little review of key electrical terms.  We considered what happens to the total voltage when batteries are hooked up in series.  From this we generated an inquiry questions, a hypothesis, and a prediction.  30 minutes was given to perform an experiment to answer the inquiry question with your partner.  Everyone found that the voltages add when cells are connected in series. I collected your scientific report.  In the final minutes time was spent finishing page 243 # 1-5, which is due on Monday.

Chemistry 11:  Quizzes were handed back, as well as an answer key for last day's Limiting Reactant WS.  Following a short balancing practice sheet, we did Lab 6B (Day One), and nothing from this lab is due Monday.  Due Monday is Unit 6 # 66 and 67 (a-h for each part). 

Science 8:  We started by going over pg 151.  We made a placemat on legal sized paper and read pages 152 - 160 in our textbook.  For each type of EMR (Radio, Microwave, IR, UV, X-ray, and Gamma) we listed technologies that use them and created one simple sketch.  This video clip shows the Electromagnetic Spectrum.  At the end of class we wrote a short quiz on waves (amplitude, wavelength, frequency.

Science 10.  The practice test was handed in, then we started Astronomy with a short discussion about space objects.  Activity 13B was started while I marked the written response section of your Energy Transformations Unit practice test.  On Monday we will have an Energy Unit Test. 


Thursday, April 11, 2024

 Science 10:

1)  Open a new Word Document using the desk-top app.  Its title needs to be "Green Energy Research Notes". Make a "Sources" section at the bottom of the Word Document.  Save this document to your Science 10 section in your OneDrive using this file name format:  "LastName Sci10 April 2024 TOPIC".   

[Example:  Dalton Sci 10 April 2024 TOPIC"  ] Wait for more instructions.  

2)  Research your assigned green energy technology for 45 minutes.   Record your new info in point form in your Word document.  Some cutting and pasting is clever.  Use "shift-command-4" to record any useful images on your Word document.  

In your Sources, make a link to any webpages that you use.

Chemistry 11:  I collected the Balancing WS from Tuesday as well as Lab 6A.  We took notes on Categorizing Chemical Reaction, read section 6.5, and completed Unit 6 # 66 and 67 (a-h in each part).   In the second half we learned about Stoichiometry, and we completed the WS titled Limiting  Reactant and Reactant in Excess.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Science 8:  We spent the first half of class listening to a visiting ecologist named Tyne Baker, who studies sounds in the ecosystem.  So relevant, since we have been recently learning about waves and frequency.  In the second half we read pages 144- 148, then completed pg 151 # 1-12 in fine sentences.  Everyone received a progress report, showing results on the work that has been handed in since we began this course.  Parents and students can see the same information by logging into myedbc.  Call the school's office if you need information on logging in.

Science 9:  We marked the Ohms Law WS first, then we did a practice sheet on resistor color codes, which was checked with the answer key at the side counter.  We completed the Measuring Current Lab in the first half - this lab is due on Friday.  In the second half we read pages 238 -242, then we started pg 243 # 1-5 but this is not due Friday.  We finished with a quiz on Ohms Law.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Science 8:  Today I collected page 143 # 1-9.  We looked at waves forms in slinky to learn about transverse vs longitudinal waves.  This animation explains them pretty well.  We completed the Waves and Frequency WS, then wrote notes on Light Behaving like Waves.  

Science 9:  I collected the Resistor Measuring Table at the beginning.  We quickly reviewed the differences between Current, Voltage, and Resistance.  A few examples of Ohms problems were shown on the board, then everyone did the Ohm's Law WS, which is due on Wednesday.  

Science 10:  We went through pg 257 # 1-5, then we listed ways that humans produce the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide.  We brainstormed ways to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions for each sector that produces CO2.  In the last 30 minutes we did the Energy Practice Test, but this is not due Thursday.  Energy Test on Monday.

Chemistry 11:  An answer key was given out for the balancing WS, then a second balancing WS was given out for more practice.  Lab 6A was completed (no conclusion, but a Results Summary Table is needed).  Both the Lab and the balancing worksheets are due Thursday.

Monday, April 8, 2024

Chemistry 11:  We reviewed balancing chemical reactions today, and discussed the Law of Conservation of Matter.  We completed a balancing WS that is due Tueday.  We also did the second day of Ls 6A, and this will be due Thursday without a conclusion.

Science 9:  We completed the resistor activity (8 resistors;  find the measured and stated R, calculate the percent difference, the decide keep/chuck).  Time was given for the Electronics booklet, which is also due Tuesday.  

Science 8:  We completed the Chemistry Unit Test, then time was given for Lab 10-3 and to finish pg 143 #  1-9.  (pg 143 is due Tuesday).

Science 10:  After a short discussion about the Earth's incoming and outgoing energy, we watched this clip about the Earth's Energy Budget.  We read pages 250 - 255, and finished pg 257 # 1-7 (only 1-5 is due Tueday).  Energy test coming Friday. 

Friday, April 5, 2024

Science 10:  After a short review of Fision, Fusion, and Power, we made a placemat to guide our reading of pages 244 - 249.  Individually we read these pages, wrote brief notes, and completed the activity on page 247 ((#1-7 in good point form).  This placemat is due on Monday.  We will have an energy test next week.

Science 8:  The Chemistry practice test was handed in at the beginning and we then spent a little time learning about waves and "repeating motion".  This website has terrific animations of wave forms.  We used the images of transverse waves to measure the wavelength and amplitude as well as to calculate the frequency.  We calculated the frequency of Usian's steps during a 100 m sprint.  We read pages 134 to 138 and we started pg 143 # 1-9, but this is not due on Monday.  The practice test was handed back, marked, and we will have a similar chemistry test on Monday.   Like every day in class you will need a ruler and calculator for your test on Monday. 

Chemistry 11:  We handed in our practice tests again, then completed the Moles Unit Test.  A little time remained, and a few of us got going on Lab 6A, but this is not due on Monday.

Science 9:  We went through pg 227 # 1-9, then we wrote notes on Resistance.  This WS allows us to determine the resistance of a resistor by the colors printed on it.  In the final minutes, we made a table and collected 5 resistors from the side counter.  We determined  the stated resistance from the colored bands, then used a multimeter to measure the actual resistance.  Only pg 227 # 1-9 is due on Monday.  

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Science 9:  We began by measuring the voltage of some cells and batteries, and we calculated the percentage decrease in voltage.  We also stated whether they were cells or batteries.  Time was given to complete the Electricity booklet, but this is not yet due.  We took notes on Measurement in Electricity, then we read pages 217 - 220 in our text.  We completed pg 227 # 1-9 in fine sentences.  Next class we will use multimeters to determine what happens to the total voltage when cells are connected in series.  

Science 8:  We began with lab 10-3 where we learned about how salinity affects density in water.  We spent just a little time learning about the bits that make up neutrons and protons, fundamental particles called quarks.  This video clip explains the Standard Model in brief.   In the second half was spent on Chemistry unit practice test, which is due on Friday.  Our Chemisty unit test will be on Monday.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

 Chemistry 11:  I collected the Moles Practice Test today.  Following a short partner review of moles topics, we took notes on Chemical Reactions.  We read pgs 105 to 108 and completed the WS titled "Writing Chemical Reactions Equations".  Page 74 was used to write 4 acid formulas on our databooklet: Nitric, Sulphuric, Hydrochloric, and Acetic.  We completed Day 1 of Lab 6A and spent time finishing the MC section of the Moles Practice Test.  On Friday we will have a Moles Unit Test.  Neither the WS nor Lab 6A are due next class. 

Science 10:  We started by reviewing Fusion using the PHeT Fission animation.  We wrote notes on Nuclear reactions, then we read pgs 232 and 233 in our text.  This short clip explains nuclear fusion.  We completed a Worksheet on Nuclear Reaction Equations, then time was given to finish the WS titled 18.1.  In the second half we did Lab 5B, where we determined our power output as we ran up flights of stairs.  Both worksheets and lab 5B are due on Friday.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Science 10:   To begin we completed a short review of energy concepts that we learned before the holiday.  We watched this clip about photovoltaic cells that can produce electricity.  A short design challenge followed, where you were asked to find ways to store solar energy (gained during the day) so that customers have electricity at night.  Thanks for saving the world!  This clip shows how solar energy can be stored for night-time energy demand.  We completed the review assignment titled 18.1, but this is not due Wednesday. 

Science 8:  We began with a review of atomic structure, then we prepared our lab report and kit of solutions for Lab 10-3.  We will do the lab procedure on Thursday.  We finished by determining the density of a very heavy box of books.  So heavy, and such a chore to carry, but it turned out to have a low density:  0.52 g/mL.  It would definitely float in water.  

Chemistry 11:  After a short review of mole ideas we learned how to use the dilution equation.  Everyone was assigned a dilution to make, similar to the type of work our lab tech performs to reduce the concentrations of solutions we buy from our reagent supplier.  Next was the Moles Practice Test, and only the written response section is due tomorrow.  We will have a test on the moles unit (Chapter 5 from Hebdon, and Labs 4B and 4D from Heath) on Friday.

Science 9:  We took notes on Current Electricity, then we read pages 212 to 216 in our textbook.  We began the Electricity booklet, but this is not due on Thursday.  We also used multimeters to determine the voltage for a number of different types of batteries and cells.  We recorded our data in a 4 column table, and we will finish this on Thursday.  No work is due next class.   

Monday, April 1, 2024

March 15

Chemistry 11:  We began with a review of making standard solutions , then we learned how to find concentration when two solutions are mixed.  We read pgs 99-102, then we completed Unit 5 #  78 - 82, 87 and 88 to practice our skills.  Extra time was spent finishing the Empirical Formula WS.   Please have all this finished for the first day back.  At the end of the first week back you can expect a Moles unit test.  

Science 9:  We completed the Cell Division and Reproduction Unit Test today.  The remaining time was spent finishing the Karyotype Lab.  In the final 25 minutes we made simple circuits to turn on a miniature light bulb.  We learned about the 4 parts of an electrical circuit:  Source, Path, Load, and Control. 

Science 10:  To begin we marked section 18.3 # 1-5 (hand-out on the Law of Conservation of Energy), then we handed this in .  Next was a review of nulcear fusion, where we played with the Phet animation for a short while and watched this clip about nuclear power.  We read pages 230 - 234, then we sketched and labelled a nuclear power plant.   In the last few minutes we looked at these slides and talked about nuclear power plants.  

Science 8:  We made posters showing atomic structure.  On the poster we showed the number and location of protons, electrons, and neutrons in an atom.  Everyone was assigned unique atom.  On the poster there needs to be a key,  a standard symbol, and a copy of Table 1 on page 156 in the old Science Probe 10.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

 Science 8:  We viewed samples of elements, and for each we wrote the name, symbol, and physical properties in a tidy table.  We also categorized each as a metal or non-metal.  This clip showed how aluminum is made, like what happens in Kitimat BC.   In the second half we wrote notes on our Temperatue vs Time graph for heating water.  This type of graph is called a heating curve.  A second heating curve was constructed with data for a mystery substance.  This allowed us to determine if the substance was butter, margarine, gold, or yellow plastic.   In the final half hour we wrote notes on atomic structure.  We did pg 156 # 2 in the old Science Probe 10.  

Science 9:  I collected the practice test today, marked it, and handed it back before you left. Use your mistakes to improve your skills and knowledge before tomorrow, the  day of our test.  We spent time on electrostatics in the first half, performing a lab to look at attraction and repulsion.  We read pgs 202 to 207, then started pg 209 # 1-5 in sentences, but this is not due Friday.  In the final hour we made a human karyotype from a photograph of 46 chromosomes, cut and paste style.  No work needs to be completed for this for tomorrow.  Instead, spend some time reviewing everything we have done that is not Chemistry content.  You will be allowed to have your meiosis diagram on your desk tomorrow during your test (It can only have a labelled diagram of meiosis on it, no extras please).  

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

 Science 10:  Today we learned about the Law of Conservation of Energy after a short review of energy topics.  We read a short section from a different textbook from a hand out, and completed Questions 1-5 to demonstrate our understanding.  In the final minutes we learned a little basic information about nuclear energy.   This animation shows nuclear fission reactions quite clearly.   We will watch this video on Friday.  

Chemistry 11: In the first half we reviewed skills with solutions (calcuations involving moles, volume, and concentration.  Due Friday is Unit 5 # 61-66.  We learned how to make a standard solution, then everyone made a standard solution with their partner.  A lab report was written with the following sections:  Title, Purpose, Materials, and Procedure.  We started a worksheet on empirical formula, but this is not due Friday.  We finished with a quiz on moles skills. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

 Science 9:  I asked for any more page 56 # 1-6 pages because I collected in on Monday.  Time was given to complete the Cell Division and Reproduction Practice test, which is due next class.   I began our electricity unit today, discussing important electrical devices in our lives and acknowledging the fact that about 1 in 7 people on the globe are not connected to the electrical grid.  After listing 10 forms forms of energy, we read pages 194 abd 195 and wrote brief notes on Hydroelectrity, Fossil fuel powered electricity, and nuclear powered electricity.  We watched this clip about wind powered electricity.  We will have a test on cell division and reproduction on Friday.

Chemistry 11:  We took notes on Molar Concentration today, then we read pgs  and completed unit 5 # 59.  Time was given to complete Lab 4D, which is due Wednesday.  Click here to see the draft notes we generated for the conclusion.  

Science 10:  We completed a calorimetry lab to find the chemical energy stored in a walnut.  All the Analysis Questions on the back of the lab hand-out are due on Wednesday.  

Science 8:  We began with a Mini-review of Density, then we finished Lab 7-4 from our textbook (the graph and Questions 1-4 in sentences).  In the final minutes we used our period tables and began a short placemat to familiarize ourselves with the periodic table. 

Monday, March 11, 2024

 Science 9:  Today I collected pg 57 # 1-6 after going through the answer key.  This clip shows meiosis very well.  We read pages 64 - 67 and filled in a placemat comparing sexual and asexual reproduction.  Next day we will have a quiz on male and female reproductive anatomy.

Chemistry 11:  We learned how to find the empirical formula from the percent composition, then we completed Unit 5 # 46 (a,c,e,f,h,k,j).  Lab 4D was the next item, and all of the Questions and Calculations and Follow-up Questions are due Tuesday.  No Conclusion yet.  Lab 4D will be due Wednesday.  

Science 8:  After a short review of density, we did Lab 7-4 and started the graph of Temperature vs Time (called a heating curve).  Time will be given to complete this graph on Tuesday.  

Science 10:  I collected the WS on velocity and kinetic energy at the start.  This clip shows how waste heat is minimized in when items in machinery has to rotate.  We took notes on radioactive decay, then we read pgs 228 and 229.  This animation shows alpha decay, and this one shows beta decay. Due Tuesday is the WS titled Nuclear Decay Reactions.

Friday, March 8, 2024

 Chemistry 11:  Today we did the procedure for Lab 4D.  Nothing is due for Monday, but ensure that Thursdsay's assignment (Unit 5 # 44/45 (any 10 problems) and 42 a-d ) is complete.

Science 10:  We took notes on speed and kinetic energy, then we complete this WS to practice our skills.  The WS is due Monday.   In the last 25 minutes we went through a short intro on Nuclear energy, the energy stored in the nucleus of an atom.  We looked at this animation of radioactivity called alpha decay.  We also reviewed atomic structure, with a particular focus on the contents of the nucleus (protons and neutrons). 

Science 9:  We added a few notes to our Meiosis diagrams, then we reviewed human male and female reproductive anatomy.   We watched this clip on human pregnancy, then we read pgs 52-56 and completed pg 57 # 1-6 in sentences.

Science 8:  We wrote a results and conclusion section for the Density Lab, then the lab was handed in.  We read pages 260 - 263 and completed Activity 7-6 (Dense, Denser, Densest) in sentence format.  This clip is about gold, which is very dense.   In the final minutes, we determined the density of irregular mineral samples (feldspar and galena) using displacement to find the volume.  Special care was taken to record data in a clear way and show clear calculations to find the density.   More time will be given for the irregular objects on Monday.  

Thursday, March 7, 2024

 Science 10:  We went over the WS titled gravitational potential energy, then we watched this clip of Felix Baumgartner parachuting from 128 km up.  He converted his gravitational potential energy to kinetic energy.   We did Lab 18E, which is due Friday.  

Chemistry 11:   Due Friday is Unit 5 # 44/45 (any 10 problems) and 42 a-d.  We will do Lab 4D on Friday.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

 Science 9:  We reviewed flower anatomy and sexual reproduction to begin, then we watched from 5:00 to 10:00 on this video about flowering plant reproduction.  We read pgs 44-52, then we sketched the stages of Meiosis and labelled them.  We added haploid and diploid labels, as well as gametes (sperm or egg).  This is due Friday.  We finished with a quiz on flower anatomy.  

Science 8:  I collected pag 249 # 1-5 at the beginning.  We learned how to calculate density, then we did the density lab (determine the density of a metal, non-metal solid, water, and blue or green liquid).  We kept our Data (measurments) separate from our Calculations.  At the end of your lab report, show a tidy results table that summarizes the 4 density values you determined.   

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Science 10:  First we went through the answer to the worksheet on Thermal Energy, then we watched this clip to learn about how electricity is made from coal.  We watched this clip about hydroelectricity.   Due Thursday is the WS titled Gravitational Potential Energy. 

Science 8:  We completed the Chapter 1-3 Test today, then time was given to finish pg 249 # 1-5 in sentences.  We reviewed the Kinetic Molecular Theory and looked at Changes of State animation and this Gas Law animation.  This is due on Wednesday.

Science 9:  We reviewed mitosis and asexual reproduction, then we watched this clip on fertilization in sea urchins.  We read pgs 44-48, then we labelled a flower anatomy WS.  After watching this video on sexual reproduction in flowering plants we did a short review on Mitosis.  All this is due Wednesday, and we will have a quiz on flower anatomy. 

Chemistry 11:  We reviewed moles concepts, then completed any 15 practice problems from Unit 5 # 22-24.  At the end we did a quiz (U5 #9c, 11c, 12c, and 15c).

Monday, March 4, 2024

 Science 10:  We learned now to calculate the amount of Thermal Energy transferred from one object to another using Eh = mcT. "Thermal energy equals mass times the specific heat capacity times the change in Temperature" .   We completed the Thermal Energy WS, click here to see the key.  Time was given to finish the graph of Temperature vs Time for heating water in two different cups.  The final 15 minutes were spent learning about Scientific Notation, and we completed this WS.  

Science 8:  We handed in our Chapter 1-3 practice Tests, then we learned about the Kinetic Molecular Theory.  After a short demo of solids, liquids, and gases, we read pgs 246 - 249 and we completed pg 249 # 1-5 in sentences.  Next class we will have a test on Chapters 1-3.  

Science 9:  We continued with our placemat on Asexual Reproduction, and we read pages 30 to 34 to learn about Spore Formation and Vegetative Propogation.  Take brief notes on only 3 types of Vegetative propagation.  Time as given to sketch a graph of population vs time for 100 E coli cells that divide every 10 minute.  Watch this clip to see bacteria undergoing binary fission.  We took notes on Sexual Reproduction (two parents, varied offspring, gametes required) in the last minutes of our class.

Chemistry 11:  We added the heart diagram to our databooklets, then we did Unit 5 # 15.  Time provided to complete the Conclusion for Lab 4B after we made a rough outline on the board.  Both # 15 and Lab 4B are due on Tuesday.

Friday, March 1, 2024

Chemistry 11;  We started off with a practice quiz to review moles concepts, then we did all the Questions and Calculations and the Follow-up Questions for Lab 4B.  20 minute of time will be given to you to finish the conclusion on Monday, and it will be due Tuesday.   Use a marking guide to see the instructions for writing Conclusions/Discussions.  

Science 9:  We added a little to our notes on the Cell cycle, then we prepared a placemat to learn about Asexual Reproduction (general info, Binary Fission, Budding).  We read pgs 22-29, then we wrote brief notes and sketches on or placemats.  We finished with a population activity:  If 100 cells of harmful E.coli bacteria are eaten by someone at 6:00, how many cells will be in their intestines at 10:00 pm of the cells divide every 10 minutes?  We used a two column table (Time & Population) to show our reasoning.

Science 8:  We reviewed first going through these lists, and recalling with our partner a word that would complete the lists.  We then identified the list.  The Chapter 1-3 practice test was completed next, and it si due on Monday.  We finished off by practicing measuring volume and mass. 

Science 10:  We started with the Chemistry Unit Test, then we made a graph of Temperature vs Time for our Heat Lab, part B (radiation). Click here to see the data.


Thursday, February 29, 2024

 Science 10:  Everyone handed in their Chemistry Practice Test for Mr. Gale to mark it, then we took notes on EnergyThis clip showed the different energy forms involved in Wind generated hydro.  Wind hydro is an example of an energy resource.  After reading pg 200 to 205 we completed the Energy Intro WS, which is due Friday.  A little time was spent finishing Lab 23 (Neutralization), then we did some of the Heat Lab.   We finished the class by going through the most challenging problems on our Chemistry Practice Test.  On Friday we will have a Chemistry Unit Test. 

Chemistry 11:  We began by learning about the moles of gases at STP.  We took some notes and tried some examples, then we read pgs 81 & 82.  Due Friday is U5 # 11,12,16,17, and 10.  In the second half we completed the procedure for Lab 4D, but this is not due on Friday.  

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Science 8:  We reviewed the path that blood take through the heart, then we watched this video about the circulatory system.  We also spoke about how vaccines work.  After a reminder about measuring in science (to the nearest one tenth of the smallest division), we completed this WS on measurement.  Ms. Williams came to explain grade 9 course selection and distribute green worksheets, and these need to be returned to me on Friday with signatures from your adult.  We completed a short measuring activity where we used triple beam balances to measure mass very precisely.  

Science 9 : We marked pg 11 # 1-7 from an answer key, then we handed in both the key and the completed pg 11.  Ms. Williams came and showed us how to do course selection online using your myEd portal.  In the second half we learned about mitosis and cell division in general.  This clip shows mitosis in time lapse video.  We took notes on the Cell Cycle, then we did a Mitosis cut and paste task - Add a title and label each image with its proper stage name. 

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

 Science 9:   We reviewed cell anatomy then watched this clip.   WE took notes on DNA, then read pgs 8-11, then completed pg 13 # 1-7.  This is due on Wednesday.  

Science 8:  We reviewed the immune system, then handed in pg 109 #1-13.. We made a placemat, then read pages 110-114 to learn about disorders of the immune system and we wrote brief notes on our placemats (key terms plus the key idea from each paragraph).   We finished off with an intro to measurement.  On Monday we will have a test on all the content and skills we have learned so far.

Chemistry 11 & Science 10:  See Monday's post for the assigned work.  Today was Career Day.

Monday, February 26, 2024

 Chemistry 11:  WE did our Intro Unit Test today, and a little time was given to finish Unit 5 # 6,7,8,9 (any 20 practice problems), which is due on Thursday.  

Science 9:  We wrote the Chemistry Test today.  No work is due for Tuesday.

Science 10:  We began with a short lab on Neutralization reactions, then we did the Chemistry Practice Test, which is due Wednesday.  Chemistry test on Friday.  Tickets were handed out for tomorrow's career day. 

Science 8:  We began with a short review of the Immune System:  first line of defense, innate immune response, and acquired immune response.    Due Tuesday is section D on the Flippit (Acquired Immune Response), and pg 109 # 1-13 in sentences.  We also watched the first 4 minutes of this clip on the immune system

Friday, February 23, 2024

Science 10:  We marked the WS with Lab 10D, then Lab 10D was handed in for grading.  We reviewed endothermic and exothermic reaction examples (1, Exothermic; 2 endothermic, 3 endothermic, 4 exothermic, 5 Endothermic, 6 endothermic, 7 Exothermic), then added to our notes on Endothermic and Exothermic reactions. After reading pgs 140- 146, we did pg 147 # 1-7 in sentences.  Page 147 is due Monday.

Science 8:  We reviewed the heart anatomy first.  Specifically, we traced the route that an oxygen molecule would take to get from your mouth to a cell in your big toe.  We also traced the route out for a waste molecule of CO2 from your big toe out through your mouth as you exhale.  In the second half we did a cut and paste Venn diagram to review the differences between viruses and cells.

Chemistry 11:  The practice test was returned to you, then we took notes on The Mole.  We read section 5.1 pg 77 - 82, enough to allow us to do # 6,7,8,9 (20 problems total, minimum).  On Monday we will have an Intro Unit Test, on all that we have learned from Unit I to Unit IV.   

Science 9:  Everyone handed in their practice test first thing, then we used microscopes to view budding hydra and dividing paramecium.  In the last 15 minutes we went through the most challenging questions on our practice test.  Click here to see the answer key. On Monday we will have a Chemistry Test.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Science 9:  We began with a review of names and formulas of ionic compounds.  We spent time completing pg 151 # 1-8, then we moved onto the Chemistry Practice Test.   Both of these items are due on Friday.  We finished with a review of microscopy, and learned the meanings of wet mount, dry mount, prepared slide, whole mount, cross section, and longitudinal cross section.  We did not get to start our short lab on asexual reproduction.  We will have a Chemistry test on Monday.  Ms. Grimm was here to help us set our passwords and usernames on myEdBC.

Science 8:  We spent time on panel D of the Immune System Flippit, the Acquired Immune System.  We read pages 104 and 105 and wrote brief notes on the Acquired Immune System.  Time was given to finish the graph of Vital Capacity vs Height.  In the second half we learned about the Circulatory System:  We took notes and did Lab 9B (Procedure only).  We finished by labelling a diagram of the human heart.  

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Chemistry 11:  We began with a review of naming and writing formulas for both ionic and covalent compounds - a 10 minute WS with a key posted at the side of the classroom.  We took notes on the Particles that make up Matter, then we found the 3 column table from February 1st and completed the last column.  All the samples needed 4 desciptions:  Homogeneous or Heterogeneous;  Pure or Mixture; Element/Compound/Solution/Suspension/Mechanical Mixture;  Particles present (atoms/molecules/ions). In the second half we completed the Intro Unit Practice Test, then we spent time completing the conclusion for Lab 2D.   

Science 10:  We began by going through the WS titled Writing Reaction Equations.  We did pg 174 # 5-10, then we prepared Lab 10D.  We did all the procedure and completed the attached analysis WS.  only Lab 10D is due Friday.  In the second half we wrote notes on Exothermic and Endothermic reactions.    A Chemistry Test is coming soon. 

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

 Science 10:  The Acids and Bases lab was returned, and we reviewed reaction categories.   We read pgs 163 - 167 and completed the WS titled "Writing Reaction Equations".   This WS is due next class, Wednesday.

Science 8:  After a short review of the Digestive System, we watched this clip from the Amoeba Sisters.  Everyone made a flippit, then we read pgs 100 - 103 to learn about and record brief notes inside our flippit:  4 Ways to Transmit Pathogens, First Line of Defense, and the 2nd LOD (Innate Immune Response). 

Chemistry 11:  We read pg 73 to review how to name and write formulas for binary covalent compounds, and we completed Unit 4 # 8 & 9 as well as 86-93.  We learned how to write a Conclusion by following the instructions on section D of the Lab marking guide.  

Science 9:  We practiced naming and writing formulas for ionic compounds, then we took notes on Covalent Compounds.  We read pages 144 - 148 and began pg 151 # 1-8 in sentences, but this is not due next class.  We are close to our first unit test:  Chemistry.

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Science 8:  We began by going over the Respiratory system anatomy, then we handed in pg 49 # 1-12 and the human body systems table.   We labelled the digestive systems WS and calculated the precentage of the length of the system for each of esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine.  While this occurred the last bit of data was collected (vital capacity and height) to test Mr. Gale's hypothesis:   "Taller people have a greater vital capacity".  Once the data was completed, we drew a graph of Vital Capacity vs Height, which is not due Tuesday.  

Science 9:  We began with a review of ionic names and formulas, then we did Lab 7.4 (Flame Tests).  In the second half we reviewed cell anatomy because our next unit is Cell Reproduction, and we completed the Cell Anatomy WS.  The final few minutes were spent on the ionic names and formulas quiz.  Next week we will have a chemistry test on Friday.


Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Science 10:  We started off with the completion of last day's quiz on balancing and categorizing.  We did Practice Problem #1 on page 174.  This clip shows the chemistry in the manufacture of concrete, and spoke about the difference between millwrights, engineers, sheet metal fabricators and construction workers.  We then did a lab to explore acids and bases, and finished by creating a Results section - this lab was handed in.  On Tuesday I will collect the graphic organizer.

Chemistry 11:   After a short discussion about separating mixtures, we set up Lab 2D and completed the procedure and all the Calculations and Follow-up Questions.  Due Tuesday are all the Questions and Follow-up questions for Lab 2D.    In the final 12 minutes we self scored Lab 3A using the Lab Marking Guide, to review how I will be assessing your labs.  In general, you will want to create clearly written work that provides an easy experience for the reader.

Tuesday, February 13

Science 10:  We did this mini review of balancing, then we read pages 168 - 172 to learn about acids, bases, pH, indicators, and neutralization reactions.  Students started a graphic organizer to record their findings, and this is not due until Friday.  We finished with a quiz on balancing chemical reactions.

Science 8:  We reviewed the 3 characteristics of systems, then spent time on our Human Body Systems table.  A WS showing the anatomy of the respiratory system was given to everyone, and we began measuring everyone's vital capacity and height.  Mr. Gale's hypothesis is that tall people have more vital capacity

Chemistry 11:  We started with short review of naming and writing formulas for hydrates, followed by aa WS showing atoms and molecules in pure substances and mixtures.  Time was given for Lab 3A, which is due on Wednesday.  The final minutes were spent writing a short quiz on Measurement and significant figures.   

Science 9:  We learned about polyatomic ions (like hydroxide, carbonate and sulfate) and how to write names and formulas of compounds with polyatomic ions.  We read pgs 164 and 165, then we did Practice Problems # 1,2 on page 165. These are due on Thursday.

Monday, February 12, 2024

 Science 9:  Today we learned how to write the names and formulas of Ionic Compounds (monovalent and multivalent metal ions).  We did the WS titled Names and Formulas of Ionic Compounds, then we read pages 140 - 143 as we as pgs 162 and 163.  We did Practice Problems # 1,2 on page 163.

Chemistry 11:  We first learned about Hydrates and completed # 6 and 7 from Unit 4.  We then prepared Lab 3A from the Heath Lab Manual and completed all the procedure.  Questions and Calculations # 1 and 4 are due Tuesday.  The remainder of the lab is due Wednesday.

Science 8:  We took notes on Movement of Materials through the Cell Membrane.  Time was given to finish pg 49 # 1-12 (half in sentences and half in point form), and this is due Tuesday.  We finished off by looking at 11 human body systems, and creating a table that shows the system name, system function, and 3 sample organs.  

Science 10:  We began with a quick review of balancing and categorizing chemical reactions.  We then tried the conservation of matter inquiry with a more careful procedure:  we used a closed system and measured the total mass before and after the reaction.  We finished off with this WS that used the conservation of mass ideas to solve some problems.  

Friday, February 9, 2024

Science 8:  We reviewed 10 forms of energy and then we marked Review 18.1 from the old Science Probe 9.  A little time was given to practice measuring mass and volume.  We read pgs 40 - 43 in our textbook, and we started pg 49 # 1-12 (half in sentences, half in point form).  This is not due on Monday.

Science 10.  We practiced 10 names/formulas which involved poly atomic ions like sulphate and nitrate.  We performed a double replacement reaction where we made a new solid, and did a small inquiry to determine if the mass goes up when the new solid is made.  

Chemistry 11:  Density Labs were handed in today.  We spend a little time reviewing ionic names and formulas, then we read pg 65 - 71 in Hebdon.  Due Monday is # 1-3 and any 10 from each of #4 and #5.  We ran out of time for our quiz on Measurement and Significant Figures.  

Science 9:  We reviewed density today and I collected the Density Lab.  We wrote notes on Ionic Compounds, the we looked at 6 different ionic compounds and recorded their names, formulas, ion formulas, and properties.

Thursday, February 8, 2024

 Science 10:  We began with a review of chemical reaction equations, going over products and reactants.  Time was given to finish the Balancing Chemical Reaction Equations WS, and an additional balancing WS was provided.   We did Lab 8.1 next, and worked on the attached WS.  In the last 40 minutes we wrote notes on Categories of Chemical Reactions, and we categorized all the reactions on the Balancing Chemical Reaction Equations WS.  Both the Lab and the starting WS are due Friday.  We will have a quiz on balancing reactions on Friday.  The final minutes were spent watching this clip about electroplating, and discussing different trades (electrician, millwright, metal fabricator)

Chemistry 11:  We began with a review of significant figures and measurement, and we completed a short practice quiz.  The Density Lab was completed next, followed by a trip to the RPAC to see the scholarship presentation for Grade 12s.  We finished off with a review of naming ionic compounds.  On Friday the Density Lab is due, and we will have a quiz on measurement and Significant Figures.

Grade 12 Scholarship Docs:  If you missed today's meeting, see Mr. Williams for your Scholarship Newsletter.  Also, see the RSS website, Parents and Students tab, then Grad Home Page tab, and finally Scholarship Application Process.  Here you will find all the instructions and documents you need.  The Application deadline is 8:45 am on Tuesday, March 12, 2024.

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

 Science 9:  We began with a short review of atomic theory, followed by a lesson on Bohr Diagrams which show electron arrangements around atoms.  We drew Bohr Diagrams for the first 20 atoms on the periodic table, and we noted any patterns on the table.  The Density lab followed, where we measured a variety of parameters to determine the density of 2 solids and 2 liquids.  We made a lab report, with the usual sections found in a Scientific Report:  Purpose, Materials, Procedure, Data, Calculations, and Results. We finished by going over the "rules" of our classroom.  I have not needed to clarify the rules, because students at RSS generally know what to do,  but I thought I should  speak about them anyway.  Please:  arrive on time, bring your tools, complete all the coursework, and treat your classmates well.

Science 8:  We reviewed our Onion Staining Lab, and discussed aspects of experimental design.  The Independent variable is what the scientist changes (the variety of stain).  The dependent variable depends on the independent variable (quality of the image in the microscope field).  All other factors are held contant (same slide, same cover slip, same microscope, same onion, etc)   We looked at this animation to learn about diffusion,  then we did a short inquiry to determine which conditions, hot or cold, will make diffusion occur more rapidly.  In the second half we wrote notes on Energy, and we did the Energy WS which is due Friday.  Learning update reports were given out today.


Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Science 8:  We began with a review of Cell Theory, Bacteria Shapes, and the Characteristics of Living Things.  We did the Onion Cell Microscopy Lab, where made observations to answer the question:  "Which stain produces the best images of onion cells". There is no assignment due for Thursday, but I want to check your calculator and ruler if I have not seen it yet.

Science 10:  We looked at the 8 decomposition reactions you wrote from Monday, to ensure that the products were written correctly.  We then did these 10 name/formula practice questions - this time we encountered multivalent elements that need roman numerals.   We took notes on Chemical Reactions, then we read pgs 123 to 126 in our textbook, and started this WS on Balancing Reaction Equations.

Science 9:  We looked at the 4 families on the periodic table, and spent some time looking at the formatting of the table (periods and families). We read pgs 110 - 113, then completed pg 115 # 1-10 (half in sentences, half in good point form). 

Chemistry 11:  We started with measuring practice by doing Unit 2 # 48, 49, and 50.  We wrote notes on Significant Figures, then we did Unit 2 # 56 and 57.   Only 56 is due on Thursday. 

Monday, February 5, 2024

 Science 8:  Today we handed in pg 39 # 1-9 (in fine sentences), then we did a review of cell anatomy by completing a small cell anatomy WS.  We then learned about the 5 characteristics of living things.  A little time was spent discussing the viruses and how they attack host cells and make more copies.  We watched this terrific clip about the flu virus.  We read pgs 31-34 and added notes about the 3 parts of cell theory, shapes of bacteria cells, and the lytic cycle of viruses. 

Science 10:  We began by going over the Measurement WS from Friday.   Then we learned about writing names and formulas of ionic compounds, and did these 10 practice problems.  Chemical reaction discussed, including the reaction equation format, and we spoke about the decomposition of water into hydrogen gas.  This video shows how aluminum oxide is decomposed into aluminum and oxygen.   We did a DIY WS where we practiced writing chemical reaction equations for 8 different decomposition reactions.  

Science 9:  We went through answers to the hand-out for Activity 8.1, our lab from Friday.  We read pgs 90 - 94 about chemical reactions completed pg 95 # 1-6 (in quality point form).  A little time was spent with the Japanese students, learning about various crafts and skills important in Japanese culture.  Pg 95 is not due on Tuesday. 

Chemistry 11:  Today I collected Unit 3 # 33-44.  We practiced writing values using scientific notation, then we took notes on Measurement.  After reading section 2.2, we did Unit 2 # 11-14, which are due Tuesday.  

Friday, February 2, 2024

Science 10:  We began by going over pg 152 # 2-5 and 7-10.  On Monday the Measurement WS and the Safety Quiz are due.  I will check supplies and signed outlines on Monday.

Science 9:  Today we did Activity 8.1, and all the Questions from the hand-out are due on Monday.  If you were absent, do the backside questions only

Science 8:  We reviewed cell and microscope anatomy to start, then added a few items to our Cell Anatomy Notes.  We read pgs 31 and 32, then did pg 39 # 1-9 (in fine sentences) which is due on Monday.

Chemistry 11:  We began with some measurement review by completing this Measurement WS, then we took notes on Categories of Matter.  We read section 3.3 and completed unit 33 - 44, which is due on Monday.  

Thursday, February 1, 2024

 Science 10:  We reviewed safety rules and discussed the classroom safety equipment. We then constructed a map of the classroom and surrounding hallways and included the following: 6 pieces of safety equipment, nearest extinguisher outside room 313, nearest fire pull, fire escape route.  We had a short discussion about best and worst practices during lab work, and the instructor showed demonstrated key mistakes.  After writing brief notes on the Categories of Matter, we observed samples of elements and compounds (pure substances), and wrote their formulas, names,  and properties.  In the second half we read pgs 120 to 122 in your text, then we did # 2-5 adn 7-10 from the hand-out titled "6.1".    For this task we wrote in quality point form, meaning that there are no single words or numbers, but a short non-sentences response meant to be concise.  6.1 is due next class.  We finished with a measurement intro.  I checked for course outlines today.  

Chemistry 11:  The key for the KMT worksheet was shared in the beginning to check last day's WS answers.  We read through the list of safety rules (pg vi and vii in your Lab Textbook) and found those rules that need correcting often at Grade 11 Chemistry level.  We took notes on "Chemistry", then looked at some samples of matter, noting some qualitative and quantitative properties.   In the second half we  read section 3.1 and 3.2, then we did Unit 3 # 1-3, 5, 13-16.  We finished with this WS to practice measuring showing the correct number of digits.   

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

 Science 9:  We reviewed the safety equipment for our classroom then constructed a map of the classroom and surrounding hallways and included the following: 6 pieces of safety equipment, nearest extinguisher outside room 313, nearest fire pull, fire escape route.  We read pages 87 - 89, and drew a diagram of the categories of matter (define each term,  give 2 examples for each category from the bottom row).  In the second half we went to an interview with the rap duo "Snotty Nosed Rez Kids".  Next class I will check that you have all your supplies.

Science 8:   We reviewed the safety equipment for our classroom then constructed a map of the classroom and surrounding hallways and included the following: 6 pieces of safety equipment, nearest extinguisher outside room 313, nearest fire pull, fire escape route.  We had a short discussion about best and worst practices during lab work, and the instructor showed demonstrated key mistakes.  In the second half we labelled the microscope diagram and completed the Microscope Intro Lab, where we made wet mounts of lower case letter "e" and a dry mount of two hairs.  Next class I will check that you have all your supplies.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Chemistry 11:  We read through the course outline and retrieved our two textbooks from the library.  We discussed the Kinetic Molecular Theory, and completed the KMT WS, which is due Thursday, the same day your course outline needs to be signed by.  We looked at this amination showning the KMT.  We finished off by going through safety equipment in our classroom.  

Science 9:  We read through the course outline and retrieved our textbook from the library.  Have your outline signed by next class, Wednesday.  Ensure that your "kit" is complete by Friday (binder, pencils, pens, fresh paper, graph paper, calculator, ruler, elastic if you have long hair).

Science 8:  We read through the course outline and retrieved our textbook from the library.  Have your outline signed by next class, Tuesday.  Ensure that your "kit" is complete by Friday (binder, pencils, pens, fresh paper, graph paper, calculator, ruler, elastic if you have long hair).  We created a table to categorize safety rules, and on the back we drew a map of the classroom and surrounding hallways.  We labelled the classroom safety equipment on the map, which is not due Wednesday.  

Science 10: We read through the course outline and retrieved our textbook from the library.  Have your outline signed by next class, Tuesday.  Ensure that your "kit" is complete by Friday (binder, pencils, pens, fresh paper, graph paper, calculator, ruler, elastic if you have long hair).  We created a table to categorize safety rules, and on the bottom we drew and labelled the WHMIS symbols.   

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Well done everyone!  Thanks for all your hard work this semester, I will try to have your grades tidied up by Friday at the end of the day.  You can log into myed to see your results.

I enjoyed working all three of my classes this past semester and want you to know that you have played a significant role for me this fall and early winter.  You may know that my family and I have had some sad circumstances to deal with recently, and it has been comforting for me come to work, play my usual role, and keep going.  I have you to thank for this - your hard work, enthusiasm, and connection has been helpful for me.  All the best to you in your next semester and especially to the Grade 12s who will be graduating in a short while.


Mr. Gale

Chemistry 11:  Your final is on Thursday morning;  please drop off your books to the library before you come to class.   Click here to see the key to the Moles YER.  Click here to see the key to the Reactions YER.  Click here to see the key to the Solutions YER.

Friday, January 19, 2024

Chemistry 11:  We did our Organic Test today, yeah!  Final Exam prep includes finishing Lab 7B, and completing year end review assignments (moles, reactions, solutions, atomic theory).  

Chemistry 12:  After going through the Electrolysis Mini Review WS, we watched this clip about electroplating.  After,  we learned how to balance by oxidation number method.  On any balancing problem you encounter you may choose to balance by half cell method, or by oxidation number method.  We did # 25 b, c,  and one more.  Time was provided to work on Final Exam Prep (Electrochemistry Practice Test,  Practice Final #1, Practice Final #2).   

Science 8:  The first 10 minute was spent reviewing the Immune system.  We did a mini quiz on rocks and minerals, then we added a few notes about weathering and erosion to our rock cycle diagram.  We did # 1-5 on review 14.2 on the bottom of the Rock Cycle diagram, this is due Monday.  We finished by going through the answers to the Geology Practice Test.  On Monday we will do a Geology Test.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

 Chemistry 12:  After a short review of electrochemical cells we looked at our Hoffman Apparatus.  This electrolytic cell uses direct current to split water into Hydrogen gas and oxygen gas.  We took notes on Electrolysis, then we read 5.13.   We worked on the Electrolysis Mini Review, then the Electrochemistry Practice Test, then the Practice Final #1 (and some students are working on #2).  Due next class is all but the Practice Final.  

Science 8:  We reviewed atomic structure first, by looking at our posters of atomic structure.  We made a table of minerals at we wrote descriptions of feldspar, mica, sulfur, sphalerite, quartz, and galena.  We reviewed the rock families and read about volcanism and forming igneous rocks.  Everyone made their own rock cycle diagram. In the second half we write the Geology Practice Test.  On Monday we will write the Geology Unit Test.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

 Chemistry 11:  Today we did Lab 7B and the Organic Practice Test.   On Friday we will have an organic chemistry test.  Lab 7B is not due Friday.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

 Chemistry 11:  We learned how esters are formed from reacting an alcohol with a carboxylic acid.  We made a DIY worksheet where we practiced writing the products of 5 different reactions.  A little time was given to prepare Lab 7B and to work on the Moles year-end review.

Science 8:  We took notes on Plate Tectonics, and reviewed this clip about subduction zones.  In the second half we did Lab 4.3 where we observed magnetic fields and drew the results.

Chemistry 12:  After a short review WS on titrations and electrochemical cells we took notes on Corrosion.  Due next class is Unit 5 # 60 - 63.

Monday, January 15, 2024

 Chemistry 11:  We began with a review of Polar and Non-polar solvents and solutes from Lab 16A, which is due Tuesday (all questions, no follow-up questions, fine conclusion).  We took notes on oxygen functional groups, then we did the WS on Functional Groups (Parts B, C, and D).  The final minutes were spent on Lab 16A.  Test on Friday on Organic Chemistry.

Science 8:  We reviewed cell anatomy and immune system cells to start off.  We then went over magnetic striping that occurs around mid ocean ridges (divergent plate boundaries).  We finished "Volcano!", then worked on the local map showing mountains/lakes/rivers/dams/towns.   

Chemistry 12:  I collected Lab 21C.  We took notes on Finding the Preferred reaction, and we completed Unit 5 # 47, which is due next class.  We watch this clip that shows the production of alkaline batteries, and we discussed the difference between Millwrights and various types of engineers (mechanical, civil, chemical, and electrical).  

Friday, January 12, 2024

Chemistry 12:  After a short review WS on Electrochemical Cells, we learned how to make our own mini table of reductions for when we encounter species that are not on our data table.  We did Unit 5 # 38 and 40 together.  We completed a second review sheet, then spent time working on Lab 21C, which is due Monday.  At the end everyone received their first practice final, which is useful to try once some review has been accomplished.

Chemistry 11:  We went over the answers to WS #9, Alcohols.  We then completed Lab 16A (all questions, no follow-up questions, and a conclusion).  The Questions should be done by Monday, and the conclusion will be due Tuesday.

Science 8:  We worked on our Volcano Data Bases today, which needs to be completed by Monday.  Click here to see the world map of plate boundaries.

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Science 8This clip was a terrific way to review Plate Tectonics and the 2 of the three boundary types.  After this short review we tackled Lab 17A, where we measured maps of the Hawaiian islands to figure out how fast the Pacific plate is sliding over the Hawaiian hot spot.  Really nice work!  When this was complete, we watched about 20 minutes of Volcano! (National Geographic).  In the final hour we went to the Library and learned how to create a spreadsheet using Microsoft Excel.  Click here to see the instructions for the Volcano Data Set.  Click here to see the assignment log.

Chemistry 12:  Today we did Lab 21C, a redox titration.  This will be our last lab for this course.  All the questions (no conclusioin) are due on Friday.  Thanks for spending some time on final exam prep.  Click here to see the assignment log.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Chemistry 11:  We began with a lesson on alcohols, which are single bonded oxygens attached to the parent carbon chain.  We did WS #9, then we prepared Lab 16A.  In the second half we took notes on Intermolecular Bonding (this influences melting points, boiling points, and stickiness -viscosity).  We read section 9.3 and completed unit 9 # 9-14.  Both WS #9 and Unit 9 # 9-14 are due on Friday. 

Tuesday, Jan 10

Chemistry 11:  We went over answers to WS #6, then we learned about benzene and other aromatic rings.  Due Wednesday is Unit 10 # 29-31.  

Science 8:  The first portion of class was spent calculating the speed of fast, medium, and slow things.  We watched some clips about divergent and convergent boundaries, including this one by Mr. Anderson.  A little time was given to finish pg 508 # 1-9, 12, 13 (from last day's hand-out of section 17.4) and this is due on Thursday.  

Chemistry 12:  We wrote some notes together on Electrochemical Cells.  We read sections 5.8 and 5.9.  Due Thursday is Unit 5 # 34-37.  

Monday, January 8, 2024

 Chemistry 12:  We started with a short discussion about the final two weeks of the course and our final exam on January 24th.  New today was balancing half cells and balancing full cells.  Due Tuesday is # 19 (any 3 acidic and any 3 basic half reactions) as well as #24 (any 3 acidic and 2 basic full redox reactions).  Now is a good time to begin preparing for your final exams - we spoke about the number of sleeps within review cycles as a major factor in retaining information.  Have a regular meeting with a classmate at lunch, and study for 15 minutes together.  Fun and effective.  

Chemistry 11: We started with a short discussion about the final two weeks of the course and our final exam on January 25th.  We took notes on Cis and Trans Isomers, then we read pgs 229 and 230.  Click here to see WS#6, which needs to be completed for Tuesday.  

Science 8:  After reviewing 9 mountain peaks visible from RSS we learned about plate tectonics.  We read section 17.4 from the old Probe 10, and we worked on pg 508 # 1-9,11,12 which will be due on Thursday.  We watched this clip that shows divergent plate boundaries, as well as this one showing many types of plate interactionsThis clip has a terrific depiction of convection currents in the mantle that push the plates apart and shows subduction well.  This is a good clip for understanding mountain formation.