Thursday, June 15, 2017

Science 8:  Geology Test today.  We did part II of the Heat Transfer Lab.  Practice Final on Monday.  Final Exam on Tuesday, June 20th.  Be sure to bring your calculator (not a phone), ruler, pencils and pens.  Please tidy your binder as I will want to collect it from you on June 20th.

Final Exam preparation skills we have covered so far: planning calendar, verbal review with a partner, binder organization, personal review of binder contents, sleeping with textbook under pillow for osmotic transfer of information.  Still to cover:  condensed notes, online resources, redoing portions of old assignments and labs.

A short summary of the content we covered this Semester:

Safety:  Lab safety
Biology:  Cell structure and Function;  How cells are Organized into tissues, organs, systems; Immune System.
Chemistry:  Kinetic Molecular Theory, Atomic Structure, Measurement (Density, mass, volume)
Optics and Waves:  Wave theory, Mirrors (plane, convex, concave), Lenses (convex, concave), the Human eye and vision
Earth Science:  Seismology , Continental Drift, Theory of Plate tectonics, Volcanoes

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