Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Science 9:  After a short session on Atmospheric Pollutants, we did research on our Joy of Reading papers.  If you are starting to write you article today, keep these criteria in mind:

2 pages, double spaced, font 12 Times New Roman, 1 or 2 Figures (numbered, include a short caption), don't write with first person language (exclude I's, we's etc)

Be sure to include:

A short summary of the story
A description of the scientific ideas important to the story.
Your opinion on if the events of the story could actually happen.

Careers 8 Day 2:   

Time Management Assignment:  follow the instructions below:

1)  Open your desktop Excel app.   In Column A, make rows for each half hour of the day, starting at midnight.  On row #1, create 1 column per day for 1 week, starting with Saturday. 

2)  Use the fill colour button, and make all of your required school hours blue.  For this whole assignment, think of a typical week.

3)  Repeat, making all of your sleeping hours yellow.

4) Repeat using a different colour for all the categories of time spent:  Work, Soccer Practice, Church, etc.  Leave "free time" white.  School lunch hours are free time.

5)  Insert a Textbox and within it create a key to explain your colour scheme.

6)  State the total number of "free time" hours per week in your Textbox.

7)  Save this with a useful/searchable file name to your "One Drive",  Save a .pdf as well, and upload the .pdf into your My Files in myBlueprint. 

8) Complete the tasks from October 28th.

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