Friday, April 12, 2024

 Science 9:  Quizzes were handed back first, then we did a little review of key electrical terms.  We considered what happens to the total voltage when batteries are hooked up in series.  From this we generated an inquiry questions, a hypothesis, and a prediction.  30 minutes was given to perform an experiment to answer the inquiry question with your partner.  Everyone found that the voltages add when cells are connected in series. I collected your scientific report.  In the final minutes time was spent finishing page 243 # 1-5, which is due on Monday.

Chemistry 11:  Quizzes were handed back, as well as an answer key for last day's Limiting Reactant WS.  Following a short balancing practice sheet, we did Lab 6B (Day One), and nothing from this lab is due Monday.  Due Monday is Unit 6 # 66 and 67 (a-h for each part). 

Science 8:  We started by going over pg 151.  We made a placemat on legal sized paper and read pages 152 - 160 in our textbook.  For each type of EMR (Radio, Microwave, IR, UV, X-ray, and Gamma) we listed technologies that use them and created one simple sketch.  This video clip shows the Electromagnetic Spectrum.  At the end of class we wrote a short quiz on waves (amplitude, wavelength, frequency.

Science 10.  The practice test was handed in, then we started Astronomy with a short discussion about space objects.  Activity 13B was started while I marked the written response section of your Energy Transformations Unit practice test.  On Monday we will have an Energy Unit Test. 


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