Tuesday, October 15, 2024

 Science 8 :  We reviewed density and KMT topics before handing in the Binder Checklist, which was due today.  Most students asked for another day to finish this with their adult.  We saw how a bimetallic strip bends with heat, and straightens with cooling, and we looked at this animation to remind us of the KMT and why most materials expand when heated.  After reading pages 250 -253, we completed pg 259 # 1-6,8,10.  

Chemistry 11:  After a review of making standard solutions we handed in the Making a Standard Solution Lab.  Time was given to write the conclusion for Lab 4D (due on Thursday) and the Moles Practice Test (due on Friday).  Moles test on Monday.  

Chemistry 12:  I checked that Unit 2 # 52 to 62 were completed, then the Equilibrium Practice Test was given to everyone.  Time was provided to complete the Equilibrium Practice Test, which is due on Friday. Test on Chapter 2 on Monday.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Chemistry 12:  We reviewed equilibrium topics then we completed # 58-62.  Click here to see the key.  Lab 19B was collected today.  Chapter 2 test on Monday October 21st.   

Chemistry 11:  We made Standard Solutions today - everyone was given a unique solution to make accurately using a volumetric flask.   A report is required now, with these sections:  Title, Purpose (to make a standard solution), Materials, and Procedure.  No calculations or conclusion needed.  We began a conclusion for Lab 4D, but this is not due Tuesday.  The Moles Practice Test is not due Tuesday.

Science 8:  I collected the Flippit and the Ch 1,3 Practice Test , then we completed the Ch 1 & 3 Unit Test.  Time was given to complete the Density Lab, and that was collected too.  Everyone was given a binder checklist to complete with an adult at home.  Due Tuesday.

  52.  [SO3] = .56 M

.  [SO3] = .56 M

#55  [CO] = 1.17 M;   

#56  0.639 mol Tl+;   

#57  Keq = .044;

58.   0.098 mol H2S  

# 59  2.5 mol of CO2 removed

#60  [HI] = .0389 M, [H2] = [I2] = .0055 M;  

#61  16 mol NH3;  

#62 [N2O2] = .0938 M

58.   0.098 mol H2S  

# 59  2.5 mol of CO2 removed

#60  [HI] = .0389 M, [H2] = [I2] = .0055 M;  

#61  16 mol NH3;  

#62 [N2O2] = .0938 M

Thursday, October 10, 2024

 Chemistry 12:  We completed a short review on Keq, then we to finished problems # 52-57 in Chapter 2 in Hebdon, which is due on Friday.  A little time was given for Lab 19B, which is also due on Friday (with a conclusion).  We will have a Unit 2 test next week , towards the end of the week.

Science 8:  We handed in the Biology Practice Test, then completed a WS where we had to measure volumes in graduated cylinders.  We had a discussion about the Kinetic Molecular Theory, and melted some "Woods" metal, then solidified it.  After reading pages 244 to 249 we completed page 249 # 1-5 in sentences.  We did the density lab, where we found the density of 4 materials (water, a metal, a non-metal solid, and a colored liquid.  We tried to keep measurements in the Data section, and calculations in the Calculations Section.  In the final minutes the Practice Tests were handed back to you mostly marked, and we marked the remaining multiple choice section.  Everyone was encouraged to add up their points and calculate a percent accuracy.  On Friday we will have a unit test on Biology - everything we have learned so far, except today's chemistry lesson on the Kinetic Molecular Theory.

Wednesday, October 9

Chemistry 11:  Today we did Lab 4D and started the Moles Practice Test.  The questions and Follow-up Questions for Lab 4D are due Friday.  The Moles Practice Test is not due Friday.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Chemistry 12:  Answers for the WS titled "Warm Up 2.4 to 2.6" were provided first, then we started on Unit 2 # 47-51.  This is due on Thursday.  Lab 19B is due on Friday, with a conclusion.  I checked # 36 - 46 today.

Chemistry 11:  The quizzes from Monday was returned,  and its important to review any errors that were made.  We wrote notes on Molar Concentration, the we read pages 96- 98 and completed Unit 5 # 59 and 61 -64, which is due on Wednesday.

Science 8:  We reviewed the immune system, then we spoke about how to prepare for unit tests in Science  (read through course notes, look through completed assignments and labs,  scroll through Mr. Gale's blog,  work with a partner and quiz each other on the topics,  complete the practice test and review any errors).  We completed the Chapter 1 & 3 Practice test, which is due on Thursday.  Test on Friday.  

Monday, October 7th

Science 8:  We reviewed the Immune System, then we read section 3.2 to learn about Allergies, Aids, ad 7 ways to take care of your immune system.  We began page 106 # 1-6, but this is not due.  We also did a measurement WS, and this is due on Tuesday.

Friday, October 4, 2024

 Chemistry 11:  We learned how to determine the empirical formula from the percent composition, then we completed Unit 5 # 46 a, c, e, f, h, k,and j.  This is on page 93, and reading the examples will help you if you were absent on Friday.  I collected the WS titled Intro to Moles Practice Quiz, and I also checked that Unit 5 # 44 & 45 (any 10 problems total) is finished.

Chemistry 12:  We reviewed Le Chatelier's principle, then we spent time completing Lab 19B, which is due (questions 1-3 only, so far) on Monday. You'll get a little more class time for this next week, and it will be due on Thursdsay.  I will check Unit 2 # 17-27 odds, and 31 - 35 on Monday.

Science 8:  I collected the Measuring Mass and Volume activity.  After reviewing the first line of defence and the innate immune response, we watched this clip about the Immune System.  Time was spent finishing part D of the flippit (Acquired Immune Response) as well as page 106 # 1-6 in sentences.   

Grade 8 Boys Volleyball travelling to Seaton in Vernon.  Bus leaves at 12:30, and Ms. Grimm is your chaperone and Eric will be your coach.  Returning at about 9:30 pm.

4. K Biollo

9. D Bolton

12. M Enrique

14.  M Grady

6. F Hempill

3. M McCarroll

2. O Shearing

7. E Suarez

1.  J Thornley

8. Q Whalen

13. K Skallicky

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Science 8:  We reviewed the heart and respiratory system, then constructed a flippit using 3 sheets of paper.  We read page 100 to 105, writing brief notes on our flippit.  Brief note are point form, contain many key terms, and some graphics. Parts A, B, and C need to be finished for Friday.  We watched this video about viral attackes and the immune system.  In the second half we learned about measurement, and completed a short activity where we measured the mass of some familiar objects using a triple beam balance.  

Chemistry 12:  We took notes on The Equilibrium Constant, then started Lab 19A.  While groups waited for the spectrophotometer, we spent time completing Unit 2 # 31-35, which is due Friday.  Lab 19B is not due.  Unit 2 # 17-27 should be done, and will be checked on Friday.

Grade 8 Boys Volleyball:  Practice at 3:15 on Friday.  Monday we travel to Seaton on Vernon and I will announce the 12 player roster on Friday.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

 Chemistry 11:  The BC Post Secondary Day was today, then we followed up with a short lesson on Percent Composition.  Due Friday is Unit 5 # 44 and 45 (any 10 problems, total).   

Grade 8 Boys Volleyball:  Matches at 5:00 and 7:00 today at RSS.   Some are playing one match, while a few get to play two matches.  Be helpful citizens, since we are hosting tonights league play.  On Monday we travel to Seaton for 5:00 and 6:00 matches.