Friday, November 29, 2019

Chemistry 12:  We took notes on Buffers, read Section 4.19, and did U4# 131-134, 136, 139.  

Science 9:  In period 1 we learned about multimeters, and measured the voltage of various types of batteries and cells.   We calculated the percentage decrease in voltage and used a 10% decrease to be the limit beyond which we could call the battery dead. We spent the rest of class finishing the Introduction to Electronics  work booklet.  This is not due Monday

Careers 8 Day 2:   

Time Management Assignment:  follow the instructions below:

1)  Open your desktop Excel app, not the online app.   In Column A, make rows for each half hour of one day, starting at 1:00 am.  On row #1, create 1 column per day for 1 week, starting with Saturday. 

2) Even though we are partly done, save this file now with a useful/searchable file name to your "One Drive"  

2)  Use the fill colour button, and make all of your required school hours blue.  For this whole assignment, think of a typical week.  

3)  Repeat, making all of your sleeping hours yellow.

4) Repeat using a different colour for all the categories of time spent:  Work, Soccer Practice, Church, etc.  Leave "free time" white.  School lunch hours are free time.

5)  Insert a Textbox and within it create a key to explain your colour scheme.

6)  State the total number of "free time" hours per week in your Textbox.

7)  Save your final schedule as both an excel file and a pdf to your Onedrive.   Upload the pdf into your My Files in myBlueprint.  Add it to your Grade 8 Portfolio that you created. 

8) Complete the tasks from November 28th - scroll down through my blog to see them.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Science 9 P56:  Today we started with the Chemistry Unit Test and worked on the Electronics introduction booklet.  In the second half we learned about multimeters, and measured the voltage of various types of batteries and cells.   We calculated the percentage decrease in voltage and used a 10% decrease to be the limit beyond which we could call the battery dead.   There is no homework for you.

Careers 8:  We watched a short clip on managing your Digital Footprint well.  

Perform these tasks efficiently:

1.  Navigate to and create an account.  The Activation Key is  "Revelstoke".  As this is your official high school myBlueprint account to be used until Grade 12, accurately type your name with proper capitalization.

2.  In the left corner, click on Menu in the navigation and select Who Am I.  Select the Learning Styles assessment, and complete it.  Report your learning style to Mr. Gale when you are done.

3.  In the left corner, click on Work and select Resumes.  Click the button + Create Resume and create a Grade 8 Resume.  Fill in as much as you can in the 3 sections titled Contact Information, Education,  and Hobbies and Interests.  Write clearly and use appropriate capitalization and proper spelling.  We will do other sections later.

4.  In the Home left tab click on Portfolios, add a Portfolio and call it Grade 8 Portfolio.  This is a place where you will store a collection of items that show your learning.  Create an appropriate Avatar.  Click "Add Box" and add both your Learning Styles and your Grade 8 Resume.

5.  Navigate back to the Who Am I section, and do the Personality Survey.  Add this to your Grade 8 Portfolio as well.  See Mr. Gale if this is all done.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Chemistry 12:   We took notes on Indicators, then read 4.17, and  then we worked on Unit 4 # 108-118.  These problems are due Friday.  The rest of the class was spent on  finishing up past work:  U4 # 84-88, 80 (Monday's work), U4# 94-96, 100 (Tuesday's work), and Lab 20G.

Science 9 P12:  Today we wrote the Chemistry Unit Test and attended the Envirofair.  We also spent a little time on the Electronics introduction booklet.  There is no homework for you.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Chemistry 12:  Hand in U4 # 84-88,80.  Read Section 4.16 about Titrations.   Do Unit 4 # 94-96, 100, 101 for Wednesday.  Finish Lab 20 G.

Science 9:  After a short review of Ionic Names and Formulas, we self checked the Chemistry Practice Test.  We reviewed 10 forms of energy, did a short brainstorm on Electricity, and built a small circuit with little to no instruction.  We began the Introduction to Electronics booklet, writing short answers on our own paper, but this is not due.  Spend some time studying for your Chemistry Test on the double block.

Monday, November 25, 2019

 Chemistry 12:  We read section 4.15 about Kb calculations and we spent time on Unit 4 # 84-89, 80 which is due Tuesday.  Extra time was used to complete Lab 20G.

Science 9:  After a short review of names and formulas of ionic compounds, we did the Chemistry Practice Test, which is due Tuesday.  Test on the double block class next week.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Science 9 P12:  We started with a lesson on writing names and formulas of ionic compounds.   Lab 7B Analysis a-g in sentences was finished next, followed by pg 237 # 1,6-8 in quality point form.  In the second half we did lab 7A, where we did flame tests on ions.  Lab 7B and pg 237 are due Friday.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Chemistry 12:  After a minireview we made 500 mL of 0.1 M NaOH with our partners.  Time was given for Lab 20B, and we finished off with a homework quiz on Hydrolysis

Science 9:  pg 223 was collected.  We spent the class doing lab 20B, which is not due Wednesday

Monday, November 18, 2019

Science 9:  Due Tuesday is pg 223 # 5-8, 10, 11, 13 in sentences where appropriate.  Figures, like any Bohr Diagrams,  need labels.

Chemistry 12:  Unit 4 # 49-57 from Friday and Unit 4 # 69 & 71 are due Tuesday.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Chemistry 12:  Unit 4  # 49-57 is due Monday.  Lab 20B is due Thursday, Nov 21.   On Monday I will check that 49-57 as well as 31-39, 41 is done.

Science 9:  Today I collected pg 200/208 from Thursday.  We made a poster showing the structure of an atom or ion that was assigned to you. 

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Chemistry 12:  We did Lab 20B today.  We also learned about Ka and Kb, read 4.7, 4.8 and 4.9, and Unit 4 # 31-39 and 41 are due for Friday.  Lab 20B is due on Thursday, November 21st.

Science 9 P12:  We wrote a few notes on the 4 Families of the Periodic Table that we observed from Tuesday and we debriefed the static electricity lab as well.  After seeing a Cathode Ray Tube in action, we read section 7.1 and did pg 208 # 5-7, 10,12,13 and pg 200 # 2-5, 9, 10 in sentences where appropriate.  We constructed a mini periodic table and drew Bohr diagrams for the first 20 elements.  The last half hour was spent making measurements that enable us to calculate density.  Due Friday are all the textbook questions and the table of Bohr Diagrams.  Your Book Article was due Tuesday, so please finish this asap if it is not done.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Science 9 P56:  We wrote a few notes on the 4 Families of the Periodic Table that we observed from Tuesday and we debriefed the static electricity lab as well.  After seeing a Cathode Ray Tube in action, we read section 7.1 and did pg 208 # 5-7, 10,12,13 and pg 200 # 2-5, 9, 10 in sentences where appropriate.  We constructed a mini periodic table and drew Bohr diagrams for the first 20 elements.  The last half hour was spent making measurements that enable us to calculate density.  Due Friday are all the textbook questions and the table of Bohr Diagrams.  Your Book Article was due Tuesday, so please finish this asap if it is not done.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Chemistry 12:  Read 4.7 and do Unit 4 # 25-30.  We did a quiz on Unit 4 # 15-24 in the last 10 minutes

Science 9:  We began by marking pg 192 # 1-17, which was then collected.  We experimented with attraction and repulsion among charged objects in order to understand how atoms combine to form compounds.  We finished by seeing some examples of 4 key families on the Periodic Table:  Noble Gases, Halogens, Alkaline Earth Metals and Alkali Metals.  Today is the due date for your Article about your novel, please share this with me today on Office 356, even if you are not done.  You will be using your finished article in your English class -  finish it right away if it isn't done.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Chemistry 12:  Today I checked your U4 # 1-14 and we did a homework quiz too.  Due for Tuesday are 15-24 in unit 4.

Science 9: After a short review we worked on our Article and pg 192 # 1-17.  Both of these ae due on Tuesday.   We also used our personal login to look at our Term 1 Grade as it stands right now.   

Below are the requirements of your article.  

Descriptive Title (Font 14, Bold, Times New Roman)

Your Name, all capitals Font 12,

Location, contact information, Font 10

[Body of your article:  Sentence and paragraph format, 2 pages, double spaced, font 12 Times New Roman, 1 or 2 Figures (numbered, include a short caption, text wrapped), don't write with first person language (exclude I's, we's etc), Be sure to include a short summary of the story, a description of the scientific ideas important to the story, and your opinion about if the events of the story could actually happen.]

Literature cited (list your sources following Mr. Wilson's instructions and online guide) . Click here to see Mr. Wilson's Instructions:

use a footer (Font 8, Times New Roman)  that includes the date, page number, and your last name.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Science 9 P56:  We viewed elements today, writing their symbols, names and properties. We read through section 6.2 and made an inventory of Text Features.  We started pg 192 # 1-17, but this is not due.  I would like your Article to be done for Friday,  and to submit it please share your final version with me as a PDF.    See me if you need until Tuesday morning to have it completed.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Science 9:  We viewed elements today, writing their symbols, names and properties. We read through section 6.2 and made an inventory of Text Features.  We started pg 192 # 1-17, but this is not due.  I would like your Article to be done for Friday,  and to submit it please share your final version with me as a PDF.    See me if you need until Tuesday morning to have it completed. 

Chemistry 12:  The first half was spent on our Solubility Test.  The second half was about Bronsted-Lowry Acids and Bases. Unit 4 # 1-14 are due on Friday, and will be checked for completion.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Science 9:  We did the Ecology Unit Test today, then worked on our Articles.  See the requirements in blue below.  Share a PDF with me today by 11:30.  Your final Article is due Friday.

Descriptive Title (Font 14, Bold, Times New Roman)

Your Name, all capitals Font 12,

Location, contact information, Font 10

[Body of your article:  Sentence and paragraph format, 2 pages, double spaced, font 12 Times New Roman, 1 or 2 Figures (numbered, include a short caption, text wrapped), don't write with first person language (exclude I's, we's etc), Be sure to include a short summary of the story, a description of the scientific ideas important to the story, and your opinion about if the events of the story could actually happen.]

Literature cited (list your sources following Mr. Wilson's instructions and online guide)

Use a footer (Font 8, Times New Roman)  that includes the date, page number, and your last name.

Chemistry 12:  Today we took note on Acids and Bases, our 4th unit.  We did Unit 4 # 1-10, but only if the Solubility Practice Test is done.  I have an optional Solubility Review #2 as well.  On Wednesday we will have a Solubility Test, all topics from Unit III except titrations. 

Monday, November 4, 2019

Chemistry 12:  Solubility Test on Wednesday.  Lab 19C should be done.  The Practice Test is due tomorrow, Tuesday.

Sci 9 P56: We started by marking pg 125 from the Probe 10.  After this, we spent time completing the first draft of our Fiction novel writing assignment.  We looked at a Scientific Paper to see how the Author formatted their work to make it easy to read, and we followed the same format.

Descriptive Title (Font 14, Bold, Times New Roman)

Your Name, all capitals Font 12,

Location, contact information, Font 10

[Body of your article:  Sentence and paragraph format, 2 pages, double spaced, font 12 Times New Roman, 1 or 2 Figures (numbered, include a short caption, text wrapped), don't write with first person language (exclude I's, we's etc), Be sure to include a short summary of the story, a description of the scientific ideas important to the story, and your opinion about if the events of the story could actually happen.]

Literature cited (list your sources following Mr. Wilson's instructions and online guide)
use a footer (Font 8, Times New Roman)  that includes the date, page number, and your last name.

At the end of our class we went over the practice test Multiple Choice answers.  Click here to see the Written Response answers.  Next class we will have an Ecology Test.

Science 9 P12:

After marking pg 125 from the Probe 10 we did the practice test.  Click here to see the Written Response answers.  Next class we will have an Ecology Test.

Careers 8:

We started off with a short review of Trades and Non-trades.  We watched a few ITA videos on trades, listed here.  Click to watch.  
Baker VideoGas Fitter, Refridgeration and AC TechCarpenter.
After this we had a short discussion about other Post Secondary Options, including the Justice Institute, College, University, Trades School, Military, and Industry Certification.

We finished with an inventory on Multiple Intelligences.