Thursday, April 18, 2024

 Science 10:  Whew!  We accomplished a lot today.  We began with a short review of the planets, then we read section 12.4 from the old Science Probe to learn about the planets in detail.  For each planet, write 2 or 3 key ideas, and include a sketch.  We watched the first 15 minutes of disc 1 of BBC's "The Planets" series.  This short exercise allowed us to practice skills with Scientific Notation, which we see a lot in Astronomy.  We took notes on Gravity, then we did a short inquiry to answer the question:  How is the force of gravity affected by an object's mass?"  We made measurements, then graphed our data.  In the final minutes we calculated the slope of our graph line. 

Chemistry 11:  I collected the WS titled "Predicting Products".  We completed the legal sized WS titled "Finding Limiting Reactant".  This is due Friday.  Time was provided to complete Lab 6B, and this is also due Friday.  We wrote notes on Energy Changes in reactions, then we started Unit 6 # 70 - 80, but this is not due on Friday.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024


Science 9:  After a short review of electrical terms we add one more example to our notes on Electrical Energy, then we completed this WS on Electrical Energy.  We watched this clip on Solar energy, and this one on Nuclear energy.  Both ways do not create CO2 emissions directly.  Of the two, only Solar is considered renewable and sustainable.  In the second half we started a review assignment:  Make a crossword puzzle using key terms.  Friday will be practice test day, and Tuesday will be the electricity unit test.

Science 8:  We reviewed terms related to light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum.  I collected Lab 5-2.  We watched this clip showing the principles behind refraction before we completed Lab 5-3.  After reading pages 168 to 174, we completed page 181 # 1,2 and 4 to 9.  #8 was optional.   In the second half we did the star race track challenge, then we used the ray boxes and curved mirrors to learn about foci, focal length, principle axis, converging, and diverging.  Only lab 5-3 and page 181 is due on Friday.   

Science 8:  We went through the experimental design of the Reflection Lab, and spoke about the independent variable, the dependent variable, and how these are shown graphically.  This lab was handed in.  We completed Activity 5-2 from our textbook;  a lab that can easily be completed from home.   When recording ray diagrams in our Data sections, it is important to use straight lines for light rays, normals, and surfaces.  Normals are always dotted.

Science 10:  Progress reports were handed out today, and this data can be seen by logging into myed using the family or student portal.  We brainstormed objects that are in our solar system,  then we wrote brief notes on what we discussed.   Time was provided to finish Lb 12B.

Science 9:  We went over # 1-5 on page 344, then we brainstormed different ways that electricity is generated (hydroelectricity, solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, nuclear, coal, natural gas, oil), then we watched this clip on hydroelectricity and this clip on coal fired electricity.  We wrote brief notes on Electrical Energy

Chemistry 11:  We completed a WS on Predicting Products, then time was provided to finish Lab 6B, which is now due on Friday.  Only the WS on Predicting Products is due on Thursday. 

Monday, April 15, 2024

Science 8:  We began with a review of Electromagnetic Radiation categories from last day.  After this we drew and measured some angles, and learned that "The Normal" is an imaginary line that is perpendicular to a surface.  We completed a short inquiry based on this question:  How does the angle of incidence compare to the angle of reflection when using a flat mirror?  With partners, everyone designed a simple procedure using the ray boxes, baffles, mirrors and paper.  Data was recorded and a tidy results table was created.

Science 10:  After the practice test was handed in we completed the Energy Unit Test.  Any remaining time was spent finishing the Solar System Model from Lab 13B.

Chemistry 11:  We began with a short review of reaction categories and predicting products.  We did a mini review of predicting products and balancing.  Time was given to finish Lab 6B, which is due Thursday (all Questions and Follow Questions, and a Conclusion).

Science 9:  Today we learned about Power, and how it can be calculated by multipling the Voltage and Current in a circuit.  After taking notes on Power, we complete pg 344 # 1-11 from a hand-out.

Friday, April 12, 2024

 Science 9:  Quizzes were handed back first, then we did a little review of key electrical terms.  We considered what happens to the total voltage when batteries are hooked up in series.  From this we generated an inquiry questions, a hypothesis, and a prediction.  30 minutes was given to perform an experiment to answer the inquiry question with your partner.  Everyone found that the voltages add when cells are connected in series. I collected your scientific report.  In the final minutes time was spent finishing page 243 # 1-5, which is due on Monday.

Chemistry 11:  Quizzes were handed back, as well as an answer key for last day's Limiting Reactant WS.  Following a short balancing practice sheet, we did Lab 6B (Day One), and nothing from this lab is due Monday.  Due Monday is Unit 6 # 66 and 67 (a-h for each part). 

Science 8:  We started by going over pg 151.  We made a placemat on legal sized paper and read pages 152 - 160 in our textbook.  For each type of EMR (Radio, Microwave, IR, UV, X-ray, and Gamma) we listed technologies that use them and created one simple sketch.  This video clip shows the Electromagnetic Spectrum.  At the end of class we wrote a short quiz on waves (amplitude, wavelength, frequency.

Science 10.  The practice test was handed in, then we started Astronomy with a short discussion about space objects.  Activity 13B was started while I marked the written response section of your Energy Transformations Unit practice test.  On Monday we will have an Energy Unit Test. 


Thursday, April 11, 2024

 Science 10:

1)  Open a new Word Document using the desk-top app.  Its title needs to be "Green Energy Research Notes". Make a "Sources" section at the bottom of the Word Document.  Save this document to your Science 10 section in your OneDrive using this file name format:  "LastName Sci10 April 2024 TOPIC".   

[Example:  Dalton Sci 10 April 2024 TOPIC"  ] Wait for more instructions.  

2)  Research your assigned green energy technology for 45 minutes.   Record your new info in point form in your Word document.  Some cutting and pasting is clever.  Use "shift-command-4" to record any useful images on your Word document.  

In your Sources, make a link to any webpages that you use.

Chemistry 11:  I collected the Balancing WS from Tuesday as well as Lab 6A.  We took notes on Categorizing Chemical Reaction, read section 6.5, and completed Unit 6 # 66 and 67 (a-h in each part).   In the second half we learned about Stoichiometry, and we completed the WS titled Limiting  Reactant and Reactant in Excess.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Science 8:  We spent the first half of class listening to a visiting ecologist named Tyne Baker, who studies sounds in the ecosystem.  So relevant, since we have been recently learning about waves and frequency.  In the second half we read pages 144- 148, then completed pg 151 # 1-12 in fine sentences.  Everyone received a progress report, showing results on the work that has been handed in since we began this course.  Parents and students can see the same information by logging into myedbc.  Call the school's office if you need information on logging in.

Science 9:  We marked the Ohms Law WS first, then we did a practice sheet on resistor color codes, which was checked with the answer key at the side counter.  We completed the Measuring Current Lab in the first half - this lab is due on Friday.  In the second half we read pages 238 -242, then we started pg 243 # 1-5 but this is not due Friday.  We finished with a quiz on Ohms Law.