Thursday, January 28, 2021

 Chemistry 11:  Today we did Lab 23B, which was due by the end of the class.  No homework, except to bring some ingredients perhaps for our Baking reaction tomorrow.  [TC, 2 cups white sugar; CC, 1 C butter; Elliot 4 eggs; TH,  2 tsp baking soda,].  If you can, we still need the following items { 1 Cup Walnuts, 2 Tsp Salt, 1 Cup Chocolate chips, 1 tsp baking powder)

Life Science 11:  Nice work!  Your Final will be marked soon.  Retrieve your binder contents from room 313 by Friday next week or they will be sent to the great recycling bin out back:)

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Life Sciences 11: After bubbling your responses to the Practice Test Multiple Choice section, we did the Frog Dissection.  An answer key to the Written Response section was made available too, see it by clicking here.  Tomorrow we will write your Final Exam in the afternoon, no cheatsheet, but you wont need that anyway.  Thanks for all your hard work!    

Chemistry 11:  Nice work!  Your Final Exam has been written!  I will have it scored as soon as I can:).  Labs will happen Thursday and Friday.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

 Life Sciences:  Today we did the Grasshopper dissection and learned human circulatory and reproductive anatomy.  Due Wednesday is the Mock Final.  Your final exam is on Thursday.

Chemistry 11:  After the Organic Test we spent time on Lab 16B and on Final Exam Review.  Tomorrow is your final, and you will be given a new, fresh, databooklet.  The Mock final WR answers can be found by clicking here.


Monday, January 25, 2021

 Life Sciences 11:  We started off with a review of Arthropods, Molluscs, and Echinoderms.  Time was given to read an article on the Mountain Pine Beetle.  We watched this clip on Chordates, then we labelled the Frog Anatomy Diagram.

Chemistry 11:  Prepare for your Organic Test on Tuesday.  Final Exam on Wednesday.  Labs on Thursday and Friday mornings.

Friday, January 22, 2021

 Chemistry 11:  Today we did a lesson on ester formation, and we tried 6 reactions on our homemade worksheet.  Everyone did an Organic Chemistry Practice test, which is due Monday.  The Organic Test will be on Tuesday and the Final exam will be on Wednesday am.   On Thursday and Friday we will do lab 7A and Lab 22B. 

Life Science 11:  The Nematode Lab was reviewed first.  Notes on Arthropods and a short clip on Arthropods followed.  We labelled a grasshopper anatomy diagram and finished our trilobite models.  In the second half we watched a short clip on Echinoderms and did an echinoderm crossword.  Next week we will have a zoology test on Tuesday and a final exam on Thursday afternoon.   

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

 Chemistry 11:  After a practice quiz we learned how to draw and name Aromatics. Time was given to do Unit 10 # 30 and 31, as well as to finish lab 16D.  In the second half we learned about drawing and naming alcohols and did WS #9.  All of this work is due Thursday.

Life Sciences 11: We began with a short lesson on segmented round worms and an anatomy sheet showing the internal structure of the common Earth Worm. We watched this short clip on Annelids, the phylum that contains round segmented worms such as blood leeches and burrowing marine and land worms. In the second half, we  read pg 322 to 325 and did the Case Study on page 328 and 329.

Monday, January 18, 2021

 Biology 11:  We started with the Flatworm Lab (Platyhelminthes).  You might find these links handy, since we don't have any live planaria to work with.

Video clip of planaria moving and feeding

micrograph of Tapeworm scolex


Post Secondary Biology Assignment, Life Science 11

You are the Executive Assistance of Dr. Evil, and he wants you research post secondary options for his only cloned child, Mini Me.  Biology related Programs at 5 nearby Post Secondary Institutes (PSIs) is what he wants.  [Biology, Health Sciences, Nursing, Foresty, Kinesiology, Ecology, Agriculture, etc].  

This is the list of information he would like:

Name of PSI, Exact names of several Biology programs available, Number of Students attending the PSI, Distance in km from Revelstoke, availability of Campus Residence, Cost for 1 year residence,  Tuition cost for 1 year,  average yearly rainfall, average yearly hours of sunshine.   

He also wants to know if you have ever been to the campus personally.  Put all this information on an excel spreadsheet, and when you are done see Mr. Gale for one last task.

When you are done-done, you will print to PDF, and send the PDF to Mr. Gale in an email using Office 365.

Chemistry 11:  Unit 10 # 16-20 and 22-25 due Tuesday.

Friday, January 15, 2021

 Chemistry 11: We started with lesson on cyclic hydrocarbons, and we did Organic WS #3.  After a short discussion about precipitates, we did a short lab where we mixed aqueous solutions to make a precipitate and learned how to write 3 reaction equations to represent this.  

Life Science 11:  After a short review we watched a clip about tape worms and another about flukes.  Time was given to sketch a tape worm life cycle onto your Platyhelminthes Notes from Thursday.  Time was also given to finish the Cnidaria Lab.  We did the Platyhelmintes lab too, and we used google to find video clips to help us view feeding planaria, and wiggling vinegar eels.  Due Monday is the Cnidaria Lab.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

 Chemistry 11:  After going through the key to the Concentration of Ions WS, we took notes on Intermolecular Bonding.  Read pg 198 - 207 and do # 9-18.  In the second half, we learned how to write and name Alkanes.  I recorded this lesson, so email me if you want a link to the video.   We did Unit 10 # 2-10.  We finished off with a quiz on the concentration of ions in solution.  If you were away, do the quiz (on your own paper, or print it) and send me a picture of your hard work.

Life Sciences 11: We started with the Cnidaria lab, 7.2.  In the second half we took notes on Platyhelminthes, read pgs 311 and 312, and watched this clip .  We finished off by looking at our streakplates.  The bacteria from the culture tubes is growing quickly but the door bacteria is not.  That is a good thing.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

 Chemistry 11:  We began with an Atomic Theory Test.  We next learned how to find the concentration of each ion in an ionic solution, such as aquaeous Magnesium Chloride.  Read pg 209 and 210 for information and examples.  Click here to see the Ion Concentration WS.  There was a small set of notes on Organic Chemistry, where we also learned about isomers.  All the isomers of Butane and Pentane were drawn and named.   

Biology 11:  Time was given for performing work on your Plants experiment and for finishing the Porifera Lab from Monday.  We had a short discussion about Cnidaria, and watched this clip.  Due for Thursday, read pg 306-309 and do page 309 # 1-8 in fine sentences.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Chemistry 11:  We finished off the Solubility Lab today.  Time was given to complete the Atomic Theory Practice test, and there is a test tomorrow on these topics.  The last half was spent on Lab 16A, learning that "like dissolves like", but this is not due Wednesday.  

Biology 11:  Today we learned how to pour and streak agar plates for growing bacteria.  We did an experiment to show which parts of a classroom door have the most bacteria.  Students will need to write a lab report containing the usual sections, but this is not due Wednesday.

Monday, January 11, 2021

 Chemistry 11:  The saturated solutions (sodium chloride for some, sodium bicarbonate for others) were decanted and a carefully measured volume was put into a new clean container.  The water will be evaporated to see how much ionic salt remains, to find the concentration of the saturated solution.  Next day we will finish off the Solubility Lab.  A Review of Concentration WS was completed next.  We used lab 12B to review geometry and angles, and to learn about polar and non-polar molecules.  After reading pg 193 to 201, we completed # 9 and 10, then prepared Lab 16A.  We did the Atomic Theory Practice Test, and will do the test on Wednesday.  

Life Science 11:  The Botany Test took up the first half.  The Porifera Lab took up the rest of our class. Due next class is the Porifera Lab, except the Discussion portion.  Spend some time reviewing Zoology terms.  If you are at home today, do the Porifera Lab by looking at your textbook and searching images on Google.   Due next day is all the Porifera Lab except the discussion.

Friday, January 8, 2021

Biology 11:  After going through some key differences between monocots and dicots, we got our plant experiment going. Time was given to finish the Angiosperm Placemat, and to work on your Botany Cheat Sheet (one side of a letter sized sheet, the other side will be for Zoology).  We finished the remainder of the documentary titled "Sexual Encounters of the Floral Kind".  We read pg 300 to 304, and studied the table on 304 for a short while.  The final minutes were spent going over the Botany Practice test, view an answer key here.  On Monday we have a Botany Test, you are welcome to use your Botany Cheat Sheet as describe above.

Chemistry 11: Lab 12B and Lab 6D were completed first.  We marked up our diagrams for 12B with geometry labels (bent, planar, tetrahedral, trigonal planar, linear), bond angles, and electronegativity differences.   This is part of the Valence  Electron Shell Propulsion Theory.  We took notes on Solutions, and began the Solubility experiment by making a saturated solution.     

Thursday, January 7, 2021


Biology 11:  After a short review we brainstormed with our partners for our seedling experiment.  A clear hypothesis, list of materials, and a procedure were constructed.  Friday, we will start.  We took notes on Zoology, our last unit.  We watched more of the documentary from January 6th, then we did the Botany Practice Test (Test on Monday). 

Chemistry 11:   We added to our Bonding notes by completing the Ionic section, then we read pg 171 to 176 in Hebdon, then we did Unit 8 # 57-67.  Lab 6D was completed too.  In the second half, we did Lab 12B where we constructed and accurately sketched models of Covalent compounds.   On your sketches, include the bond angles, bond polarity,  and geometry names.  State whether each molecule is symmetrical or asymmetrical.

January 6, 2021

Biology 11:  After a flower anatomy quiz we did Lab 69 and watched the first 13 minutes of "Sexual Encounters of the Floral Kind".  

Chemistry 11:  In the first half we reviewed atomic structure (Unit 8 pgs 142 - 150) and completed Lab 11A.  Our friends at home can do Lab 11A at home, no equipment is involved.  In the second half, we learned about why atoms get smaller as we move across a period ( really, I am not joking).  We did Lab 6D Part I in the second half.  I have emailed data to our friends at home so they can do Calculations #1-5 in Lab 6D.  

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Biology 11:  We started off by going over pg 264 # 1-9, which was due today.  After a short review of plant and non-plant species, we watched this clip on Gymnosperms.  We each spent a few minutes with a hemlock cone, removing the winged seeds, then we labelled the anatomy of a flower in preparation for learning the reproductive cycle of flowering plants.  In the second half we read about Angiosperms (pg 266 to 272) and took brief notes on Methods of Pollination, Methods of Seed dispersal, and the Differences between monocotyledons and dicotyledons.  We also watched this clip on Angiosperms. There will be a flower anatomy quiz on Wednesday, and the Fern Crossword is due (see instructions on Dec 17th blog) on Wednesday too. 

Chemistry 11:  After a short review of isotopes, we did the Titrations Calculations WS (click here to get a copy), then we finished the Conclusion for Lab 20C.  In the second half we did Lab 11A, parts I and II.   Lab 20 C (all Questions, Follow-up Questions, and a Conclusion) and the Titration Calculation WS are due Wednesday.   

Monday, January 4, 2021

Biology 11:  After a short review we read pages 264-267 and filled in a page with brief notes.  We spent time finishing the moss/fern assignment (pg 264 # 1-9, due Tuesday) and watched this clip on Gymnosperm Life Cycles.  In the second half, we spent time in the IT Lab finishing the Fern Crossword assignment.

Chemistry 11:  We did the second part of Lab 20C, followed by a short lesson on isotopes, where we watched this clip about Calcium-48.  Unit 8 # 23 adn 24 are due for Tuesday, as well as all of the Calculations and Follow-up Questions from Lab 20C.  Be sure to bring graph paper to class for Tuesday.

December 18th, 2020

Chemistry 11:  We did Lab 20C today, Part I only.  Part II in January.  We also took notes on Covalent Bonding (click here for a copy) and drew some Lewis Dot Structures for Covalent compounds and for polyatomic ions, which have internal covalent bonds.  Nothing is due for January 4th.

Biology 11:  After a little review, we watched this clip on Ferns.  We viewed and sketched the fungi we have been growing on food items.  Nice mycelium!  The samples were discarded in the hedge outside the West doors, where the fungi can continue to decompose the bread, veggies, and fruit samples, leaving some of the nutrients available for the hedges.  In the second half we finished our Fern Crossword Puzzles.  Nothing is due for January 4th.