Wednesday, January 25, 2023

 Chemistry 11:  We started off by going through Lab 16A, and discussing how "like dissolves like".  There was a short session of review, then we started the 60 minute mock final.  This is the key to the 60 minute mock final.  At the end we talked about plastics, and watched this short clip to see how polyethylene is made.   We didn't have time to see this 20 minute video, called "The Story of Stuff", which describes the materials economy.  Plastics, as cool as they are, are a major contributing factor to the scheme that is causing us to overuse natural resources.

Monday, January 23, 2023

Chemistry 12:  Time was given to work on Take-Home Final #1 and #2.  Click here to see the key for Take home Final #1.  

Science 8:  We reviewed cell structure together, then we watched this clip.  We also reviewed proper measurement technique, then we measured out a specified amount of water and checked our work with an electronic balance.  Because water has a density of 1.0 g/mL, we confirmed our volumes by measuring the mass.  We completed the measurement practice WS after this.  In the second half, we completed a practice final exam (Multiple Choice and Written Response) that had all of the topics.  If you find it helpful, you can write a single page of helpful notes to bring with you to your final.   One page, one side.  Be sure to have your calculator, ruler, and pencil on Tuesday's final exam. 

Friday, January 20, 2023

 Chemistry 12:   We began with a short review of Reaction Kinetics, and watched this clip about Catalytic Converters.  Time was provided to complete various tasks that are important to wrapping up our course:  Lab 21D, Take-home final #1, Electrochemistry Practice test.  Best to have all these completed by Monday, then I can give you take-home final #2.   Click here for the MC key for THF #1.  I can mark the written response questions for you.   Your final exam is next week; now is a terrific time to complete some preparation.

Chemistry 11:  We did the Organic Test today, and time was given to work on the Final Exam Review worksheets.  So far, the Moles FERReactions FER, and Solutions FER have been made available, but I generally give them out when the previous one is completed.  Answer keys are found on the side counter in room 313.  Your final exam is next week; now is a terrific time to complete some preparation.

Science 8:  We began by going through the answer to the Geology Practice Test.  We spent time reviewing the properties of waves, and we calculated the frequency of some waves, as well as the rotation of a hammer thrower, and the oscillation of apartment high rises in Japan.  We completed this WS on wave properties, and we measured blocks of wood to find their density.  Your final exam is next week; now is a terrific time to complete some preparation.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

 Chemistry 12:  We did Lab 21D in the first half.  In the second half we learned how to balance by Oxidation number, and we did any 6 problems from Unit 5 # 25.  There was much high-fiving as this was the last new topic for this course.  Lab 21D and the 6 balancing problems are due Friday.  Also on the go is the Electrochemistry Practice Test.  Your Final Exam is on January 27th in the morning.  Complete a thorough review of your notes and assignments, then try two take-home finals and give yourself a score.  I can mark your written sections for you.

Chemistry 11:  We did Lab 16A today, to learn about how dissolving depends on the polarity or non-polar nature of the solvent and solute.  We did the Organic Practice Test in the second half, and on Friday we will have an Organic Test.  Click here to see the Organic Practice Test Key.  Your Final exam will be on the morning of January 26th.  Complete a thorough review of your notes and assignments, and complete each of the Year End Review assignments (Moles and Reactions have been made available already).  

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Chemistry 11:  Today we marked the Functional Group WS, and learned how to form esters from a carboxylic acid and an alcohol.  We made a homemade WS, and drew the products of 5 different ester synthesis reactions.  Also on the go are Final Exam Review worksheets, which I will give out one at a time.  You complete them, mark them with the posted key (on the side counter in room 313), then show me.  So far the Moles and Reactions units have been made available.  Please look at the school calendar and map out your exam week.  There will be an Organic Unit Test on Friday.

Science 8:  After a short review, we did Lab 17A from the old Science Probe textbook.  We used a map and radiometric dating of rocks to see how fast the Hawaiian islands are moving over the Pacific Hot Spot.  This clip shows a more detailed timeline of the life cycle of a Hawaiian island.  No work is due on Thursday.  Please look at the school calendar and map out your exam week.

Chemistry 12:  We completed the Electrolysis Mini Review WS.  This is a terrific clip that shows Copper refining.  Time was given for Take-Home Final #1, and an Electrochemistry Practice Test was given out, no due date for either of these has been announced.  There will be no Electrochemistry Unit Test; I will use your Final Exam to evaluate you on this final unit.  Once last topic to learn on Wednesday, then we will high-five each other for finishing the course.    

January 16, 2023

Chemistry 12:  Lab 21C was collected today.  We took note on Electrolysis, watched a clip on Aluminum smelting, as well as a clip on electroplating.  Due Tuesday is Unit 5 # 65-71.  Now is a good time to review for your final exam.  

Chemistry 11:  We learned about oxy and nitro functional groups - these are the notes we took.  Functional Groups WS Part B and C was completed, and is due Tuesday.  Ensure that Lab 7B is complete for Tuesday, no conclusion.

Science 8:  Today we created a data set of volcanoes.  For at least 6 volcanoes, research the name, country,  height,  last eruption, death toll of last eruption, continent, nearest ocean.  Use Microsoft Excel, and make a table to show your data.  Save it to your Onedrive, using a useful file name (example:  Volcano Data 2023 01 16 Sci 8  J Trudeau)

Friday, January 13, 2023

 Chemistry 12:  We took notes on Corrosion, and read the section in Chapter 5 with the same name (5.12?)    We completed all 4 problems in the Corrosion section, then time was given for Lab 21C (all Qs and FUQs due Monday, no conclusion).  Take-home Final #1 was given out today, and no due date is specified, but show me when you are done.     When it is done, I will give you a second one.  This is an important component of your final exam preparation.

Chemistry 11:  We read about Alcohols (pg 233 in Hebdon) today and then completed WS#9.  Here are some note on Alcohols, if you like to have class notes.  Time was also given to complete the year-end review of the Moles Unit.  Only WS #9 is due Monday.

Science 8:  I collected pg 508 # 1-13.  We did activity 12.3 in the old Science Probe 9, so we could model sea floor spreading.  We finished off with the conclusion of "Volcano!", see link in Thursday's post.

Thursday, January 12, 2023

 Science 8:  We began with a short review of the World Map with the plate boundaries on it, and we labelled Iceland, Indonesia, Mount Everest, the Great Rift Valley, and 4 mountain ranges (Himalayas, Andes, Alps, Rockies).  We also spent 5 minutes coloring the continents, a different color for each one. We read section 17.4 (from the old Probe 10) and did pg 508 # 1-13 (half in sentences, half point form) but only 1-9 are due Friday.   In the second half we found the epicenter of an earthquake using triangulation, using this data.  We also watched the first 20 minutes of "Volcano!", a National Geographic documentary about the Maurice and Katia Kraft.  We will finish this video on Friday.  We listed volcano names, as well as hazards, as we watched.  Also, everyone was reminded that binder contents will be collected on the last day of class, and that I will go through everyone's book to see that it is ordered by date, tidy,  and complete.   Scientists keep their data organized.  

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Chemistry 12:  We began with a minireview of Electrochemical Cells, then we worked on Unit 5 # 38-41, and 44.  For these more challenging cell voltage problems, you will need to create your own mini-table of reductions.  We read section 5.7 which explains redox titrations, and make sure that lab 21C is prepared for Wednesday.  Click here to see the assignment log for Chemistry 12.

Science 8:  We began with short review, then world maps showing the plate boundaries were handed out.  We labelled the location of the Himalayas, Andes, Rockies, and Alps.  This clip shows plate tectonics, and explains the mechanisms for how mountains, some volcanoes, and deep ocean trenches are formed.   This clip shows a model that was constructed to demonstrate how convergence can cause the formation of mountain ranges such as the Alps or the Himalayas.   We wrote notes about the three boundaries, and what land forms are caused.  We completed the homemade assignment that we started Monday, but added two questions of any style that ask about today's topics.

Chemistry 11:  Click here to see note on Cis and Trans isomers for alkenes.  WS #6 and a prepared Lab 7B are due Wednesday.  I checked that WS #4 was completed for today.   

Monday, January 9, 2023

 Chemistry 12:  We took notes on Electrochemical Cells, then we read sections 5.8 and 5.9.  Due Tuesday is Unit 5 # 34-37, as well as one balancing problem from #24.  Click here to see the assignment log.

Science 8:  We began with short exercise to find the epicenter of an earthquake that was felt by Seismic stations in Toronto, San Diego, and Vancouver.  On the back of our map we made a list of hazards of Earthquakes, and we were grateful that Revelstoke was not a place that is likely to suffer from these events.   We watched this clip on Plate Tectonics, and we read ta short article on Plate Boundaries and Earthquakes.  Everyone made a homemade assignment on the information from the article (3 fill in the blank, 2 multiple choice, and one written response) which is not due on Tuesday

Chemistry 11:  We learned about Alkanes and Alkynes today, and we completed WS#4 (due on Tuesday).  A little time was given to prepare lab 7B.

Friday, January 6, 2023

Science 8:  We began with a short review of the layers of the Earth.  We then drew 3 circles with compasses, measured the radius and diameter, and made a table to show our data.  We learned how P waves arrive before S waves when a location experiences an earthquake, and if the epicenter is far away the time interval between the S and P waves will be large.  This can be used to find the location of the Epicenter.  Using the data on this hand-out, locate the Epicenter on the map.   This video explains the technique partially, and it is clearly explained.  This video is more detailed. 

Chemistry 11:  We learned how to name and draw structures for Alkyl Halides (organic molecules containing F, Cl, Br, or I atoms). We read section 10.3 and completed # 17-19, sketching every molecule.  These questions, as well as the Dead Sea Lab, is due on Monday.  We completed a practice quiz at the end. 

Chemistry 12:  After a short review (Mini Review 5.1 to 5.4,) we learned how to balance full redox equations using the half cell method.   Due Monday is Unit 5 # 24 (any 4 acidic and any 4 basic reactions only).  

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Chemistry 12:  We began with a mini review of unit 5 # 1-3, you can find the key here.  We learned how to use the Standard Table of Reductions (the final table in your data booklet) to figure out if a reaction will be spontaneous or not.  Time was given to read section 5.3 and do Unit 5 # 7-14.    In the second half we learned how to balance half cells using the memory aid "Major Hydroxide", or "Major OH-"  Unit 5 # 19 (any 4 acidic and any 4 basic reactions) is due on Friday.  We spent the final portion preparing Lab 21C.

Chemistry 11:  After a quiz on the 10 alkanes we learned how to name branched alkanes.  Reading sectoin 10.1 and 10.2 is helpful for learning this.  We did Organic WS #2, an answer key is posted in room 313.  A little time was given to prepare Lab 7B.  In the second half we learned how to name and draw cyclic hydrocarbons, and we did unit 10 # 15-16 (make sure you draw every molecule for both 15 and 16).  We finished the day by completing the Dead Sea Lab - there is a hand-out to complete.    


Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Science 8:  We reviewed Wegener's evidence for drifting continents, then we read an article and completed the tables at the end.  Following this, everyone made a graphic organizer showing the layers of the earth, their names, properties, and approximate depths from the surface.  A good graphic organizer has illustrations, color, a good title, and text to explain ideas and key terms.  We wrote notes on Seismology, and finished off with a video about Seismology and another produced by National Geographic that shows Earthquake zones around the globe.  Lastly, we did a quiz where we had to identify all the continents on a world map.

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Science 8:  We had a short discussion about the continents on the globe and how they are constantly moving and changing,  then we watched this ridiculous clip about Scrat.  We completed this cut and paste activity to show how fossil evidence supports the idea that the continents were joined in the past.  Pangaea is the name of the super continent that contained all of today's continents.

Chemistry 11:  We began with a short review of the weeks coming up, and how on your final exam you will get a fresh data booklet.  We did Lab 12B (Procedure 1,2,4 only, no questions or follow up questions).  Time was given to check your answer to Organic WS #1. 

Chemistry 12:  We reviewed oxidation and reduction to start, then we added on to the Electrochemistry Notes we started in December.  The Thermite Reaction was used as an example to show reducing and oxidizing agents.  Time was given to finish the Oxidation Number WS and Unit 5 # 1-6.  I also made available a review of # 1-3.