Monday, September 30, 2019

Science 9 P12:  Today I collected your permission forms for the Know Your Watershed Program.  The practice Test was due today.  We read section 2.4 from the old Science Probe 10 book, and did pg 37 # 1-10 (half in sentences, half in quality point form).    Ms. King from the Know Your Watershed Program will do our first session on Tuesday.  Field trip on Wednesday - we load the bus at 11:45 so please bring your lunch.

Senior Girls Volleyball:

We leave on Tuesday at 11:45 for Vernon to play at Kalamalka Secondary.

Senior Girls Last Spike this weekend!  Bring a plate of food on Saturday morning for the Coaches room.  Click here for the tournament draw.  Click here to read about the skills competition.

Science 10 P56:   A little predation video first....  We took notes on Trophic Levels, then we did a Predator-Prey Lab.   Ms. King from the Know Your Watershed Program will do our first session on Tuesday.  Field trip on Thursday - we load the bus at 11:45 so please bring your lunch.

Chemistry 12:  We added a little to our Le Chatelier's Principle notes, and we did Unit 2 # 17-28, which is due Tuesday.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Science 9 Period 56:  A review of local Mountain Peaks and Rivers started us off.  We labelled a map of nearby rivers, lakes, towns, dams and peaks.  We did a Chapter 2 practice Test, which is due on Monday.  We finished off with a short discussion of Energy  transformations - list 3 energy transformations, one in your home, one at a fun activity that you enjoy, and one in a local ecosystem.   Forms for the Know Your Watershed Program were given out, and are due Monday.

Chemistry 12:  Read Section 2.4.  Do Unit 2 # 17, 19, 21, and 23.

Science 9 Period 12: Today we read 2.5 and wrote brief notes on these topics:  (Causes of Cancer, Definition of Metastasis, Do's and Don'ts to avoid getting cancer, 3 methods of treating cancer, recognizing the look of cancerous cells under the microscope).  A Chapter 2 Practice Test was given out, and is due Monday.  Forms for the Know Your Watershed Program were given out, and are due Monday.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Science 9:  Today we reviewed the local rivers and mountain peak names, getting ready for our Know Your Watershed program.  We took notes on Energy (we recognize 10 forms ) .  We sketched our home and yard (a small ecosystem) and with arrows we described all the energy inputs and outputs.   There was a short discussion about how most families spend most of their resources on buying energy.  The last 10 minutes was spent reading our "Joy of Reading" novels, I hope you are enjoying the title you chose.

Chemistry 12:  We did our Unit 1 (Rates of Reaction) test.   After the break we learned about the spontenaiety of reactions, read section 2.3, and did # 14-16 in Unit 2.  Due Friday is Unit 2 # 1-16, and the review of solutions WS.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Science 9 P56:  After reviewing the names of local creeks, rivers, and mountain peaks, we read section 2.4 in the old Probe 10.  Pg 37 # 1-8 (half in sentences) is due Wednesday.  We spent a 15 minutes at the end of class reading our Novels.

Chemistry 12:  I collected the written response section from your practice test and marked it according to how I will score your Unit 1 test.  No score was given, but if you add up all the checkmarks and half marks, the maximum possible is 22.  There will be Unit 1 Test (Rates of Reaction) on Thursday.   Unit 2 # 1-13 and the Review of Concentration WS will be due on Friday.

Science 9 Period 12:  Today was spent with Ms. Williams and Ms. Cancilla discussing Mental Health Literacy.

Senior Girls Volleyball:  Be at the Bus Stop at 1:50 for travel to Fulton in Vernon.

Monday, September 23rd

Science 9 Period 1/2:  We picked out a fiction book from the library today, in order to have one to read and eventually complete an assignment with.  The book needs to be read by October 24th.  We will read a little each day, so always bring it to Science and English.  We reviewed 5 categories of Asexual Reproduction.

Chemistry 12:  We changed the Rates of Reaction Test (Unit 1) to Thursday.  Have you practice test finished for Tuesday.  The Dynamic Equilibrium unit was begun today - read 2.1 and 2.2, do up to Unit 2 # 13.  There is a Review of Concentrations WS that will be due Friday as well.

Science 9 Period 56.  We began by reading section 2.6 about Asexual Reproduction and filling in a placemat with brief notes.  Pg 60 # 4,6 8-13 (all in quality point form) are due Tuesday. We finished with10 minutes of reading our novel, and reviewing all the mountain peaks seen from Revelstoke's Downtown (Mackenize, Cartier, Begbie, MacPherson, Boulder, Kirkup, Copeland, Frisbee Ridge, and Mt. Revelstoke. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Science 9 Period 56:  In the first half we learned about mutations, and how some can cause cells to divide uncontrollably, this is called Cancer.  We read Section 2.5 and took brief notes on these headings:  Definition of Cancer, 2 Categories of Tumours, Causes of Cancer,  Do's and Dont's to avoid getting cancer, 3 ways to treat cancer, What does Metastasis mean?.  Due Friday.

In the second half we measured tree circumferences to determing the carbon content of trees, and the amount of CO2 they are responsible for removing from the air. 

Tuesday, September 17

Science 9 Period 2:  Jesse from "Farm to Table" worked with us today, teaching us about sustainable farms and getting us to consider where our food comes from.

Science 9 P56:  We discussed our sustainable (or not) meals from last day, then learned about Greenhouse Gases (CO2 and Methane are two key ones).  In the last 20 minutes we used an online Carbon footprint application to estimate our family's consumption.  Navigate to to try out the app.  We can see how, by living in such a rich country, we may be using more than our fair share of the Earth's resources.

Chemistry 12:  We learned about reversible reactions today, as well as reaction mechanisms.  Due Thursday is the Mini Review Sections 1.1 to 1.8 and Unit 1 (Hebdon) # 46 - 52.  Lab 18C without a conclusion is due on Friday.  Expect a quiz on Reaction Mechanisms

Senior Girls Volleyball:

See Mr. Gale for your forms and permission for this weekend.

Link to the TRU schedule:

Link to the TRU tournament rules and format:

On the notice board by the Girls changeroom at RSS, sign-up for 2 shifts of score keeping for the Junior Boys Last Spike on Sept 27 & 28

Monday, September 16, 2019

Science 9 Period 1:  We started with a short discussion of  grazer and detritus food chains.  From the Science 10 books in Room 313, we did pg 29 # 2-11, all in quality point form.  Drats!, no trip to the Farm this week, but Jesse is coming to do parts of the Farm to Table program.  We may find an alternate site to visit, more details TBA.

Chemistry 12:  We wrote notes on the Details of Collisions, then read 1.7 and 1.8.  Unit 1 # 29 - 39 (skip #33) is due Tuesday. 

Friday, September 13, 2019

Science 9:  Everyone present today received a permission form for our Ecology Field Trip to Terrafirma farms.   Period 5/6 will go Tuesday, Sept 17, boarding the bus at 12:15.  Period 12 will go Thursday, Sept 19 boarding the bus as 12:15.    We spent our day on Ecology topics, and did work out of the former Science 10 Textbook.  I collected pg 52 # 1-5 & 17 from the previous class. 

Chemistry 12:  A short review started us off today.  After taking notes on Enthalpy, we read section 1.6 and did Unit 1 # 24-28.  Lab 18C used up the rest of our class. On Monday we will go through the qualities of a good Conclusion. 

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Science 9:  After a short reminder about producing quality written work (always make a nice header, never start responses with "It"or "They"), we took notes on the Cell Cycle and did pg 52 # 1-15, 17 (in sentences where appropriate).  This work is due Friday.  Ms. VonBremen  came by for a short survey about Wellness Wednesdays.  In the second half, we used microscopes to find and sketch lower case letter "e"s, as well as Onion Root Tip cells undergoing various stages of Mitosis.  We finished with a short review.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Chemistry 12:  We did Lab 18C today.  I will give one more hour of time during class, likely Monday, to finish this lab.  This year, Lab coil bound notebooks will need to stay in room 313, so please work efficiently (pre-read the lab so you know what to do, work quickly with your partner and avoid instances where there is nothing to do)

Science 9:  After a short reminder about producing quality written work (always make a nice header, never start responses with "It"or "They"), we took notes on the Cell Cycle and did pg 52 # 1-15, 17 (in sentences where appropriate).  This work is due Friday.  Ms. VonBremen  came by for a short survey about Wellness Wednesdays.  In the second half, we used microscopes to find and sketch lower case letter "e"s, as well as Onion Root Tip cells undergoing various stages of Mitosis.  We finished with a short review.


Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Chemistry 12:  Welcome to our new students!  To catch up to everyone, read and work your way through Sections 1.1 to 1.5 and complete exercises 1 to 22.  Those who have finished #1-22 can prepare Lab 18C for Wednesday.

Science 9:  Mitosis Cut and Paste.  After ordering the pictures in the correct sequence,  glue them onto paper and label each picture according to the cell cycle stages.  Add brief notes about explaining what happens at each stage.  Put a useful header at the top of the page.  Due next class.  I collected pg 47 today. 

Senior Girls Volleyball:  Next practice at 3:30 on Wednesday, Lunch on Thursday, and 3:30 on Friday.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Chemistry 12:  Today we learned about Collision Theory.  After a short review WS, we looked at the Rates animation, then added to our notes from Friday, and read did all the exercises from Section 1.1 to 1.5.  By Tuesday's class you should have # 1-22 done.  Click here to see the Rates animation, which you can play with at home.

Science 9:  After going over answers to pg 41 we wrote notes on Chromosomes.  A short video helped us see the structure of DNA and how it is used to make proteins.  We read section 2.3 and did pg 47 # 1-5, 8-12 and 16, half in sentences and half in quality point form.

Senior Girls Volleyball:  Just found out, our Wednesday practices have been switched to 3:30 - 5:15.   Spread the word!

Friday, September 6, 2019

Science 9:  After a short review of lab safety guidelines and cell anatomy, we read Section 2.2 and did pg 41 # 1-5, 7,12,15 in sentences where appropriate.  We also finished pg 38 from Thursday.  I collected the map/4 column table, and checked supplies.  Both pg 41 and 38 are due Monday.

Chemistry 12:  We took notes on the factors that affect rate of reaction.  We read 1.1 to 1.3 and did Unit 1 # 1-17.   Have 1- 14 done for for the start of class on Monday.

Senior Girls Volleyball:  Terrific play on Friday afternoon!  This is the information that is known so far:

Practices are confirmed for Wednesdays at 3:30-5:15 and Fridays 3:30-5:15 as well as Serving at lunch on Thursdays.  Tuesday is our League night (we will likely travel to Salmon Arm, Enderby, and Vernon), first date TBA.  

We are booked into 3 tournaments this fall:

Sept 20 & 21:  TRU in Kamloops
October 4 & 5:  Senior Girls Last Spike at RSS (please bring a food item for the Coaches/Volunteers room)
October 25 & 26:  George Elliot Classic in Winfield

Athletic Fees (covers fuel, hotel stays, tournament fees, TTOC costs):  $TBA (advancing to Valley Championships and Provincials will require additional funds).

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Chemistry 12:  After checking our Rates of Reaction WS with the green answer key, we did Experiment 7.  All data and calculations can written on the hand-out, which is due on Friday.  No conclusion is needed.

Science 9:  Following a review of my 4 key expectations (be on time, bring your work supplies, complete all the assigned work, treat everyone well), we read through laboratory safety guidelines.  We used our phones to look up the updated list of WHMIS symbols, and sketched and labelled the symbols.  In the final portion we discussed cell division, read Section 2.1, and started pg 38 # 1,2,4,5,7,12,14 (half in sentences, half in quality point form).  Pg 38 is not due Friday, but everything else is.

Senior Girls Volleyball:  Try-out # 1 on Friday at 3:30-5:15 and Try-out # 2 is on Wednesday at 5:15-7:00.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Science 9:  After a review of classroom safety equipment we individually created maps that show the classroom, surrounding hallway, and path to the tennis courts.  All the saftety equipment, the nearest fire pull, nearest extinguisher not in room 313, and the fire escape route need to be clearly labelled.  The map is due Thursday.  Always include a good header with every page you work on (name, date, useful title).  A model of a plant cell was used to review cell anatomy, and we also reviewed Microscope anatomy as well.  We did a labelling WS.  We finished off with key expectations meant to maximize yours and your classmate's learning.  On Friday, I will check that you have all the supplies that were asked for in the outline.

Chemistry 12:  We learned how Rate of Reaction is calculated today, and did the Rates of Reaction WS, which includes a bit of review from Chemistry 11.  Due Thursday.  I checked signed outlines today.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Day 1 - Welcome Back!

9:15-9:45 Students pick-up schedules in the Gym
9:45-10:10 Assembly in Gym
10:20-10:45 Period 1/2 (elective/year-long classes switch at 10:30)
10:50-11:15 Period 3/4 (elective/year-long classes switch at 11:00)
11:20-11:45 Period 5/6 (elective/year-long classes switch at 11:30)
11:50-12:15 Period 7/8 (elective/year-long classes switch at 12:00)
12:15 Dismissal

For tonight, show your course outline to your adult, and acquire the supplies needed if you don't already have them. We will hit the ground running Wednesday!