Friday, December 18, 2015

Science 9:  Today I collected pg 223 # 2-8, 10, 11 that was assigned on Wednesday.  We spent the class with Mr. Redding and Mr. Rourke, eating band cakes and bustin' moves in the gym.  Please leave your books in your locker and have a terrific  holiday!  See you in the New Year!

Science 10:  Today I collected pg 496 # 1,2,4,5,9,11.  We learned about plate tectonics, read section 17.3, and did these problems, which are not due on the Monday after the break: (pg 504 # 2, 5-10b, 12 and pg 500 # 1,6) .   Please leave your books in your locker and have a terrific  holiday!  See you in the New Year!

Chemistry 11:  Today we attempted to finish the solubility lab, then we went to the Follies.  Nothing is due for January 4th- have a terrific and safe holiday.

Physics 11: We didn't meet today.  See you in the new year!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Chemistry 11:  WS on Concentration of Ions in Solution, due Friday.   Today we learned the dilution equation too.  On Friday we will try to finish the Solubility Lab.

Science 10:  Sketch a labelled picture of the earth's cross section onto your data booklet.  pg 496 # 1,2,4,5,9,11.  We did a Magnetism Lab today.  Today I collected Lab 13D from most of you - bring it to class on Friday finished if I didn't get it today.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Physics 11:  Today we worked out of the old Science Probe 9 Text and learned about simple machines.  None of this is due for January 4th, our next class:  pg 421 # 1-6, Lab 19D (Ramps), pg 429 # 1-6, Lab 19F (Pulleys).  Leave your Physics books in your locker, and have a safe and enjoyable holiday.

Science 9:  Today we marked pg 217. We took notes on Forming Ionic compounds.  We started pg 223 # 2-8, 10, 11, which is due Friday morning.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Science 10:  Lab 13D from the hand-out.  Do all the procedure except step 5, then the discussion Questions # 1-5.  Today I collected Lab 13A.

Physics 11:  Today we started with a short review of Conservation of Energy.  We spent some time on the Toy Car Lab, then we learned about 6 simple machines and did the reading and questions from section 19.3 in the old science 9 textbook.  The Toy Car Lab (all procedure and questions but no conclusion) is due Wednesday, but not the simple machine problems.

Chemistry 11:  Read 9.1 and 9.2 about solutions.  Atomic Theory Test on Thursday, answers are posted at the back of my room for the practice test.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Science 9:  pg 217 # 10, 13-17 due Wednesday.  Hamper items due Tuesday - we still need a few items:

Science 10:  Lab 13A on acceleration is due Tuesday (analysis a-d).  pg 528 # 6-8, 10, 11 is due on the double block day.  Today we wrote a motion test and received a term 2 interim.

Chemistry 11: Atomic Theory Practice Test.  Due Thursday, but get as much done as possible for Tuesday so that you can ask questions.  Test on Thursday.

Physics 11: Toy Car Lab:  have your data table done for Tuesday.  We will do the graph on Tuesday.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Science 9:  Please bring your hamper items in for next class!  Today we did pg 2,3,5,7,8 on pg 212.

Physics 11:   pg 222 # 1-4;   pg 224 # 6,7;  PROBLEMS pg 238 # 15, 17.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Chemistry 11:  Lab 6E due Wednesday, as well as Unit 8 # 58-67.  You will get some time to work on the Review of Molarity WS on Wednesday.

Physics 11:  pg 213 # 3-5 and 17-19,  problems on Work and Power that you self-learned on Monday.  Nice work!

Science 10:  pg 385 # 1-5,7.  Test on Friday on Motion (Ch 12 and 13).  We wrote  a quiz on pg 379.

Science 9:  today I collected  pg. 208 # 2,5,10. 13a and pg 192 # 1-7 and 9-13.  (for pg 192 

I have asked all the band students who missed Thursday to do only half of these problems).

Monday, December 7, 2015

Science 10:  Today we started by checking the Acceleration WS answer key.  We read 13.1 and did pg 379 # 3-8.  We finished with a homework quiz on the Acceleration WS.

Chemistry 11: Read pg 170 # 170-176 in Hebdon.  do # 58-67.  Review of Molarity WS.  Lab 6E (Questions 1-3 and no conclusion).

Physics 11:  Today I collected the  Brick-Cart Lab, and you received your conservation of momentum quiz.   Nice work!   Finish the Placemat on Work and Power as you  Read pg 197-199 and 202-203.  Do Practice Problems # 1-4 and 9-11 within the Reading.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Science 10:  Acceleration WS due Monday.  Expect a Motion test near the end of next week.  Today I collected lab 12A (Motion with Constant Velocity) and we marked pg 364 # 1-7 but did not hand this in.

Science 9:  Please remember food items for the hamper and socks/twoonies for the sock drive.  Due on Tuesday is pg. 208 # 2,5,10. 13a and pg 192 # 1-7 and 9-13.  (for pg 192 I have asked all the band students who missed Thursday to do only half of these problems).

Physics 11:  pg 188 # 9-11 and the Brick Cart Lab (all questions but no conclusion) are due Monday.

Chemistry 11:  Unit 8 # 31-39 due Monday.  Today we did part II of Lab 6E, and it will be due on Tuesday.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Physics 11:  pg 185 # 5-8 and Problems pg 193 # 6,9,16.  We did the Brick Cart Lab today too, but this will not be due until Monday.

Science 9:  Today we started page 192 # 1-7 and 9-12.  It is not due Friday, but you will be given only about 15 minutes to work on it.  Please bring in food hamper items for the Food Bank, and new socks (or $2 donations) for the Me To We club.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Chemistry 11:  Unit 8 # 26-29.  Lab 11A (parts I, II and some of III, questions 2,3,4, no conclusion).  We started Lab 6E today, and will complete it on Friday.

Science 10:  Lab 12A (analysis a-e).  pg 164 # 1-7 (You were given a hand-out of the graph for #7.  Please show your calculations on that graph).

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Science 10:  Today we started Lab 12A and we did a quiz on pg 358 # 1-4.  No work is due for tomorrow.

Chemistry 11:  Unit 8 # 26-29 is not due tomorrow.  Lab 11A parts I and II were due today, but part III is not due tomorrow.

Physics 11:  Today we wrote a dynamics test.   Pg 178 # 1-4 is due Thursday.

Science 9:  Christmas food hamper items and socks.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Science 10:  pg 358 # 1-5.  If you haven't had # 5 explained to you yet, don't do it until Tuesday.

Science 9:  Christmas Hamper items - please bring in a few items for a family in Revelstoke.

Physics 11:  Dynamics Practice Test is due on Tuesday, the day you write your Dynamics Test.  Pg 178 # 1-4 is not due Tuesday, but on Thursday.  I did not collect the Force of Friction Lab today.

Chemistry 11:  Lab 11A part I and II.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Physics 11:  The Force of Friction Lab is due Monday, as well as the Dynamics Practice Test.  There will be a Dynamics Test on Tuesday.

Chemistry 11:  Today we wrote the Reactions Unit Test.  Due Monday are # 13-19, and 22 in Unit 8.

Science 10: pg 350 # 1-3, 6-8 are due Monday.  Calculate the 3 rates of reaction for your rates lab.  Today we wrote a Chemistry unit test.

Science 9:  We are going to be helping a family out by bringing in food items next week.  More info to come.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Science 10:  Today we did a practice test and answers are posted at the back of the classroom.  On Friday you will have a Chemistry Unit Test on chapters 6,7,8 and 9.  We also did a rate lab, and pg 350 # 1-3 and 6-8, but these are not due Friday.

Chemistry 11: Reactions Test on Friday.  Unit 8 # 13-19, 22 are due Monday.  Lab 6B should be done by now, but I have not collected it.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Science 9:  Today we did lab 5A, and I will give you time to do analysis a-i on Friday.  It will all be due Monday.  We still haven't gone over the problems from the last few days [pg 170 # 2-6 & pg 164 # 1,3-5, 8-10], so make sure they are done and in your binder for Friday's class.

Physics 11:  Hookes' Law WS due on Friday.  Force of Friction lab will be due Monday, so try out the questions in order to seek assistance on Friday, if necessary.  Today we wrote a quiz on the Universal Force of Gravity equation.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Chemistry 11:  Reactions Unit Test due Thursday.  Titrations WS due Friday.  Reactions test on Friday.

Physics 11:  WS on Universal Gravitation due Wednesday.  Newton's 2nd Law lab due Wednesday (all questions and a conclusion).  Dynamics test soon.

Science 9:  pg 170 # 2-6 in fine sentences.  We did not correct pg 164 # 1,3-5, 8-10 so we will do this on Wednesday.

Science 10:  Today we performed our rate experiment to determine the effect of concentration on reaction rate.  I did not check pg 228/229  [all multiple choice, 15,17,18], so I will check this on Thursday.  The rate lab is not due Thursday.  We are near the end of our chemistry unit - expect a Chemistry test on Friday.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Science 10:  Ch 8 Review:  pg 228 and 229 [all multiple choice problems, # 15, 17, 18].  Test on Friday on the whole Chemistry Unit.

Physics 11:  Newton's Second Law Lab (questions due Tues, entire lab with a conclusion due Wed).

Chemistry 11:  Titration WS due Thursday.  Lab 6B due Tuesday.  Reactions Unit Test on Thursday.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Science 9:  pg 164 # 1,3-5, 7-10 in quality point form.  Write brief notes on Physical Properties (phase, lustre, density, ductility, malleability, solubility, mp and bp)  and on Chemical Properties (flammability, corrosion, and reactivity with a acids.

Science 10:  pg 256 # 1-5, 7-10.  Balancing mini practice.  Quiz on Balancing Monday.  Chemistry test on the double block next week.  The animations of chemical reactions can be found at this site:

Chemistry 11:  Lab 6B - finish all the questions and Follow-up questions.  You will be given time for a conclusion on Monday.  Test on Reactions on the double block day next week.

Physics 11:   Today we did the Newton's Second Law lab.  This is not due Monday.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Chemistry 11:  Unit 6 # 70 - 80 and Unit 7 # 17-22 (try any 4, 5,or 6 of these ones on titrations).  Today I collected lab 20C.  Lab 6B is not due Friday - we will do part II.

Science 10:  pg 256 # 1-4 and 248 # 2,3.  Finish the Balancing WS II, front side only.  In the second half we did a lab from the old Science Probe 9 Text, and I collected this in class.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Physics 11:  Chapter 5 practice Problems # 13-15 and the PROBLEMS pg 106 # 17, 20, 22 are due Friday.  The Force vs Length lab is also due Friday.

Science 9:  pg 156 # 2-4 and 7-10.  Density Calculations (3 solids and water).  Both due Friday.

If you want to view my older posts, you will need to go to

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Science 10:  pg 248 # 2,3 due Thursday.  Today we wrote a quiz on pg 234 # 1,2,6-9, so if you were absent you will need to show me this on Thursday.

Chemistry 11:  Lab 20C due Thursday.  Pg 131 # 17-22 (do any 4, 5 or 6 problems).  Today we read about endothermic and exothermic reactions.  We are getting near the end of the reactions unit so expect a test soon.

Physics 11:  Chapter 5 practice problems # 5-12 due Wednesday.