Science 10: Today we did Lab 10D from the old Science Probe 10 textbook as one of our last year end review activities. This was handed in before you left. We spent the rest of the class working on Year End Review assignments. Your Final Exam is on Friday morning - make sure you arrive with your supplies: calculator, pencils and pens. You are welcome to see me on Thursday after 11:00 if you need some assistance with anything (My Chem 11s write their final Thurs am)
Chemistry 11: Today we ate delicious pie that Jade-Lyn made, did an Organic Unit Test ,and a mock mini final. Tomorrow you will write your final exam in Room 313. You will be sharing the room with the Math 10 Provincial Exam writers. Please make sure you have your supplies with you: calculator, pencils, erasers, ruler. Thank you Jade-Lyn for the superb treats!
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Science 9: Today we had half of write the Chemistry Unit Test, and half do Lab 3C on Electrostatics.
Science 10: Today we did some review of Chemistry and then did another final exam from the Ministry Website. I want you to send me the PDF of our results either to my Dropbox or to my email account ( I have added a little more YER: a WS titled "Tour de Databooklet" and another on Geology.
Science 10: Today we did some review of Chemistry and then did another final exam from the Ministry Website. I want you to send me the PDF of our results either to my Dropbox or to my email account ( I have added a little more YER: a WS titled "Tour de Databooklet" and another on Geology.
Monday, January 25, 2016
Physics 11: today we wrote a Modern Physics Test and a mini mock final exam (this one will only count if it helps your Term 2 grade). Your Final is on Monday morning. Make sure you bring all your tools (calculator, multiple pencils, eraser, ruler, protractor) and a drink and silent snack if you want. I want the contents of your Physics binder on Monday am and this can be picked up the following week if you want it back. (binder contents not claimed by Feb 15th will be recycled)
Chemistry 11: Today we spent time on the Organic Practice test. Next class we will do the Organic Test and a mini practice final (which will count for term 2 if it betters your current percentage).
Science 10: Spent the whole class on Review. Work steadily on the YER tasks I have provided for you (Text Ch 8 Review, Motion YER all MC, Ch 3 Review WS, Processes of Science WS, Text Ch 9 Review. Check the school schedule for your final exam time and location.
Chemistry 11: Today we spent time on the Organic Practice test. Next class we will do the Organic Test and a mini practice final (which will count for term 2 if it betters your current percentage).
Science 10: Spent the whole class on Review. Work steadily on the YER tasks I have provided for you (Text Ch 8 Review, Motion YER all MC, Ch 3 Review WS, Processes of Science WS, Text Ch 9 Review. Check the school schedule for your final exam time and location.
Friday, January 22, 2016
Science 9: Chemistry Practice Test on Monday or Tuesday, whichever you chose.
Science10: Spend some time preparing for your final. Use the review material I have provided, and/or spend time redoing portions of old assignments.
Physics 11: Today we did the Modern Physics Practice test, and many of us started a Kinmatics YER
Chemistry 11: WS # 9 and Unit 10 # 30, 31. Friday will be for the Organic Pr. Test.
Science10: Spend some time preparing for your final. Use the review material I have provided, and/or spend time redoing portions of old assignments.
Physics 11: Today we did the Modern Physics Practice test, and many of us started a Kinmatics YER
Chemistry 11: WS # 9 and Unit 10 # 30, 31. Friday will be for the Organic Pr. Test.
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Science 10: pg 331 # 1-3,9. Check your answers with the key on the side counter. We are working on Year End Review, and so far I have offered you a Motion Review, Chapter 8 (Chemistry) review and a Chapter 3 (Ecology Review). Work through these as steadily as you can, mark your own with the posted keys, then give your completed to me for a small credit and I will give you the next one:)
Physics 11: pg 642 # 1-3,5,6. Modern Physics Practice test, and we will do the Unit Test on Friday. Also on Friday will be a Mini Final (all topics, meant to be done in about 60 min). I will count the Mini Final as a unit test only if it helps your Term 2 grade. Your final is on Monday morning.
Chemistry 11: WS # 6 on Cis and Trans isomerism with alkenes (due Thursday). You have a moles YER WS, which is not due but would make good final exam prep.
Physics 11: pg 642 # 1-3,5,6. Modern Physics Practice test, and we will do the Unit Test on Friday. Also on Friday will be a Mini Final (all topics, meant to be done in about 60 min). I will count the Mini Final as a unit test only if it helps your Term 2 grade. Your final is on Monday morning.
Chemistry 11: WS # 6 on Cis and Trans isomerism with alkenes (due Thursday). You have a moles YER WS, which is not due but would make good final exam prep.
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Science 10: Today I collected the Half-Life WS. pg 317 # 2,4,5,10 due Wednesday. We are working through some Year End Review: some of you started with Motion and others with Chemistry, but neither of these are due tomorrow. Spend some time on final exam prep.
Science 9: pg 247 # 3-7 is not due Thursday. Today I collected pg 244 # 2,4,5,7-11 from most of you... some will give it to me on Thursday.
Chemistry 11: WS #4 on Alkenes and Alkynes. I collected Lab 7B today.
Physics 11: We worked on 4 problems from a hand-out involving Relativistic Addition of Velocities (due Wed). We also did a review/lab activity where we found the index of refraction, the critical angle, and the speed of light in a non-air material (not due Wed).
Science 9: pg 247 # 3-7 is not due Thursday. Today I collected pg 244 # 2,4,5,7-11 from most of you... some will give it to me on Thursday.
Chemistry 11: WS #4 on Alkenes and Alkynes. I collected Lab 7B today.
Physics 11: We worked on 4 problems from a hand-out involving Relativistic Addition of Velocities (due Wed). We also did a review/lab activity where we found the index of refraction, the critical angle, and the speed of light in a non-air material (not due Wed).
Monday, January 18, 2016
Friday, January 15, 2016
Science 10: pg 289 # 1-13. Make sure to check your work with the answer keys posted at the back for pg 283 # 8-14 and for the Nuclear Decay Reactions. How is your Final Exam Prep going? Now is a good time to go to town on Year End Review.
Science 9: pg 244 # 2,4,5,7-11 is due Monday.
Chemistry 11: Unit 10 # 15,16,10-13. Today we learned about cycloalkanes. How is your Final Exam Prep going? Now is a good time to go to town on Year End Review.
Physics 11: Length Contraction - read the section from the hand-out and do problems 3,4,6,7,1,2,8 in the order suggested. How is your Final Exam Prep going? Now is a good time to go to town on Year End Review.
Science 9: pg 244 # 2,4,5,7-11 is due Monday.
Chemistry 11: Unit 10 # 15,16,10-13. Today we learned about cycloalkanes. How is your Final Exam Prep going? Now is a good time to go to town on Year End Review.
Physics 11: Length Contraction - read the section from the hand-out and do problems 3,4,6,7,1,2,8 in the order suggested. How is your Final Exam Prep going? Now is a good time to go to town on Year End Review.
Thursday, January 14, 2016
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Chemistry 11: Unit 10 # 3-9. Don't write in your textbook - I have a copy of the text for you to doodle on. We also did Lab 7B today, which will be due on Monday with a conclusion. Now is a good time to begin final exam prep. Its easy. Just open your binder to the start, and read your way through it. Retry some of the
Science 10. Today we went into the IT lab and tried the first provincial final exam listed at the following link: ( A few instructions:
*The Nuclear Science section, # 47 to 51, is currently being learned in class - don't worry if you can't do all these yet.
*Save your test results as a PDF, and determine your percent score for each Unit [Ecology # 1-22, Chemistry # 23-46, Nuclear Science # 47-51, Motion # 52-67, Geology # 68-80]. Spend the most study time on your worst unit :)
We also learned about Nuclear decay equations and did a WS to practice our new skills. The WS, and pg 283 # 8-14 would be good to finish for Friday, but I will give you a little more time Friday.
Science 10. Today we went into the IT lab and tried the first provincial final exam listed at the following link: ( A few instructions:
*The Nuclear Science section, # 47 to 51, is currently being learned in class - don't worry if you can't do all these yet.
*Save your test results as a PDF, and determine your percent score for each Unit [Ecology # 1-22, Chemistry # 23-46, Nuclear Science # 47-51, Motion # 52-67, Geology # 68-80]. Spend the most study time on your worst unit :)
We also learned about Nuclear decay equations and did a WS to practice our new skills. The WS, and pg 283 # 8-14 would be good to finish for Friday, but I will give you a little more time Friday.
Tuesday, January 12
Science 10: Read pg 281 and 282 and do pg 283 # 8-14. You will be given time on Wed to finish this. Spend some time preparing for the Geology Test that your having tomorrow.
Chemistry 11: Today I collected Lab 16A. Organic WS #2 is due Wednesday.
Physics 11: Today we did the Momentum, Energy, and Power test. The Speed of Light WS is due Thursday.
Science 10: Read pg 281 and 282 and do pg 283 # 8-14. You will be given time on Wed to finish this. Spend some time preparing for the Geology Test that your having tomorrow.
Chemistry 11: Today I collected Lab 16A. Organic WS #2 is due Wednesday.
Physics 11: Today we did the Momentum, Energy, and Power test. The Speed of Light WS is due Thursday.
Monday, January 11.
Science 10: Have the Geology Unit Practice Test done by Tuesday at the start of class. Your Geology test will be on Wednesday.
Science 9: No homework today. We started pg 237 # 3-5, 8 but it is not due. We also learned how to write names and formula of Ionic Compounds.
Chemistry 11: Today we wrote the Solutions Test. Lab 16A is due tomorrow.
Physics 11: Today we started the Modern Physics Unit. Your Work, Energy and Power Test is tomorrow, and your practice test will be collected.
Science 10: Have the Geology Unit Practice Test done by Tuesday at the start of class. Your Geology test will be on Wednesday.
Science 9: No homework today. We started pg 237 # 3-5, 8 but it is not due. We also learned how to write names and formula of Ionic Compounds.
Chemistry 11: Today we wrote the Solutions Test. Lab 16A is due tomorrow.
Physics 11: Today we started the Modern Physics Unit. Your Work, Energy and Power Test is tomorrow, and your practice test will be collected.
Friday, January 8, 2016
Physics 11: Today we did the Momentum, Energy and Power practice test, which is due on Monday. Tuesday we will do the unit test.
Chemistry11: Today we did the Solutions practice test. Monday we will do the solutions test. Tuesday is the due date for Lab 16A.
Science 10: Read section 18.2. Do pg 528 # 1, 3-5 and pg 536/537 (all the MC and 10-12). We will have a Geology test on Wednesday. What about Final Exam preparation? Here is a complete list of all the terms and concepts that are in this course: ( It makes a nice checklist.
Chemistry11: Today we did the Solutions practice test. Monday we will do the solutions test. Tuesday is the due date for Lab 16A.
Science 10: Read section 18.2. Do pg 528 # 1, 3-5 and pg 536/537 (all the MC and 10-12). We will have a Geology test on Wednesday. What about Final Exam preparation? Here is a complete list of all the terms and concepts that are in this course: ( It makes a nice checklist.
Thursday, January 7, 2016
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Science 9: pg 237 # 2 and 7. Color and sketch the molecules for #7. Finish Lab 7B (analysis questions a-g in sentences).
Physics 11: pg 255 # 13-15 (try # 16 too, if you want an A!) All the Science 9 material [pg 421 # 1-6, Lab 19D (Ramps), pg 429 # 1-6, Lab 19F (Pulleys), pg 432 # 1-4] should be done now and handed in to me, but if not, have it ready for my on Thursday morning. Expect a Momentum, Work and Power test on Tuesday.
Physics 11: pg 255 # 13-15 (try # 16 too, if you want an A!) All the Science 9 material [pg 421 # 1-6, Lab 19D (Ramps), pg 429 # 1-6, Lab 19F (Pulleys), pg 432 # 1-4] should be done now and handed in to me, but if not, have it ready for my on Thursday morning. Expect a Momentum, Work and Power test on Tuesday.
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
Physics 11: Read pg 242 - 248 about Thermal Energy transfer (Heat) and Temperature. Do Practice problems # 1-3 and 5-7, which is due on Wednesday. All the Sci Probe 9 work is due Wednesday at the end of the class. You will get at least 40 minutes next class to finish this work off if you need it.
Expect a unit test early next week.
Chemistry 11: WS: Organic assignment #1. Today I collected the blue Precipitation WS from you. Bring your lab text on Thursday - we will do Lab 16A
Science 9: Today we did lab 7B about Ions and atoms. No homework today, but a few people need to fininsh pg 223 # 2-8, 10, 11 from before the holidays.
Science 10: Today I collected pg 508. We did a WS titled "Getting to Know Plate Boundaries" as well as all the Multiple Choice problems from pg 514 and 515. These are due Thursday.
Expect a unit test early next week.
Chemistry 11: WS: Organic assignment #1. Today I collected the blue Precipitation WS from you. Bring your lab text on Thursday - we will do Lab 16A
Science 9: Today we did lab 7B about Ions and atoms. No homework today, but a few people need to fininsh pg 223 # 2-8, 10, 11 from before the holidays.
Science 10: Today I collected pg 508. We did a WS titled "Getting to Know Plate Boundaries" as well as all the Multiple Choice problems from pg 514 and 515. These are due Thursday.
Monday, January 4, 2016
Science 10: pg 508 # 2,3-13 due on Tuesday. Your Final Exam date is posted on the RSS website - please put the date in your calendar!
Chemistry 11: Blue WS titled Precipitation Reactions is due on Tuesday. I will make the orange Solubility lab due on Thursday.
Physics 11: The Science Probe 9 work [ pg 421 # 1-6, Lab 19D (Ramps), pg 429 # 1-6, Lab 19F (Pulleys), pg 432 # 1-4] will be due on Wednesday at the end of class. Expect a momentum, energy and power test early next week. If you are looking for my old blog, here it is...
Chemistry 11: Blue WS titled Precipitation Reactions is due on Tuesday. I will make the orange Solubility lab due on Thursday.
Physics 11: The Science Probe 9 work [ pg 421 # 1-6, Lab 19D (Ramps), pg 429 # 1-6, Lab 19F (Pulleys), pg 432 # 1-4] will be due on Wednesday at the end of class. Expect a momentum, energy and power test early next week. If you are looking for my old blog, here it is...
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