Friday, April 29, 2016

Science 9 Year Long:  pg 418 # 1-6, 9-11, 13, 16

Chemistry 11: Today we wrote the Reactions test.  No work is due Monday.  I should have your lab 6B now.

Chemistry 12:  Unit 4 # 47-57 (but not 54) due Monday.  Prep Lab 20G for Monday too.  Today we wrote a quiz on U4 # 31-41.

Science 9 (P56):  pg 281 # 4-7, 9, 10

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Chemistry 12:  U4 # 31 - 41.  Lab 20B is due Friday.  Today we did part I, procedure only,  of lab 20G.   Regular review might become an important strategy as we do increasing more complex content.  Keep up the good work!

Chemistry 11:  Test on Reactions Unit on Friday.  We started Lab 20C today, and we did part I and calculations # 1-3.  I collected Lab 6B.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Science 9 (year long):  Today we reviewed parts of the solar system, designed a life-detecting space probe, and watch the second half of the "Giants" documentary about the exploration of the 4 outer planets.  No homework is due for next class. If you are away next week, these sections would be good to complete in order to take care of some of the learning that you will miss: Read section 13. 1 and do pg 418 # 1-6, 9-11, 13, 16.  Read 13.2 and do pg 424 # 6-8, 10,12,13,16,17.   Read 13.3 and do pg 429 # 1,4,5,7,11,14,18,19.  All of this can be done in quality point form.

Science 9 Period 5&6:  Due Friday is pg 278 # 1,3,6,8,12 in sentences.  If you are away next week, these sections would be good to complete in order to take care of some of the learning that you will miss:   Read 9.2 and do pg 281 # 4-7, 9,10 in quality point form.  Read section 9.3.  Read 9.5. For each kind of technology described in 9.5, create a simple sketch and write brief notes on how these pieces of technology work.   Watch this video:

Chemistry 11:  On Tuesday you wrote a reactions practice test, which is due Thursday.  Lab 6B is also due Thursday.  Reactions Test on Friday.  If you are away next week, these sections would be good to complete in order to take care of some of the learning that you will miss:  Read 8.1 and do # 13-19, 22, 23, 24, 26-28.  Lab 11A, part II procedure only.

Chemistry 12:  On Tuesday you worked on Lab 20B and were given a mini review to work on.  The lab is due Friday.  If you are away next week, these sections would be good to complete in order to take care of some of the learning that you will miss: U4 # 31-41 (thurs), Lab 20G part II and III (Friday), U4 # 47-57 and 42-44 (mon), 58-64 (tues),  69-70 (wed).  


Thursday, April 21, 2016

Science 9 Year long:  Today we watched the first 20 minute of the "Giants" and wrote a summarizing paragraph about it.   The Constellations Lab is not due.

Science 9 (P56):  Today we were supposed to do a Chemistry Unit Test but instead we went to the White Hatter presentation.  Your Chemistry Test will be on Tuesday, but can be written after school today if this suits you better.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Chemistry 11:  The long green Stoichiometry WS and Lab 6B is due on Tuesday.  There will be a Reactions Unit Test next Friday.

Chemistry 12:  Today we did Lab 20B, and it will be due next Thursday.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Chemistry 11: Lab 6B due Wednesday with a conclusion.

Chemistry 12: U4 # 21-24 and 28-30.

Science 9 (P56):  Today we did Lab 2D from the old science 9 text, but it is not due Thursday.  On Thusday we will have a Chemistry Test.

Science 9 (year-long):  Beginner's Star Map lab, including all procedure and questions, is not due next day.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Chemistry 12:  Unit 4 # 11-19.  Make sure that 1-10 is complete too.

Science 9(P56):  Today I collected LAB 7B and we did the practice test, which is due Tuesday.  Test, on Chemistry, on Thursday.

Chemistry 11:  Long WS on Stoichiometry due Tuesday.  Lab 6B will be due Thursday, with a conclusion.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Science 9:  pg 394 # 2,5,6,10,11, 16, 19 due on Tuesday  Today I collected your Solar System Model Lab.

Chemistry 11:  WS on Stoichiometry.  Lab 6B - just questions 1-5 need to be done for Monday.  I will give you a little more time to finish the lab next day.

Science 9 (Period 5,6):  Lab 7B analysis a-g are due on Monday.

Chemistry 12:  Read section 4.1 to 4.3 and do # 1-10 in Chapter 4.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Science 9 (P56):  pg 237 # 2-8 due Friday.  Lab 7B is not due Friday.

Science 9 (Year long):  Complete a placemat on the 8 planets - state two important facts about each one.  We started pg 394 # 2,5,610, 11,  16, 19 but this is not due Friday.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Chemistry 12:  We wrote the Solubility Test this morning and I collected your practice test.  We read sections 4.1, 4,2 and 4,3 in our new Unit: Acids and Bases.  Lab 19C is due Friday, with a fine conclusion.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Science 9 (P56):  pg 223 # 3-11 due Thursday.

Chemistry 12:  Solubility Test on Wednesday - I will want to collect your practice test.

Chemistry 11:  Lab 7B due Wednesday.  Today I collected the WS titled Predicting Products.  Due Wednesday also is U6 # 70-80.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Monday, April 11, 2016

Chemistry 11:  No new work today, since we listened to Greg Drew speak about Road Safety and Risky Behaviour.  Lab 7B will be due Wednesday, and the Predicting Products WS is due Tuesday.

Chemistry 12: Solubility Test on Wednesday.  Today we did a Solubility mini practice, discussed hard and soft water,  and most of you started the Practice test.  Due Friday is the Solubility Product Constant Lab (19C).

Science 9 Year Long:  Today we took notes on objects in the Solar System and we spent time on the Solar system Model lab.  Nothing is due Thursday.  Today you were given a print out of your grades - Term 3 ends Friday.

Science 9 (P56).  We started by marking pg 217.  Then we observed some ionic compounds (solid, crystalline, often white...) and recorded the ions present.  pg 223 # 3-11 was assigned, but is not due Tuesday .

Friday, April 8, 2016

Science 9 (P56):  pg 217 # 10, 13-18.

Chemistry 12:  Test on Wednesday on Chapter 3, Solubility.  Lab 19C due Friday.  U3 # 81-86 due Monday.

Chemistry 11: WS called  Predicting Products due Monday.    Lab 7B due Tuesday, with a conclusion.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Chemistry 11:  U6 # 66 (categorize all the reactions, and copy out and balance 5 of them).  We did Lab 7B today, and you should try the Questions and Follow-up Questions tonight so that I can help you with them on Friday.  The lab will be due Monday with a conclusion.  Today I collected Lab 6A.

Chemistry 12:  U3 # 29-33, 50,51.  We started Lab 19C today, and it will be due next Friday.  Today I collected the Solubility Lab.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Science 9 year long: no homework assigned today.

Science 9 P56:  pg 212 # 2,7,8,9.  I collected Lab 5A today, and we wrote a quiz on last days assignment.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Science 9 Year Long:  pg 380 # 1-10, 12,13, 15 in fine sentences, due Wednesday.

Chemistry 11:  Balancing WS.  Lab 6A is due Thursday, with a conclusion.  Today I collected the WS titled Writing Chemical Reaction Equations.

Science 9 (P56).  Today I collected page 192.  We wrote notes on the structure of an atom, and we saw how a beam of electrons can be produced by a Crookes tube.  Due Wednesday is pg 212 # 3,5,10,11 and lab 5A (Burning Candle).

Chemistry 12:  Due Thursday is the Solubility Lab (pink hand-out) and U3 # 40-49 and 56 - 63.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Science 9 (P56):  Read 6.2 and do pg 192 # 1-7, 9-13 in sentences where appropriate.   This will be due Tuesday.   Finish Lab 5A, which includes Analysis a-i in sentences, due on Wednesday.  

Chemistry 12:  WS titled Review of 3.1 to 3.7  and Unit 3 # 40-49 due Tuesday.

Chemistry 11:  WS titled Writing Chemical Reaction Equations.  Lab 6A is due Thursday.