Monday, February 26, 2018

Wednesday, February 28

Science 10 (56):  We made a poster showing the Atomic Structure of an atom that was assigned to you.  The poster requirements are below in blue.  We drew Bohr diagrams for the first 20 elements, and we marked pg 152 # 1,2,4,8-11.  We finished with a video on Sexual Selection, that we did not complete.

Create a poster showing the structure of an atom.
-show the placement and number of subatomic particles
-show a standard symbol for your isotope
-label the features on your standard symbol
-create a copy of Table 1 pg 156

-have a large title, and put your name and date in the lower left corner

Chemistry 12:  Today did lab 20B, and you left your lab books in room 313 so no need to finish the lab at home.  I did not get to check U2 # 17-27 (odd numbers only) which was due today. I will check it on Friday.

Tuesday, February 27 

Chemistry 12:  Unit 2 # 14,15, then # 8-13.  Have a coil bound notebook for Wednesday am's lab.

Chemistry 11:  Intro Unit Test Tuesday afternoon.  We started U5 # 6-9 (odd letters only) but this is not due on Tuesday.

Science 10 (56):  Biology Unit Test on Tuesday.  Also due Tuesday is the completed practice test.   We started some Review 6.1 (# 1,2,4,8-11) but this is not due Tuesday.  We spent some time observing about 17 different elements, and found they fit neatly into a "metals" category, and a "non-metals" category.

Science 10 (78):  Biology Unit Test on Tuesday.  Also due Tuesday is the completed practice test.  We spent some time observing about 17 different elements, and found they fit neatly into a "metals" category, and a "non-metals" category.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Science 10 P78:  Create a homemade Genetics and Heredity Test with 2 multiple choice problems, 2 written response questions, and 1 labelling question, as well as a separate answer key.  Complete the Practice Test that I gave you (due Monday).  In the second half we listened to a speaker and panel as they discussed the current "Tech" focussed job market.

Chemistry 11:  Today we started with a review of names and formulas for ionic compounds.  We finished Lab 2D (all questions, follow-up questions, and a conclusion).   In the second half we finished the Unit 1 practice test.  There will be a Unit 1 test on Tuesday.  

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Science 10:  Create a homemade Genetics and Heredity Test with 2 multiple choice problems, 2 written response questions, and 1 labelling question, as well as a separate answer key.  Complete the Practice Test that I gave you (due Monday).  We also did lab 6A but none of the analysis is due Monday.

Chemistry 12:  WS:  Review of Concentration of Ions, due Monday.  Read 2.1 and 2.2 and do problems # 1-10, 12,13, also due Monday.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Chemistry 11: Today we raced through the procedure of Lab 2D.  Nice work!  None of this lab is due on Thursday, we will spend class time completing the analysis.  Expect a unit test early next week.

Chemistry 12:  I collected the Practice Test, and we did the Rates of Reaction Unit Test.  Nothing is due for Wednesday.

Science 10:  We started with a genetics review.  After reading about Evolution by Natural Selection, we did the Giraffe WS.  We will have a test on Tuesday on Genetics and Heredity (all that we have learned so far).  Chemistry is our next Unit.

Monday, February 19, 2018

Chemistry 12:  Today we started with a mini-review of reaction mechanisms.  We did the practice test today, which is due on Tuesday before you write your Rates of Reaction unit test.  I also had available some challenging extra practice, which is optional.

Chemistry 11:  We started with a short review of Names and Formulas of Ionic compounds as well as the Kinetic Molecular Theory.  Due Tuesday is any 20 problems from Unit 4 # 14-163.  Due next day is your prepared Lab 2D, which we will start right away Tuesday morning.  We will have a unit test early next week, perhaps Tuesday.

Science 10.  After a short review, we did Activity 40 (Fossil History of the Elephant).  Please be sure to bring your own elephant or mastodon to class for elephant labs - entering through the lower entrance is best.  Activity 40 is not due Tuesday.  Our first unit test will happen early next week.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Science 10:  Today we used the DNA sequence GGATCCCATAACAATGCA to find the complementary DNA strand, the mRNA strand, and eventually the amino acid sequence for the first few amino acids in insulin, a protein produced in some cells.  Answer keys were used to check the work from last day as well as Tuesday.  We watched about 30 minutes more of "What Darwin Never Knew".  There will be a Biology Unit Test next week, towards the end.

Chemistry 11:  We wrote a conclusion for lab 2E (or 3A, if you missed 2E) today, as well as # 8 and 9 from pg 74 in Hebdon.

Chemistry 12:  We wrote a conclusion for Lab 18C today.  You also received a practice test for our upcoming Rates of Reaction Test.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Chemistry 12:  Today we started with a mini-review of Reaction Mechanisms.  We took notes on Catalysts, and read sections 1.10, 1.11, and 1.12.  Unit 1 # 56-61 is due on Friday, as well as Lab 18C (without a conclusion).  We did a review assignment of all topics from 1.1 to 1.8, and finished with a Quiz on the Hebdon Questions that were assigned on Tuesday.  There will be a Rates of Reaction Test on Tuesday, February 20th.  Expect a practice test on Friday.

Science 10:  Today we learned about how the information in DNA is used to build a protein, which will likely go on to catalyze a chemical reaction.  We took some notes,  watched "From DNA to Protein", and read pg 141 - 146 in the old Nelson Biology 11 text.   We did pg 153 # 1-25 (all MC, answers only).  In the second half, we measured the lengths of about 250 beans and graphed the #beans vs the length, which revealed natural distribution (or bell curve).  This notion of variation among a population was the lead into "Natural Selection", which is the best explanation for all the diversity of life on this planet. Whew!  We learned a lot today!

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Science 10:  Today we learned about how the information in DNA is used to build a protein, which will likely go on to catalyze a chemical reaction.  We took some notes,  watched "From DNA to Protein", and read pg 141 - 146 in the old Nelson Biology 11 text.   We did pg 153 # 1-25 (all MC, answers only).  In the second half, we measured the lengths of about 250 beans and graphed the #beans vs the length, which revealed natural distribution (or bell curve).  This notion of variation among a population was the lead into "Natural Selection", which is the best explanation for all the diversity of life on this planet. Whew!  We learned a lot today!

Chemistry 11:  Today we started with   safety assignment, and spent the rest of the class doing lab 2E, the Law of Definite Proportions. All the Calculations and Follow-up Questions are due on Friday.  The trick to this lab is to make sure everyone is applying those rules of measurement and reporting of significant figures.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Science 10: Today we read section 17.4 and did review 17.4 in sentences.  Later we will do 17.3.   We also did a quiz on Genetics Problems and on Human Reproductive Anatomy.

Chemistry 11:  I collected unit 3 # 33-44.  After doing a short WS called Atoms and Molecules, we read pg 65-73 and did #  1-7 (at least half the practice problems, but get enough practice to be good at these skills).  We finished with a quiz on Significant Figures.

Chemistry 12:  For review we did a quiz from last year.  We took notes on Mechanisms, then read section 1.9 and did # 46-52, followed by 41-45.  Lab 18C will be due Friday, and can be worked on only in room 313 (come whenever... lunch, other blocks, etc.).  No conclusion yet.

Friday, February 9

Science 10:  Today we marked the Genetics Review WS, and did a practice quiz on anatomy and genetics problems.  We did Lab 36 on Pedigree Charts, which is due Tuesday.

Chemistry 12:  Today we went to the Scholarship presentation.  We spent 30 minutes working on Lab 18C at the end.

Chemistry 11:  We did self marked lab 3A.  We took notes on Atoms, Molecules, and Ions.  After reading section 3.3, did # 33 - 44.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Science 10:  Read Section 16.4 and do # 1-7.  Label the male and female human reproductive anatomy sheet.  Do the WS titled Genetics Problems.  Today marked section 17.2

Chemistry 12:  Today we did Lab 18C, which is not due Friday.  We will go to the scholarship seminar on Friday.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Science 10, P78:  Read Section 16.4 and do # 1-7.  Label the male and female human reproductive anatomy sheet.  Do the WS titled Genetics Problems.  Today marked section 17.2 and I checked it.

Chemistry 11:  We started with a history lesson about the Berlin Wall from a performer named Devon Wall - wow!  In the second half we did Lab 3A (all procedure, Questions and Calculations 1,4, and Follow-up Questions # 2,3.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Chemistry 12:  Today we did a review WS on section 1.7 and 1.8.  Lab 18C needs to be prepared for Thursday, and you need to have your coil-bound notebook for Thursday, and it will stay in my room.  U1 # 37-39 is not due Thursday.

Chemistry 11:  Complete all the density calculations for Wednesday.  Ensure you have a ruler, 20 sheets of graph paper, and a calculator for this class.

Science 10:  Today we wrote a safety quiz, drew mieosis, and started a crossword puzzle that is not due next class.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Chemistry 11:  Today we took notes on Significant Figures.  We read pg 34-40 and did Unit II # 55-58.  We also reviewed the matter samples that we looked at on Friday.

Chemistry 12:  Today we Read sections 1.6 to 1.8 and did problems # 22-36.  We took some notes, finishing the table in Friday's notes as well as learning about Kinetic Energy Distributions.

Science 10:  We self scored the questions from section 16.3 (#1, 3-5, 7,8).  We also took notes on Mendelian Genetics, read 17.2, and did all of Review 17.2 in sentences.  Period 56 has a safety quiz on Tuesday.  Period 78 has a safety quiz on Wednesday.

Friday, February 2

Chemistry 11:  We reviewed measurement and did # 42, 46,48, 49.  We also took notes on the Categories of matter , filled in the last column of our Matter table with 3 items:  Heterogeneous/Homogeneous, Pure/Mixture, Element/Compound/Solution/Suspension/Mechanical Mixture.

Chemistry 12:  We read 1.4 and 1.5 and did all the problems up to # 22 in Unit I.   We finished with a practice quiz.

Science 10:  I collected the Mitosis Cut and Paste, Safety Map, and Review 15.4 # 1-5 from the handout.  We started with a quiz on cell anatomy.   After,  we took notes on Sexual Reproduction and read 16.3 from a hand-out.  We did # 1-5 in sentences.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Chemistry 11:  We started off with a short review of the Kinetic Molecular Theory.  After writing notes on "Chemistry" we observed about a dozen kinds of matter and recorded their physical properties.  After break, we read section 3.1 and 3.2 as far as Exercise #16.  We did U3 # 1-3, 5, 13-16 in point form, and as well pg 8 # 1-8.  We finished with a lesson on measurement, and how we are allowed to report all certain digits plus one uncertain digit.  Pg 34 #50 is also due for Friday.  Please always check your work against the answer key at the back of the Hebdon text.

Science 10, Period 78: Today we discussed Science Safety guidelines and created a map of our classroom showing safety equipment.  We took notes on DNA, then read 15.4 from a hand-out, and did Questions 1-5 in sentences.  In the second half we reviewed cell division and created a cut and paste showing the cell cycle.  We finished off by watching a video about "What happens when your DNA is damaged?" and doing a practice safety quiz.  All this work is due Friday.  On Friday, I would like to check your supplies and would also like to give you a quiz on Cell Anatomy.