Thursday, January 31, 2019

Chemistry 11:  At the start I collected signed outlines and showed everyone an answer key to the States of Matter and KMT WS.   We took notes on "Chemistry", read 3.1 and 3.2, and completed Unit III #s 1-3, 5, 13-15, 22, 24.  Answers are at the back, and this assignment is due Friday.  We discussed how being on time, bring the right supplies, completing all coursework, and treating everyone well are important for maximizing your performance and for making Chemistry at least partly enjoyable.
We observed a number of examples of matter, some were mixtures and some were pure. 

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Chemistry 12:  The WS titled Rates of Reaction is due Thursday.  Answers below in blue.

1)  .0370 mol Cu
2)  0.000 27 g Mg per s
3)a.  0.014 g Cu/s;   b)  0.000 22 mol Cu/s
4)a.  .0071 g Zn/s;  b)  A higher concentration causes a faster reaction rate;  c)  28 s
5)  .428 mL CO2/s
6) a)  slope decreases, so rate decreases over time;  b)  Oxygen from the air is reacting with Fe and forming a solid product.  The additional mass is due to oxygen atoms;  c)  0.520 g O2/day;  d)  answers will vary on this... my tangent had a slope of 0.44 gO2 per day.
7)  0.144 mol HNO3

Chemistry 11: WS titled Kinetic Molecular Theory and the States of Matter, due Thursday.  Read section 1.1 and make the map as directed.   Graph paper and the rest of your supplies will be checked on Friday.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Below are Final Grades for your Semester 1 classes with me.  The SchExamS1 is the column with your percent score on the Final Exam.  The Final column is your course percentage.  Thanks for all your hard work!  High performance is mostly about the hours you spend developing your skills - I really appreciate all the hard work you put into your studies.  Have a terrific Semester 2.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Science 10 (P56):  Today we wrote Version 1 of the Science 10 Final and we handed in the contents of our Science Binders.  Be sure to pick these up by next Tuesday, or they will be recycled.  Also, ensure that your textbook has been returned to the library.  Final Exam scores will be posted to as soon as possible.  Thanks for all your hard work!

Monday, January 21, 2019

Chemistry 11:  Today we determined the concentration of a saturated solution, and we wrote and handed in a short lab report. 

Science 10 (P56):  We did Lab 5A, and attempted to show the Law of Conservation of Mass.  There was an attached WS to do as part of our Chemistry Year End Review.  Be sure to be prepared for your Final tomorrow - Calculator, pencils, erasers, pens, rulers etc.    You will also need to hand in your text to the Library, and hand in the contents of your Binder. 

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Chemistry 11:  A super hard working day today - well done everyone!  Organic Test on Friday.  Final exam next week.  Due Friday is the Organic Practice Test.

Science 10:  You accomplished a lot today, well done!  We began with the promised 25 minutes to work on the Astronomy Practice Test, which is due Friday (tomorrow).  You will have an astronomy test on tomorrow.   We also did most of the procedure for Lab 8.4, Precipitates. We will finish this on Friday after your test.   Final Exam next week.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Chemistry 11:  WS titled Concentration of Ions is due Thursday.  The Organic Practice Test was given out today, but it is due Friday, the day of your Organic Test. 

Science 10:  Today we learned about the Big Bang Theory, and we modelled the Expanding Universe with a balloon.  We also started the Astronomy Unit Practice Test today.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Chemistry 11:  Today we learned 7 different functional groups:  Aldehydes, Organic Acids, Ketones, Ethers, Esters, and Amino groups.  The WS we did today is due Wednesday.  Organic Test on Friday.  Final Exam next week.

Science 10:  We began with a 15 minute review of categories of chemical reactions.  We read pg 182 and 183, and categorized all the chemical reactions on pg 184. An answer key was posted at the side.  We listened to trains, planes, and ambulances passing by the school to experience how sound pitch drops when an object passes by - this is called the Doppler Effect.   Astronomy Test Friday.  Final Exam next week. 

Monday, January 14, 2019

Science 10:  Element review, balancing reaction equations and categorizing equation types were how we spent our first 10 minutes.  Then we learned about star life cycles, read pages 343-347, and completed pg 348 # 1-9 in fine sentences.  This assignment is due Tuesday at the start of class, and will be assessed for quality writing, so please try your best!  Expect an astronomy test on Friday.  Final exams happen next week.

Chemistry 11:  Today we learned about alcohols, and functional group that contains a single bonded oxygen attached to a hydrogen.  WS # 9 is due tomorrow.  We also did a quiz on Aromatics.  Expect an Organic Chemistry test on Friday.  Final exams happen next week.

Friday, January 11, 2019

Science 10:  Today we reviewed chemistry terms before we drew an HR diagram in Activity 4C, pg 348.  Make your own sketch of Figure 4.34.  Spend some time reviewing the concepts learned from way back in September or October, final exams are coming. 

Chemistry 11:  Lab 7B is due Monday.  Finish Unit 10 # 30 and 31, some practice naming Aromatic Molecules.   Spend some time reviewing for your upcoming final exams.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Science 10:  Class began with a short discussion about scholarships available to Grade 12s, and how hard work put in now can benefit you later.  We reviewed waves, frequency, wavelength and the Electromagnetic Spectrum.   We did the Spectroscopy Lab, read pg 338-340,  and watched a little of the Documentary called "Star".  The last half hour was spent reviewing Biology topics, and you were given a Bio Year End Review practice test.  Spend some time on year end review.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Science 10 P56:  With Linus leading the class, we reviewed waves, frequency, wavelength and the Electromagnetic Spectrum.  Well done Linus!  We did the Spectroscopy Lab and watched a little of the Documentary called "Star".  The last half hour was spent reviewing Biology topics, and you were given a Bio Year End Review.  Spend time on year end review.

Chemistry 11:  Quizzes were handed back from Tuesday - well done!  We took notes on Alkenes and Alkynes, and completed WS #4.  After another homework quiz we did Lab 7B, Finding the Molar Volume of as Gas

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Chemistry 11:  WS# 3 on Cyclic Hydrocarbons and Unit 10 # 17 & 18 are due on Thursday.  Two weeks left!  Now is a good time to prepare for your final exam, scheduled for Thursday January 24th.  Many short sessions redoing problems from assignments and labs is effective.  Quizzing a partner is good too, for the language part.  Expect an Organic Unit Test on Friday, January 18th.  Your binder/notebook will be collected on the last day, so please have it organized and complete for that day.

Science 10:  WS:  Triangulation.  Read pg 334 - 337. Many short sessions  spent redoing problems from assignments and labs is effective.  Quizzing a partner is good too, for the language part.  Expect an Astronomy Unit Test on Friday, January 18th.  Your binder/notebook will be collected on the last day, so please have it organized and complete for that day.

Monday, January 7, 2019

Chemistry 11:  Today we reviewed names and formulas of branched alkanes and did Unit 10 # 3-7 (all problems, draw each molecule, circle the parent chain) and 8,9 ( odd letters only, draw each molecule).  Two weeks left!  Now is a good time to prepare for your final exam, scheduled for Thursday January 24th.  Many short sessions redoing problems from assignments and labs, is effective.  Quizzing a partner is good too, for the language part.  Expect an Organic Unit Test on Friday, January 18th.  Your binder/notebook will be collected on the last day, so please have it organized and complete for that day.

Science 10:  Today we learned about Galaxies.  Read pg 321-326 and complete the Galaxy WS.  Two weeks left!  Now is a good time to prepare for your final exam, scheduled to happen in 2 weeks.  Many short sessions  spent redoing problems from assignments and labs is effective.  Quizzing a partner is good too, for the language part.  Expect an Astronomy Unit Test on Friday, January 18th.  Your binder/notebook will be collected on the last day, so please have it organized and complete for that day.