Friday, September 20, 2024

 Science 8:  We went through pg 49 # 1-4,  12, then we reviewed the digestive system.  This video on the Digestive System has a little more info that we need, but it is very well done.  We created a lab sheet where we could sketch examples of phytoplankton, zooplankton, and aquatic invertebrates.  We spent the last 30 minutes viewing Williamson's lake pond water to find, then sketch these creatures.  No homework for Monday.  Click here to see the assignment log.

Chemistry 11: We learned about hydrates today.  We read pages 65 - 72, then we did problems # 1,2,3,7 and 8 in Unit 4.  These are due Monday, along with Lab 2D (no conclusion).  Click here to see the assignment log.

Chemistry 12:  We reviewed mechanisms to start, then watched this clip on Catalytic converters.  We added # 62 and 63 to last day's assignment, and some even started the Rates of Reaction practice test.  The Unit 1 test will be on Wednesday.  Click here to see the assignment log.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Chemistry 11:  We did Lab 2D today, Separation by Paper Chromatography.   By next class please have the Questions and Follow-up questions finished. Click here to see the assignment log.  We also did a review names and formulas

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Science 8:  Today we reviewed key ideas about the 11 body systems shown on page 56 and 57 in your text.  We completed a digestive system anatomy sheet, then wrote brief notes on Materials that cross the Membrane .  We read section 1.3 and completed page 49 # 1-4 and 12.  This is due Friday, along with the completed Digestive system diagram.  After our pictures were taken, we looked at Williamson's Lake pond water and viewed single celled plants (phytoplankton) and single celled animals (zooplankton).  A few founds larger, multicellular critters that were large enough to see (invertebrates).  Terry Fox Run on Friday.

Chemistry 12:  We took brief notes on Mechanisms and Catalysts.  Due for Friday is Unit 12 # 41-52 and 54 - 60.  We will have a Reaction Rates unit test on Wednesday next week. 


Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Science 8:  Today we marked the Energy WS, then watched this clip about energy.  We then wrote brief notes on Body Systems.  We used page 56 and 57 to create a 3 column table (column headings are System Name, Function, Organ Examples).  The table is due Wednesday.

Chemistry 11:  We learned how to name and write formulas for ionic compounds using the Stock Naming System.  We did Unit 4 # 4 and 5 (any 20 problems total).  We also prepared Lab 2D in the usual way.

Chemistry 12:  Alberta Post Secondary Day.  We also completed the Mini review of 1.7 and 1.8.. 

Monday, September 16

 Chemistry 12:  We reviewed rates topics as well as Alberta Post secondary institutions.  We wrote notes on Collision Theory, then we read section 1.7 and 1.8.  Due Tuesday is Unit 1 # 28-40 (skip # 33).  Lab 18C should now be completed - no conclusion.

Chemistry 11:  We finished Lab 3A today.  Questions and Calculations # 1 & 4 as well as Follow up Questions # 2 & 3 are due on Tuesday.

Science 8:  We took notes on Energy, then read section 18.1 from the old Science Probe 9 textbook.  We completed # 1-3 on the WS title "Review 18.1"

Friday, September 13, 2024

Chemistry 11:  We wrote notes on "The Particles that make up Matter", then we completed and checked two worksheets ("Matter" and "Atoms and Molecules").  Quick tasks.  We prepared Lab 3A like usual and began the procedure, but this is not due on Monday.

Science 8:  We went over the supplies that are needed, and I will need to check these soon.  Please ensure you have a ruler, calculator, pens, pencils, paper, binder, and textbook each class.  We reviewed cell anatomy, then spent time finishing the Onion Lab and pg 39 # 10-13 and 15-18 in fine sentences.  Pg 39 is due Monday.  

Chemistry 12:  We took notes on Enthalpy, then we read section 1.6 and completed # 23 - 28.  The rest of the time was spent on Lab 18C, which is due (all except a conclusion, don't write one yet please) on Monday.  23 - 28 are also due Monday.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Chemistry 12:  We completed the procedure for Lab 18C today.  Only the Graph (Questions 1) and the WS (Rates Mini Review of 1.1 to 1.5) is due.  You will get more time for your lab on Friday.

Science 8:  After a review of microscope anatomy we did a practice microscope parts quiz and wrote the care and handling instructions on the back.  We wrote notes together on Cell Theory after we watched this short clip of cells dividing.  We read pages 31 to 34, and completed pg 39 # 1-13, 15-18 in fine sentences, and this is not due on Friday.  In the second half we did an experiment to explore the question: Which stain best shows the parts of a cell?  We made wet mounts of onion skin, and stained them with methylene blue and I2KI.  We wrote a report to show our findings.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Chemistry 11:  After a short review of measuring protocol we did Unit 2 # 48. 49. amd 50.  We took notes on Significant Figures, then completed Unit 2 # 55 b-j, 56, and 57.  In the second half we did the Density Lab, which is due on Friday (a brief report with the following sections:  Title, Purpose, Materials, Procedure, Data & Observations, Calculations, Results)

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Science 8:  We reviewed cell and microscope anatomy, then self marked page 39 # 1-4 and 6-9 (in sentences) before handing it in.  While we read page 10 individually we made a list of 5 characteristics of living things.  In the last 30 minutes we learned about microscope care and handling and created wet mounts of lower case letter "e"s from the classified section of a newspaper.  

Chemistry 11:  We learned how to measure to the nearest one tenth of the smallest division, and we practiced this skill with an illustrated assignment.  An answer key was posted at the side counter.  Time as given to finish Unit 3 # 3-5, 13,15, 21, 24, 33-39, 59-61.  This is due next class.  We started "Matter WS", but this is not due next class. 

Chemistry 12:  We wrote brief notes on Rates of Reaction, then completed the WS titled "Rates of Reaction involving Stoichiometry".  This is due Thursday.  We used this animation to help explain changes in rate using collision theory.  Unit 1 # 1-22 is also due on Thursday.  

Thursday, Sept 5th 

Science 8:  After reviewing safety and cell anatomy, we wrote brief notes on Cell Anatomy.  We watched the first 5 minutes of this terrific clip about Cell Structure and Function.  In the last 20 minutes we went through the lab safety rules, and spoke about key expectations, including how to treat special guest TTOC's when Mr. Gale is away.

Chemistry 12:  Rates of Reaction WS were checked against the green answer key, and did not need to be handed in.  We did Lab 7 today, and the analysis sheet is due on Friday.

Chemistry 11:  Kinetic Molecular Theory WS were checked against the pink answer key, and did not need to be handed in.  We took notes on Chemistry, and observed samples.  In a 3 column table we recorded the name, physical properties, and whether the material was pure or a mixture.  In the last 10 minutes we spoke about key expectations, including how to treat special guest TTOC's when Mr. Gale is away.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

 Science 8:  After reviewing safety and cell anatomy, we wrote brief notes on Cell Anatomy.  We watched the first 5 minutes of this terrific clip about Cell Structure and Function.  In the last 20 minutes we went through the lab safety rules, and spoke about key expectations, including how to treat special guest TTOC's when Mr. Gale is away.

Chemistry 12:  Rates of Reaction WS were checked against the green answer key, and did not need to be handed in.  We did Lab 7 today, and the analysis sheet is due on Friday.

Chemistry 11:  Kinetic Molecular Theory WS were checked against the pink answer key, and did not need to be handed in.  We took notes on Chemistry, and observed samples.  In a 3 column table we recorded the name, physical properties, and whether the material was pure or a mixture.  In the last 10 minutes we spoke about key expectations, including how to treat special guest TTOC's when Mr. Gale is away.

September 4, 2024

Chemistry 11:  We reviewed the Kinetic Molecular Theory, and observed Wood's metal melting in boiling water. After signing out two textbooks (Hebdon Chemistry 11 & Heath Lab Manual), we worked on safety topics.  The safety equipment and fire drill protocol for the classroom were reviewed, then we read section 1.1 and constructed the map as per instructions.  The map and WS are due Thursday.

Chemistry 12:  We reacted a copper penny in nitric acid, and used the rate equation to calculate the rate of reaction (rate = change in amount divided by change in time).  The amounts that can be measured included total mass, mass of one reactant or product, volume of gas produced, change in color intensity, change in pressure, and change in color intensity.  A Worksheet was assigned that allowed for practice of today's new skill, as well as some skills from Chemistry 11.  The WS is due Thursday.

Science 8:  We began by checking on signed course outlines and reviewing the required learning tools (pens, pencils, ruler, protractor, calculator, binder, fresh paper,  elastic for long hair).  We learned about the classroom safety equipment, then categorized some laboratory safety rules.  After getting our textbooks from the library, we learned about cells (where are they, how big are they, how are more of them made, what are the parts called).  We labelled and colored a cell anatomy sheet.