Friday, January 31, 2025

Chemistry 12:  We had a short discussion about collision theory, and I used this animation to show the effects of increasing temperature, or pressure, or concentration.  We read sections 1.3, 1,4 and 1.5 in Hebdon, then completed # 10 - 22.  These are due on Monday.  Click here to see the assignment log.

Science 8:  Page 249 # 1-5 was handed back today with helpful comments - please adjust your writing according to the comments I provided.  Quite a good effort overall on your first textbook assignment.   We spent more time learning how to measure to the nearest one tenth of the smallest division, and we measured some liquid volumes with graduated cylinders and beakers to try our skills.    We took brief notes on Measurment, then completed the Measuring Volumes WS.  Due on Monday are page 251 # 2-4 and 253 # 1-4, (half in sentences).   Click here to see the assignment log.

Science 10:   We reviewed how to measure liquids in chemistry labs, then we practiced measuring a few volumes.  We learned about polyatomic ions and how to find them on page 3 in our databooklet, and we tried 5 names and 5 formulas of ionic compounds .  In the last 20 minutes we viewed 10 ionic compounds and recorded the ion formulas, names and compound formulas.  This task was collected at the end of class.  Click here to see the assignment log.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Science 8:  We reviewed safety and the Kinetic Molecular Theory, then we did a Safety True/False practice quiz.   After heating some items to show thermal expansion, we read pages 250 - 253 and completed page 251 # 2-4 and 253 # 1-4, half in sentences.  In the final minutes we learned how to measure to the nearest one tenth of the smallest division.  Click here to see the assignment log.

Science 10:  We started with a short review of matter categories and safety knowledge, then we tried the Safety Practice Quiz.  We read pages 108 and 109 as well as 112 and before finishing page 100 # 1-4.  In the final 20 minutes we reviewed how to name and write formulas for ionic compounds, and we practiced with 5 names and 5 formulas.  Click here to see the assignment log.

Chemistry 12:  We read sections 1.1 and 1.2 today, and completed Unit 1 # 1-9.  Lab 7 and the Rates WS were handed in.  We took brief notes on the factors that affect rates of reaction.   Click here to see the assignment log.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Chemistry 12:  Today we reviewed the definition of reaction rate, and discussed increasing the rate of reaction while lighting a fire (kindling provides surface area and heats up more easily, blowing on it increases the concentration of O2 at the reaction site, and a growing fire provides it own mechanism for increasing the temperature).  We also did Lab 7 - complete the calculations for Thursday.  We also reviewed the answer key to the Rates of Reaction WS from Tuesday. Click here to see the assignment log.  

Science 8:  We learned about the kinetic molecular theory, and wrote some brief notes on Phase Changes before reading pages 246 to 249.  Due next class is page 249 # 1-5 in sentences.  This animation helps with understanding phase changes.  

Science 10:  We reviewed atoms, molecules, elements, compounds, pure and mixture using a number of animations.  After observing some elements, compounds, and mixtures, we readpage 98 to 105 in our textbook.  We started page 100 # 1-4, but this is not due on Thursday.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Chemistry 12:  After going through the course outline we reacted a penny in nitric acid and reviewed all the ways to determine the rate of reaction.  We went with mass of Cu reacted per second, then performed a trial.  We also brainstormed ways to speed up the reaction.  The Rates WS was completed, and is due next class.  

Science 8:  After going through the course outline we reviewed all the classroom safety equipment and the fire alarm exit procedure.  We drew a map of room 313, showing all the safety equipment, nearest fire pull, nearest fire extinguisher, and the fire exit route.  In the last 20 minute we read through a list of science safety rules and categorized them.

Science 10:  After going through the course outline we reviewed all the classroom safety equipment and the fire alarm exit procedure.  We drew a map of room 313, showing all the safety equipment, nearest fire pull, nearest fire extinguisher, and the fire exit route.  In the last 20 minute we read through a list of science safety rules and categorized them.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

 Chemistry 11:  We did Lab 16D today, but avoided the Follow-up Questions and the Conclusion.  IN the second half we did the 60 minute mock final, which was scored and handed back to you.  Click here for the answer key for the Solutions YER assignment.  

Monday, January 20, 2025

Science 8:  A busy and focused day - your best ever afternoon double block.  Well done.  We completed Lab 12F first (Absolute Age), then spent time finishing and correcting the Geology Practice Test using the key on the side counter.  Click here to see a key to Lab 12F.  We then completed the Geology Unit Test.  The final minutes were spent finishing and correcting the Science 8 Practice Final Exam (answer key also on the side counter).  On Tuesday, we will write our final exam.  Ensure to have all your supplies (pens, pencils, ruler, calculator, optional drink and snack).  Drop off your textbook before you come to class, but bring your binder to our last session.

Chemistry 11:  Organic Unit Test today.  On Thursday, we will do a short Lab and continue with Final exam review.  Final Exam on Friday.

Chemistry 12:  We spent some time reviewing Le Chatelier's principal today (you can practice this by redoing portions of Unit 2 # 21 - 29).  The remainder was spent on final exam prep of your choice:  Take Home Final #1 (answer key here), Take Home Final #2 (answer key here), or the Electrochemistry Practice Test (answer key here).  On Tuesday afternoon we will do a 60 minute mock final, and more individual review time.  Final Exam on Wednesday morning.

Friday, January 17, 2025

Chemistry 11:  We completed the Organic Practice Test today, and it is due Monday.  On Monday we will do the Organic Test.  Final Exam on Friday January 24.  

Chemistry 12:  After some year end review of various topics we watched this clip about electroplating.  We completed a minireview with questions about titrations and electrochemical cells.  Time was given to complete other items for final exam prep:  Take home final #1 and the Electrolysis Mini Review.  Click here for the Key to take home final #1.

Science 8:  We reviewed the Kinetic Molecular Theory and atomic Structure first, then we spent time finishing two tasks:  Geology Practice test (answer key on Jan 16 post) and the Mini Practice Final (click here for the key

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Chemistry 12:  We completed Lab 21C today, which was due by the end of class.  No homework is due, but ensure that you are logging hours preparing for your final exams next week.

Science 8:  We reviewed relative age and the rock cycle (short video), then we completed Activity 12E, where we used fossil evidenced to create a standard column.  We learned to identify and name glacial feature that we might find around Revelstoke, and completed the Glaciation WS.  We read pages 392 - 396 in our Probe 8 Textbooks, then we started the Geology Practice Test, which is due Monday.  Click here to see the key.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Chemistry 11:  We took notes on oxy and nitro functional groups, then we did the Functional Groups WS parts B and C.  A key was provided at the side counter.   We then worked on final exam review - assignments for the Moles Unit, Reactions Unit, Solutions Unit, and Atomic Theory Unit will be available.  One must be finished before another is released, in order to encourage a steady approach to final exam prep.  We also watched this clip on the production of polyethylene plastics.  On Friday we will do the Organic Practice Test, and on Monday we will complete the Organic Test.  Final Exam on Friday, January 24th.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

 Science 8:  We reviewed the rock cycle, then we learned about Relative Age.  We completed Activity 12D from the old Probe 10, where we generated vertical lists showing structures and events from youngest to oldest.  Click here to see a key.  We also looked at our Immune System Flippit from September to review the immune system. This clip helped us review the immune system.

Chemistry 11:  We read section 10.5 and completed # 30 and 31 to practice names and structural formulas of aromatic molecules - those that contain rings with alternating single and double bonds, like benzene.  In the second half we learned about alcohol functional groups, read 10.6, and completed Organic WS #9 (Alcohols).

Chemistry 12:  We spent 40 minutes reading Lab 21C and preparing it (creating tables, starting questions, etc).  Next class we will begin with Lab 21C and it must be handed in before you leave that day.  In the second half we learned about Electroplating and completed the Electrolysis Review WS.  

Monday, January 13

Science 8:  We finished the Volcano Spreadsheet as described on Friday's post.  The remainder of Volcano! filled the final 20 minutes.

Chemistry 11:  We learned about Cis and Trans isomers and finished reading section 10.4.  WS #6 provided some practice, and is due Tuesday.  Final exam review was accomplished as well - a Final Exam Moles Review assignment was given out and the answer key is on the side counter.  Bring this to me when done.  The Reactions Final Exam Review WS will be next. 

Chemistry 12:  We took brief notes about Electrolysis, and watched this clip that explains how Aluminum is smelted.  Due next class is Unit 5 # 64-69.  Your final is 9 days away, please spend some time preparing. 

Friday, January 10, 2025

Chemistry 12:  We began with a short discussion about batteries and cells, then we watched this clip about manufacturing batteries.  We took brief notes on Corrosion, then read pages 230, 231, and section 5.12.  Problems # 60 - 63 are due for Monday, along with WS titled Mini Review of Electrochemical Cells.  

Chemistry 11:  We wrote notes on Alkenes and Alkynes, then we read pages 226 and 227 before tackling Organic WS #4.  The remainder of the class was spent on finishing Lb 7B, which is due Monday with a conclusion.  A Moles YER WS was made available, but is not due.

Science 8: After reviewing the rock cycle, we created an Excel spreadsheet with data on 10 volcanoes.  On the spreadsheet, these items need to be listed:  Name, Country, Continent or Ocean, Cause, Altitude, Date of last eruption, Hemisphere, Capital City of Country.  Save the Excel spreadsheet with a useful file name to your OneDrive.  We will continue with this on Monday.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Science 8:  We began with a short review of the causes of volcanoes, then we learned about the rock cycle.  Everyone drew their own rock cycle, naming the 3 rock families and including these key terms:  lava, sediments, erosion, cooling, heat, weathering, magma, extrusive, pressure, striations, wind, solidification, compaction, granite, sandstone, obsidian, shale, slate, pumice, solidification, intrusive, conglomerate.  Include sketches and text to explain how rocks change family.  A little time was given to complete page 413 # 1-10, which is due Friday.  We watched the first 25 minutes of Volcano!, a National Geographic documentary.  In the final minutes we reviewed cell anatomy.

Chemistry 12:  We completed the Standard Cell Voltage review, and we did #6 together.  We took brief notes on Finding the Preferred Reaction.  After reading section 5.10 we completed Unit 8 # 47, which is due Friday.  In the second half we reviewed ideas from the Rates of Reaction unit, and we completed the Mechanisms Mini practice WS.  Be sure to be spend some time reviewing (skim your text; focus on the titles, subtitles, images, and bold words) and completing practice problems to prepare for your final exam.  You will get a practice final next week.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

 Chemistry 11:  I collected Organic WS #3.  We began with a review of the Categories of Matter, then learned about alkyl halides (hydrocarbons which contain fluorine, chlorine, bromine, or iodine. ). We read section 10.3, then we completed # 15-17.  In the second half we completed Lab 7B ( all questions and follow up questions are due Friday, but not a conclusion.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Chemistry 11:  We started with a short discussion about cyclic alkanes, then we read pages 222 and 223.  Organic WS #3 was completed first, then time was given to finish Unit 10 # 3-11.  The last few minutes were spent preparing lab 7B.  Due Wednesday is WS #3 and Unit 10 # 3-11.  Your final exam is in two weeks;  now is a good time to review past concepts.

Chemistry 12:  We reviewed key terms from earlier on, then we took brief notes on Calculating Standard Cell Voltage. We read section 5.9, then completed # 36-40 and 44, which is due next class. In the last 10 minutes we had a quiz on balancing redox equations.  Your final exam is in two weeks;  now is a good time to review past concepts.

Science 8:  We took brief notes on Volcanos. Then we read section 11.1 in our text and completed # 1-10 on Page 413 in our best science writing (sentence strucures, labelled diagrams, many key terms, concise writing, white space to help the reader).   Pag 413 will be due on Friday.   We finished off with the rock cycle intro:  Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic families. 

Monday, January 6, 2025

Chemistry 11:  We looked at the calendar first, which showed us that only 2 weeks of regular classes remain until the end of the semester.  Wow!  Now is a good time to review for your final exams, which begin in two weeks.  We finished the Organic Assignment # 2, checked the key, then started Unit 10 # 3-11 from Hebdon.    Complete #3-8 for Tuesday.

Chemistry 12:  We looked at the calendar first, which showed us that only 2 weeks of regular classes remain until the end of the semester.  We will avoid an Electrochemistry Unit Test, and use the final for your assessment.  Now is a good time to review for your final exams, which begin in two weeks.   I collected a few last Lab 21Ds, then we learned how to balance half reactions and full reactions.  Due next class are 10 balancing problems from #24.   At least 4 must be basic.  At least 2 must be disproportionation reactions.

Science 8:  We looked at the calendar first, which showed us that only 2 weeks of regular classes remain until the end of the semester.   In our class, we will finish with a final exam that will contain items from all the units we have learned about. Today we reviewed the plate boundary map, then completed a crossword to review Seismology.  We wrote brief notes on an Earth Cross section to explain converging and diverging boundaries.  In the last 15 minutes we completed the WS titled "Getting to Know the Plate Boundaries Map" and we used page 6 and 7 maps (the world map & map of western North America )