Friday, March 15, 2019

Chemistry 12:  Today we learned how to write Formula Equations, Complete Ionic Equations, and Net Ionic Equations for precipitation reactions.  We did the WS titled "Precipitation Reactions" as we performed the reactions at our desks.  We also prepared a sample of our saturated Copper Sulphate solution for evaporation over the break. This way we can calculate the concentration of our saturated solution.

Career Education 9:

1) Start with a few short clips about different trades, and a longer video on being a "nurse practitioner".

2)  Discuss Goals:  SMART is a good acronym.  Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time dependent
ex. 1)  I will try harder
ex. 2) I will buy a car before I am 20
ex. 3) I will win the steeplechase at Valleys this May.
ex.  4) I will be 6 feet tall by my 16th birthday

3) Log on to Mentorcity and do Module 4.1 to 4.8.  Complete your profile if this is not yet done.  Follow the instructions on the Mentorcity platform.

4)  Watch this video on Motivation, then complete the Upskills Motivation Work booklet.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Career Education 9:  After completing Handout [A] - Reflection, log in to myBlueprint and follow the instructions on the top of HANDOUT[B] - MY INTERESTS.  Complete the written section of HANDOUT[B] - MY INTERESTS, and hand it in.   In  your profile, ensure that your school is "Revelstoke Secondary".  Continue with the workbooklet from Monday, and let me know if you are finished.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Chemistry 11:  After going over the answer to the practice test, we did Lab 4D (all Questions, Follow-up Questions, and a Conclusion).  The lab is not due on Friday, I would rather you prepared for Friday's Moles Unit Test (Chapter 5).  On Friday I will collect your Practice Test at the start of the class.

Chemistry 12:  We did our Equilibrium Unit Test in the first half.  In the second half we reviewed/learned various topic to do with solutions.  Read 3.1 and 3.2.  Do Unit 3 # 1-12,15,18,20(a-d), due Friday.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Career Education 9:

Today we started with a short review of different education paths after high school finishes.  We logged into Mentorcity to create our profiles, then we logged out.  We spent time working on the booklets for Softskills and Accountability.  If there is time, begin the booklet on Motivation.

Chemistry 12:  After a short review WS we spent time on the Unit 2 Practice test.  There will be a test on Unit 2 (Equilibrium Chemistry) tomorrow.  I will collect the Practice test, as well as Unit 2 # 52-58 and 60-62. 

Chemistry 11:  After a short review we worked on the Moles Unit Practice Test and we prepared Lab 4D.  Your practice test is due tomorrow.  There will be a Moles test on Friday.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Career Education 9:

First, watch this video on soft skills, and fill in a few blanks on your hand-out.  Then watch this short video on Accountability, and answer one more reflection question.  Work on the "Upskills for Work" booklet.

Navigate to Mentor City and sign up.  Complete Basic Information/Employment/Competencies.  Be professional by being accurate and using proper grammar and capitalization.  Let me know if you would like to be connected with a real live mentor - someone who is attending post secondary and is willing to dialogue with you as you complete units on this platform.

Chemistry 12:  Due Tuesday is U2 # 60-62 and part of your Equilibrium Practice Test.  Next class we will do the practice test and a quiz on 60 - 62, so please have part of the Practice test done.

Chemistry 11:  Unit 5 # 47-52, 64, 69.  I collected the remaining Standard solutions labs today.

Friday, March 8, 2019

Career Explorations A (Ms. Crucil's English):  Today we watched short clip's on 4 more trades from the ITA's short series of videos.  We also looked at WorkBC's Career Trek video series, and watched the episode on "Biologists".  Only 136 more careers to explore.  In Mentorcity, you will be doing the modules in the 1's, 5's and 6's.  In myBlueprint, we are working our way through the instructions on the white sheet from Monday.

Chemistry 11:  Today we made a Standard Solutions, then wrote the usual report only this time we wrote a detailed procedure instead of answering problems or writing a conclusion.  This is due Monday.  I did not get a chance to check Unit 5 # 59 and # 61, so please have this ready to show me on Monday.

Chemistry 12: Today I collected Unit 2 # 47-50.  We did some examples with problems that required a variable.  Due for Monday is U2 # 52-58.  The answers are posted below in blue.  Test on Wednesday.

52.  [SO3] = .56 M
52.  [SO3] = .56 M
53.  [Cl2] = .229 M
54.  Shift to products; Q = 6.9
#55  [CO] = 1.17 M;   
#56  0.639 mol Tl+;   
#57  Keq = .044;

58.   0.098 mol H2S  

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Career Explorations A (Grade 10, Ms Crucil's class):  Today we watched short clips on 4 different trades after we had a short review of education paths, digital footprints, and trades.  The ITA is the Industrial Trades Authority, a provincial government sponsored organization that regulates trades training and certification.  We spent just a few minutes on Mentor City (module 1.0 to 1.7, 5.0 to 5.8, and 6.0 to 6.8.   

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Chemistry 12:  Today I collected U2 # 36-46 as well as Lab 19B.  We took notes on Keq calculations, and did U2 # 57-50.  The answers are in blue below.  We will have an Equilibrium Unit Test next week, on Wednesday.

Chapter 2 Answers:

47.  Keq = 5.0

48.  Keq = 3.0

49. a)  Keq = 0.013

49. b)  Keq = 0.93

50.  a) Q = 0.89, so shift to Products

50.  b)  Q = 7.5  so shift to Reactants

50.  c)  Q = 4 so no shifting required

Chemistry 11:  I collected the last few Lab 4B's.  We discussed with examples how to find the empirical formula from the Percent composition, and we did U5 # 46 a,c,e j,h,k,j.  In the last 30 minutes we took notes on Molar Concentration, read U5.6, and did # 59 and 61.  All of this textbook practice is due Friday.  Expect a unit test on Moles next week, towards the end.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Chemistry 11:  Today I collected Unit 5 # 22-24 (any 12 problems, total).  We spent some time discussing Percent composition by mass, and U5 # 44 and 45 (any 10 problems, total) was assigned and is due Wednesday.  Lab 4B is due Wednesday too.

Chemistry 12:  Unit 2 # 36-46 is due Wednesday.   Lab 19B due Wednesday.

Career Explorations 10:  Log in to Mentorcity and complete 1.1 to 1.7 and 5.1 to 5.9.  Go back to Monday's day's blog post for links.

Log in to myBlueprint and continue with the instructions from the white handout from Monday.

The schedule for the early dismissal days are:

8:45-9:25 Period 1

9:25-9:30 Passing Time

9:30-10:10 Period 2

10:10-10:25 Nutrition Break

10:25-11:05 Period 3

11:05-11:10 Passing Time

11:10-11:50 Period 4

11:50 Dismissal

March 6 --Parent-Teacher Conferences 1:00PM-4:00PM

March 7--Parent-Teacher Conferences 6:00PM-8:00PM

Monday, March 4, 2019

Chemistry 11: I handed back Friday's mole quizzes - they wont count since I didn't give quite enough time.   Unit 5 # 22-24, any 12 problems total, due on Tuesday.  Try your best to use unitary rates to show your math statements.  Lab 4B is due on Tuesday (all Questions, Follow-up Questions, Conclusion).

Chemistry 12:

Career Exploration 10:

We began by watching "Four Reasons to Care About your Digital Footprint" and filling in a short reflection questionnaire.

Navigate to Mentor City and sign up.  Complete Basic Information/Employment/Competencies.  Be professional by being accurate and using proper grammar and capitalization.  Let me know if you would like to be connected with a real live mentor - someone who is attending post secondary and is willing to dialogue with you as you complete units on this platform.

Navigate to myBlueprint and sign up.  Use the activation key - Revelstoke.  Work your way through the tasks on the white hand-out.

Return the white hand-out to me at the end of the class.

Friday, March 1, 2019

Chemistry 12:  Lab 19B is due on Wednesday, and you need to work on your lab in Room 313, so please plan accordingly.  You were assigned  Unit 2 # 17-28 evens, which are due on Monday.

Chemistry 11: Today we started with a review of the skills practiced last day.  We spent time finishing Lab 4B, which is due Monday (all Questions and Calculations, Follow - up questions, and a Conclusion).