Wednesday, November 3rd, 2021.
Science 9: Today we did lab 2B from the Old Science Probe 9. In the second half, we did pg 247 # 8 after learning how to name and write formulas for ionic compounds containing polyatomic ions.
Chemistry 11; Today I collected Lab 6A, and we did a mini-practice on determining the products in a chemical reaction. Due Friday is your prepared Lab 6B, the Stoichiometry WS, and the Predicting Products WS.
Tuesday, November 2nd, 2021.
Chemistry 11: After a short review of Categories of Chemical reactions we spent time completing Lab 6A, which is due next class. Some of us started the WS titled "Predicting Reaction Products".
Science 9: We learned how to write the names and formulas of Ionic Compounds with multivalent ions today. After we practiced 10, we read section 8.3, and we and completed pg 247 # 3-7 in quality point form. Next day we will have a quiz with questions like pg 247.
Monday, November 1st, 2021.
Chemistry 11: We took notes on the Categories of Chemical Reactions, click here to see them. We also read section 6.6 and did # 65-67 (a to h), which is due Tuesday.
Science 9: I collected page 223 today. We learned how to write the names and formulas of ionic compounds, and practiced 10 of these. We did pg 244 # 5, 7-11 in quality point form.
Friday, October 29th, 2021.
Chemistry 11: After starting with a mini-review of Balancing chemical reaction equations, we spent the class completing Lab 6A (all Questions, Follow-up Questions, and a Conclusion).
Science 9: Lab 7B and pg 223 # 3-8, 10, 11 was collected today after you were shown an answer key to page 223. We learned about different kinds of ions, including monatomic ions like Na+ and Polyatomic Ions like Carbonate, CO32-. We read section 8.1. Due for Monday is the "Try This" activity on page 236 and page 237 # 7 & 8.