Chemistry 11: We took notes on branched alkanes and we did Organic WS #2. We also prepared Lab 7B, and we will do this Friday. We will also have a quiz on the names of the 10 alkanes, in order, from one carbon to ten carbons long.
Tuesday, May 30, 2023
Science 8: We began by marking pg 413 # 1-5 from our Science Probe 8 textbook. We then watched a few minutes of Volcano!, a National Geographic documentary about the Crafts (a couple from France who were famous volcano experts). We did activity 17A, where we used mapping data to determine the speed of the Pacific Plate as it passes over the Mid Pacific Hotspot and forms the Hawaiian Island chain. Due Thursday is analysis a-f from activity 17A.
Chemistry 11: We took notes on Organic Chemistry, then we did Organic WS #1 which is due Wednesday. In the last few minutes we brainstormed how to find the concentration of NaCl in our mini Dead Sea containers (saturated sodium chloride solutions)