Thursday, March 14, 2024

 Science 8:  We viewed samples of elements, and for each we wrote the name, symbol, and physical properties in a tidy table.  We also categorized each as a metal or non-metal.  This clip showed how aluminum is made, like what happens in Kitimat BC.   In the second half we wrote notes on our Temperatue vs Time graph for heating water.  This type of graph is called a heating curve.  A second heating curve was constructed with data for a mystery substance.  This allowed us to determine if the substance was butter, margarine, gold, or yellow plastic.   In the final half hour we wrote notes on atomic structure.  We did pg 156 # 2 in the old Science Probe 10.  

Science 9:  I collected the practice test today, marked it, and handed it back before you left. Use your mistakes to improve your skills and knowledge before tomorrow, the  day of our test.  We spent time on electrostatics in the first half, performing a lab to look at attraction and repulsion.  We read pgs 202 to 207, then started pg 209 # 1-5 in sentences, but this is not due Friday.  In the final hour we made a human karyotype from a photograph of 46 chromosomes, cut and paste style.  No work needs to be completed for this for tomorrow.  Instead, spend some time reviewing everything we have done that is not Chemistry content.  You will be allowed to have your meiosis diagram on your desk tomorrow during your test (It can only have a labelled diagram of meiosis on it, no extras please).  

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

 Science 10:  Today we learned about the Law of Conservation of Energy after a short review of energy topics.  We read a short section from a different textbook from a hand out, and completed Questions 1-5 to demonstrate our understanding.  In the final minutes we learned a little basic information about nuclear energy.   This animation shows nuclear fission reactions quite clearly.   We will watch this video on Friday.  

Chemistry 11: In the first half we reviewed skills with solutions (calcuations involving moles, volume, and concentration.  Due Friday is Unit 5 # 61-66.  We learned how to make a standard solution, then everyone made a standard solution with their partner.  A lab report was written with the following sections:  Title, Purpose, Materials, and Procedure.  We started a worksheet on empirical formula, but this is not due Friday.  We finished with a quiz on moles skills. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

 Science 9:  I asked for any more page 56 # 1-6 pages because I collected in on Monday.  Time was given to complete the Cell Division and Reproduction Practice test, which is due next class.   I began our electricity unit today, discussing important electrical devices in our lives and acknowledging the fact that about 1 in 7 people on the globe are not connected to the electrical grid.  After listing 10 forms forms of energy, we read pages 194 abd 195 and wrote brief notes on Hydroelectrity, Fossil fuel powered electricity, and nuclear powered electricity.  We watched this clip about wind powered electricity.  We will have a test on cell division and reproduction on Friday.

Chemistry 11:  We took notes on Molar Concentration today, then we read pgs  and completed unit 5 # 59.  Time was given to complete Lab 4D, which is due Wednesday.  Click here to see the draft notes we generated for the conclusion.  

Science 10:  We completed a calorimetry lab to find the chemical energy stored in a walnut.  All the Analysis Questions on the back of the lab hand-out are due on Wednesday.  

Science 8:  We began with a Mini-review of Density, then we finished Lab 7-4 from our textbook (the graph and Questions 1-4 in sentences).  In the final minutes we used our period tables and began a short placemat to familiarize ourselves with the periodic table. 

Monday, March 11, 2024

 Science 9:  Today I collected pg 57 # 1-6 after going through the answer key.  This clip shows meiosis very well.  We read pages 64 - 67 and filled in a placemat comparing sexual and asexual reproduction.  Next day we will have a quiz on male and female reproductive anatomy.

Chemistry 11:  We learned how to find the empirical formula from the percent composition, then we completed Unit 5 # 46 (a,c,e,f,h,k,j).  Lab 4D was the next item, and all of the Questions and Calculations and Follow-up Questions are due Tuesday.  No Conclusion yet.  Lab 4D will be due Wednesday.  

Science 8:  After a short review of density, we did Lab 7-4 and started the graph of Temperature vs Time (called a heating curve).  Time will be given to complete this graph on Tuesday.  

Science 10:  I collected the WS on velocity and kinetic energy at the start.  This clip shows how waste heat is minimized in when items in machinery has to rotate.  We took notes on radioactive decay, then we read pgs 228 and 229.  This animation shows alpha decay, and this one shows beta decay. Due Tuesday is the WS titled Nuclear Decay Reactions.

Friday, March 8, 2024

 Chemistry 11:  Today we did the procedure for Lab 4D.  Nothing is due for Monday, but ensure that Thursdsay's assignment (Unit 5 # 44/45 (any 10 problems) and 42 a-d ) is complete.

Science 10:  We took notes on speed and kinetic energy, then we complete this WS to practice our skills.  The WS is due Monday.   In the last 25 minutes we went through a short intro on Nuclear energy, the energy stored in the nucleus of an atom.  We looked at this animation of radioactivity called alpha decay.  We also reviewed atomic structure, with a particular focus on the contents of the nucleus (protons and neutrons). 

Science 9:  We added a few notes to our Meiosis diagrams, then we reviewed human male and female reproductive anatomy.   We watched this clip on human pregnancy, then we read pgs 52-56 and completed pg 57 # 1-6 in sentences.

Science 8:  We wrote a results and conclusion section for the Density Lab, then the lab was handed in.  We read pages 260 - 263 and completed Activity 7-6 (Dense, Denser, Densest) in sentence format.  This clip is about gold, which is very dense.   In the final minutes, we determined the density of irregular mineral samples (feldspar and galena) using displacement to find the volume.  Special care was taken to record data in a clear way and show clear calculations to find the density.   More time will be given for the irregular objects on Monday.  

Thursday, March 7, 2024

 Science 10:  We went over the WS titled gravitational potential energy, then we watched this clip of Felix Baumgartner parachuting from 128 km up.  He converted his gravitational potential energy to kinetic energy.   We did Lab 18E, which is due Friday.  

Chemistry 11:   Due Friday is Unit 5 # 44/45 (any 10 problems) and 42 a-d.  We will do Lab 4D on Friday.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

 Science 9:  We reviewed flower anatomy and sexual reproduction to begin, then we watched from 5:00 to 10:00 on this video about flowering plant reproduction.  We read pgs 44-52, then we sketched the stages of Meiosis and labelled them.  We added haploid and diploid labels, as well as gametes (sperm or egg).  This is due Friday.  We finished with a quiz on flower anatomy.  

Science 8:  I collected pag 249 # 1-5 at the beginning.  We learned how to calculate density, then we did the density lab (determine the density of a metal, non-metal solid, water, and blue or green liquid).  We kept our Data (measurments) separate from our Calculations.  At the end of your lab report, show a tidy results table that summarizes the 4 density values you determined.   

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Science 10:  First we went through the answer to the worksheet on Thermal Energy, then we watched this clip to learn about how electricity is made from coal.  We watched this clip about hydroelectricity.   Due Thursday is the WS titled Gravitational Potential Energy. 

Science 8:  We completed the Chapter 1-3 Test today, then time was given to finish pg 249 # 1-5 in sentences.  We reviewed the Kinetic Molecular Theory and looked at Changes of State animation and this Gas Law animation.  This is due on Wednesday.

Science 9:  We reviewed mitosis and asexual reproduction, then we watched this clip on fertilization in sea urchins.  We read pgs 44-48, then we labelled a flower anatomy WS.  After watching this video on sexual reproduction in flowering plants we did a short review on Mitosis.  All this is due Wednesday, and we will have a quiz on flower anatomy. 

Chemistry 11:  We reviewed moles concepts, then completed any 15 practice problems from Unit 5 # 22-24.  At the end we did a quiz (U5 #9c, 11c, 12c, and 15c).

Monday, March 4, 2024

 Science 10:  We learned now to calculate the amount of Thermal Energy transferred from one object to another using Eh = mcT. "Thermal energy equals mass times the specific heat capacity times the change in Temperature" .   We completed the Thermal Energy WS, click here to see the key.  Time was given to finish the graph of Temperature vs Time for heating water in two different cups.  The final 15 minutes were spent learning about Scientific Notation, and we completed this WS.  

Science 8:  We handed in our Chapter 1-3 practice Tests, then we learned about the Kinetic Molecular Theory.  After a short demo of solids, liquids, and gases, we read pgs 246 - 249 and we completed pg 249 # 1-5 in sentences.  Next class we will have a test on Chapters 1-3.  

Science 9:  We continued with our placemat on Asexual Reproduction, and we read pages 30 to 34 to learn about Spore Formation and Vegetative Propogation.  Take brief notes on only 3 types of Vegetative propagation.  Time as given to sketch a graph of population vs time for 100 E coli cells that divide every 10 minute.  Watch this clip to see bacteria undergoing binary fission.  We took notes on Sexual Reproduction (two parents, varied offspring, gametes required) in the last minutes of our class.

Chemistry 11:  We added the heart diagram to our databooklets, then we did Unit 5 # 15.  Time provided to complete the Conclusion for Lab 4B after we made a rough outline on the board.  Both # 15 and Lab 4B are due on Tuesday.

Friday, March 1, 2024

Chemistry 11;  We started off with a practice quiz to review moles concepts, then we did all the Questions and Calculations and the Follow-up Questions for Lab 4B.  20 minute of time will be given to you to finish the conclusion on Monday, and it will be due Tuesday.   Use a marking guide to see the instructions for writing Conclusions/Discussions.  

Science 9:  We added a little to our notes on the Cell cycle, then we prepared a placemat to learn about Asexual Reproduction (general info, Binary Fission, Budding).  We read pgs 22-29, then we wrote brief notes and sketches on or placemats.  We finished with a population activity:  If 100 cells of harmful E.coli bacteria are eaten by someone at 6:00, how many cells will be in their intestines at 10:00 pm of the cells divide every 10 minutes?  We used a two column table (Time & Population) to show our reasoning.

Science 8:  We reviewed first going through these lists, and recalling with our partner a word that would complete the lists.  We then identified the list.  The Chapter 1-3 practice test was completed next, and it si due on Monday.  We finished off by practicing measuring volume and mass. 

Science 10:  We started with the Chemistry Unit Test, then we made a graph of Temperature vs Time for our Heat Lab, part B (radiation). Click here to see the data.