Friday, May 31, 2019

Careers 10:  We went over the results of last day's review, and added a little more about post secondary options.  Complete these two tasks now:

1)  Save your Time Management Assignment as a pdf, and upload it to your myBlueprint CLE 10 Portfolio.  Be sure the TMA has an effective file name.  Make a CLE 10 Portfolio if you don't have one.

2) In the myBlueprint home screen click the left Work tab, choose Occupations, and make sure you have at least 3 Occupations clicked as "favourites", and added to your CLE 10 Portfolio.

3)  Upload your error free resume into your CLE 10 Portfolio.

All tasks for this course must by completed by next Friday.  Thanks for your hard work!  A career path is something that needs constant consideration, adjustment, and attention, and its good to see everyone being thoughtful:)

Chemistry 11:  Finish Organic WS #2 for Monday.  We will have a quiz on the names of the 10 alkanes, in order, on Monday.  We will finish Lab 6C on Monday.

Chemistry 12: U5 # 36-40, 44 is due Monday.

Careers 8:  After eating some Timmy's treats [Thank you Ashley!, and Happy Birthday!], we spent time on our Time Management Assignment and on the myBlueprint Personality Assignment.   Complete these two tasks now:

1)  Save your Time Management Assignment as a pdf, and upload it to your myBlueprint Careers 8 Portfolio.  Be sure the TMA has an effective file name.  Make a Careers 8 Portfolio if you don't have one.

2) In the myBlueprint home screen click the left Work tab, choose Occupations, and make sure you have at least 3 Occupations clicked as "favourites", and added to your Careers 8 Portfolio.

All tasks for this course must by completed by next Friday.  Thanks for your hard work!  A career path is something that needs constant consideration, adjustment, and attention, and its good to see everyone being thoughtful:)

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Chemistry 12:  Quizzes were handed back, and a short mini review followed.  We learned how to use the table of standard reduction potentials to find out if a reaction is spontaneous or not, then we read section  5.3 and did U5 # 7,9-14, and any 2 from # 24.  The last bit of class time was given for Lab 21D, this is due on Monday.  We took notes on Electrochemical cells, watched a How Its Made video, read 5.8,  and did # 34 and 35.  Lab 21C was prepared, and we finished off with a quiz on balancing full redox equations.    We are about 3 weeks from your Chemistry 12 Final Exam, so now is a good time to begin reviewing.  Pick a former unit, try some Hebdon Problems, do a little reading perhaps.  Make condensed notes.  When you are ready, I will give you a practice final.

Chemistry 11:  We started off with Lab 6C, Part I.  After this, we wrote notes on Organic Chemistry and did WS #1.  We finished off with a lesson on isomers, structures with the same components, but with different arrangements.  We drew an named all of the isomers of hexane (5) and heptane (9).

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Careers 10:   We started with little review of interview skills, Resume verbs,  and Post secondary school names in BC and Alberta.

Time Management Assignment:  follow the instructions below:

1)  With Excel open, create a time vs day timetable.  In Column A, make rows for each half hour of the day, starting at midnight.  On row #1, create 1 column per day for 1 week, starting with Saturday. 

2)  Use the fill colour button, and make all of your required school hours blue.

3)  Repeat, making all of your sleeping hours yellow.

4) Repeat using a different color for all the categories of time spent:  Work, Soccer Practice, Church, etc.  Leave "free time" white.  School lunch hours and any "spares" you have in your school timetable are free time.

5)  Create a key to explain your color scheme.

6)  Show the total number of "free time" hours per week near the top.

7)  Save this with a useful/searchable file name to your "One Drive", and share it with me, Mr. Gale.

When you are done the Timetable, finish your Resume.

Careers 8:

After we looked at the most in-demand jobs in BC, we watched a video about Scott, a  User Support Technician in Nelson. Then we took out the lap tops and completed the following tasks:

A)  Time Management Assignment:  follow the instructions below:

1)  With Excel open, create a time table.  In Column A, make rows for each half hour of the day, starting at midnight.  On row #1, create 1 column per day for 1 week, starting with Saturday.

2)  Use the fill-colour button, and make all of your required school hours blue.

3)  Repeat, making all of your sleep hours yellow.

4) Repeat using a different color for all the categories of time spent:  Work, Soccer Practice, Church, etc.  Leave "free time" white.  School lunch hours and any "spares" you have in your school timetable are free time.

5)  Create a key to explain your color scheme.  Use a thick black border around your Key, and label it

6)  Show the total number of "free time" hours per week near the top.

7)  Save this with a useful/searchable file name to your "One Drive", and share it with me, Mr. Gale.

B)  Complete Tuesday's tasks.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Careers 8:  We started with the interview activity from Monday, refining our responses and talking about greeting others in the world of work.  We spent time finishing the myBlueprint Personality Activity.  Watch three videos on Work BC's Career Trek website that correspond to the 3 occupations that you describe on page 7 of the Personality Activity.  Add 1 or 2 comments about the video onto  page 7.  See Mr. Gale if you have trouble connecting your listed occupation one of the Career Trek videos.   We finished off with a myBlueprint Famous Person Activity.

Chemistry 11: After the Solutions test we worked on Lab 16A (all Questions, Follow-up Questions, and a fine conclusion) , which is due Thursday.

Careers 10:  After a short session on interview skills we looked at sample resumes and identified all the verbs.  There were a lot!  We logged onto myBlueprint and created a resume, which when done cannot have ANY errors or formatting inconsistencies.  The sample Grade 12er resume had about 20 verbs, all in the past tense, which is a good standard for your resume.

Chemistry 12:  We learned how to balance full redox equations using the half cell method.  Amongst the problems were at least one disproportionation reaction (where the same species is both oxidized and reduced) .  U5 # 24 (any 5 acidic reactions, any 5 basic reactions) is due Thursday.  Some time was spent on Lab 21D.  We had a homework quiz at the end - 3 half cell equations.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Careers 8:  Today we started with an introduction to interview skills.  The we worked on the myBlueprint Personality Activity hand-out, to learn about "Multiple Intelligences"  With a laptop, log into Mentorcity, check-in with your mentor (explain that you are back in Careers for this week), and do activities 2.1 to 2.8.  In February we did 0.1 to 0.6 and 1.1 to 1.7, finish these first if they are not yet complete.  See Mr. Gale if you have completed all this.

Careers 10:  We started off with a little review of educational pathways, followed by a short session on the language of business.  Consider your responses to these 5 questions:

1) Tell me a bit about yourself
2) What are your strengths and weaknesses
3) What extra-curriculars are you involved with?  What do you do with your spare time?
4) What are you favourite school subjects and why
5)  Why should I hire you [for this job]?

Complete the myBluepring Knowledge Activity hand-out by going to the library and logging into myBlueprint.

Chemistry 11:  Answers for the Solutions Practice Test were provided, and we had a short discussion about why "like dissolves like" in Lab 16A.  Time was spent finishing lab 16A (all questions, FUQs, and a fine conclusion).  This is not due Tuesday - you would be better off studying the solutions unit notes and assignments for your Solutions Test on Monday.  We finished off with a short discussion on Organic Chemistry, our last unit.

Chemistry 12: 

Friday, May 24, 2019

Chemistry 11:  Today we did Lab 16A, about polar and non-polar solvents and solutes.  The Solutions Practice Test is due today, but I will provide an answer key on Monday.  Our Solutions test is on Tuesday.

Chemistry 12:  After a short discussion of the key points of Electrochemistry so far (loss of electrons is oxidation, gain of electrons is reduction, oxidation number is the charge an atom would have if it were an ion) we did lab 21D.  Nothing from your lab is due Monday. Unit 5 # 1-6 should be done by Monday's class.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Chemistry 12:  Today we read sections 5.1 5.2, and did Unit 5 # 1-6.  Be sure to check your answers.  You also need to have Lab 21D prepared for Friday

Chemistry 11:  Today  Unit 9 # 6-8 and the "WS titled Review of Molar Concentration" were collected.  We read pg 198 - 202 in Hebdon and did Unit 9 # 9-12,  30 - 36, and the Solutions Practice Test.  The Practice Test and # 9-12 are due Friday.  We also prepared Lab 16A, and read the pre and post lab discussion.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Chemistry 12:  Today we did the Acid Base Unit Test.  Be sure to high-five your partner to celebrate that the biggest unit is done:).

Chemistry 11:  Today we read section 9.1 adn 9.2.  Due Wednesday is Unit 9 # 6-8 and the "WS titled Review of Molar Concentration".

Friday, May 17, 2019

Careers 9:  We started with a little review of Soft Skills and Post Secondary education options.  Once in the library, we worked on our Resumes, trying to make them error free with the help of our partner.  A complete, error free resume, done on myBlueprint or  uploaded to "my Documents" in myBlueprint is due by Friday, May 24th.   The last item was a booklet on Time Management.

Chemistry 11:  After handing in the Concentration of Ions WS, we learned about Formula Equations, Complete Ionic Equations, and Net Ionic Equations in the context of precipitation reactions.  In Science 10 we called them double replacement reactions.  We finished off with a demonstration of  Conductivity, which depends on the presence of free ions.

Chemistry 12:  We started with Notes on Electrochemistry, followed by time to work on the Acid Base Test review.  One more set of practice problems was given out, but this is optional.  On Tuesday we will do the Acid Base Unit Test, and you will be using a fresh data booklet (be sure to have memorized how to find pH, [H3O+], pOH, [OH-], pKw = pH + pOH).

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Careers 9:  After a short session on "business speak", we will head up to the library.  

1) Tell me a bit about yourself
2) What are your strengths and weaknesses
3) What extra-curriculars are you involved with?  What do you do with your spare time?
4) What are you favourite school subjects and why
5)  Why should I hire you for this job?

In the Library, create a resume and print your resume.  Use myBlueprint if you want, or construct it on word.   Spend 10 minutes reading examples of resumes on the web - search for :high school student resume" and use the strong wording on these examples to help you with your own resume.

Print it when you are done, and with a partner exchange resumes and find errors or formatting mistakes in each other's work.  Fix them, reprint, and bring them to Mr. Gale.  A resume cannot have any errors.

Get the next Upskills booklet from me if your resume is perfect.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Chemistry 12:  We started with a minireview of Buffers, then we took notes on Metal and Non-Metal Oxides.  After high fiving our partner for finishing the Acid Base unit, we read 4.21 and did the Acid Base Practice Test.  In the last 15 minutes we started the electrochemistry Unit by making an electrochemical cell that can produce 0.85 V.  Test on Tuesday.  Sort out your problems by Friday - I will be away on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Chemistry 11:  After going over the green WS on the Solubility of NaCl, we reviewed the shapes and bond angles in some molecular compounds.  We learned how to write dissolving reactions, and we also learned how to find the concentration of each ion in solutions.  The WS called "The Concentration of Ions in Solution " is due on Friday.  In the second half, we wrote the TRU Chemistry 11 contest. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Careers 9:  We started off with a little review on Presentation.  We reviewed "do's" and "don'ts" of casual business conversation, which is similar to how you interact with adults at RSS.  Peer interactions are different.  Time was spent completing 3 Up-skills booklets (Intro, Motivation, Presentation), and we discussed ways of overcoming barriers to good presentation.  We considered our responses to 5 interview questions, and we practiced interviewing with a partner.  Acting is always a component of interviews, whether they are in practice with a friend, or with a real business owner.

Chemistry 11:  We labelled the molecule drawings with the geometry name (tetrahedral, bent, planar, linear, or trigonal pyramidal) and we showed several bond angles (109.5, 120 or 180).  We spent time completing the green Solubility Lab, which is due Wednesday.  At the end, we labelled our Lab 12B molecules as either Polar or Non-Polar.  Tomorrow we will do the TRU Chemistry contest, instead of a Unit Test on Atomic Theory.  The Atomic Theory Practice test is not due Wednesday.

Chemistry 12:  Acid Base Test next Tuesday.  Due Wednesday is Unit 4 # 131-134, 136, 139.  We have 4 mini-reviews on the go:  4.11, Hydrolysis, Acids and Bases, Indicators.  Complete these and check the answers on the side counter.  Work hard!  We are in the final stretch:)

Friday, May 10, 2019

Career Education 9:  We started off with a short review of soft skills (TAMPA CATS), followed by a discussion on Presentation.  How do you present yourself?  We compared the presentation of the individuals in this picture.  We read/completed an Upskills Presentation work booklet, and spent time finishing the Introduction/Accountability and the Motivation booklets.  In the second half, we prepared ourselves for updating/creating our resumes.  We counted verbs on sample resumes, then we looked at how to find verbs that describe our tasks at work or volunteer gigs.  We finished by logging onto myBlueprint and creating a resume.  If you already have a resume, update it and upload it into myBlueprint.

Chemistry 12:  We took notes on titration curves, then read pg 164-168.  U4 # 125 is due Tuesday.  We spent time on review after this:  Hydrolysis Mini Review WS, Mini Review of Acids and Bases WS, and Minireview of 4.11 WS.  The Acids and Bases Unit Test will be on Tuesday, May 21.   Last was a quiz on Kb.

Chemistry 11:  We started by reviewing the Lewis Dot Structures.  A short lesson on Solutions, followed by a lab to find the concentration of a saturated salt solution.  We completed Lab 12B, started an atomic Theory Practice test, and did a quiz on Lewis Dot Structures.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Chemistry 11:  Today I collected Unit 8 # 62 - 67.  We took notes on Covalent Bonding, read pg 176 - 179, and did U8 # 69-72.  We made a homemade WS, and practiced making Lewis dot structures for Covalent compounds and polyatomic ions, which are contain covalent bonds within.  Click here for the homemade WS.  Lab 12B Procedure 1,2,4 was started, but more time will given on Friday for this.  A take home mini quiz was given at the very end.  Due Friday is the mini quiz, Lewis dot sheet, and # 69-72.

Chemistry 12:  We started with Kb Calculations:  Unit 4 # 84-88 and 80.  Then we did Mini Review 4.1 - 4.15 (click here for this).  In the second half we read U4.17, and did U4 # 108-118.  We finished with a quiz on Ka calculations.

84.  0.024 M SO32-
85.  0.0019 M OH-, pH 11.28, pOH 2.72,  5.3 x 10-12 M H+
86.  0.059 M N2H4
87.  Kb = 1.04 x 10-3
88. pH 11.50
66.  0.929 g LiOH
80.  Ka = 2.06 x 10-10

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Chemistry 12:  Unit 4 # 74 - 79 due Thursday.  Lab 20G due Thursday.

Ka Calculations Answer Key

74.  [H+] = 6.7 x 10-5

75.  pH 6.16

76.  [HCOOH] = .78 M

77.  Ka = 9.38 x 10-3

78.  [H2CO3]  = 0.010 M

79.  pH 4.89

80.  Ka = 2.06 x 10-10

Chemistry 11:  Today started with review of atomic radius, then we took notes on Ionic Bonding, then we read pg 171 - 176.  Unit 8 # 62-67 is due Thursday.  Lab 11A Part III is not due Thursday.

Monday, May 6

Chemistry 11:  Unit 8 # 31-39 was collected.  Read pg 170-175 and do Unit 8 # 53-55, 57-61

Chemistry 12:  Unit 4 # 69 was collected.  Finish Lab 20G (all parts to do with Part I to Part IV, plus a fine conclusion).  Finish Lab 20H Part I.  Unit 4 # 70 due Tuesday.  Quiz on Hydrolysis.

Friday, May 3

Chemistry 11: Unit 8 # 13-20, 22-27 was collected.  Watch Mendeleev's Business Card on Youtube.  Read section 8.2 and do Unit 3 # 31-39.  There was a homework Quiz today on Unit 8 # 13-20, 22-27.

Chemistry 12:  Read 4,13 about Hydrolysis.  Do # 69 (Acidic -   f,i,j ;  Basic - a,b,d,g ; Neutral - c,e,h).  Finish Lab 20G due Thursday.  Quiz like pg 69.

Thursday, May 2

Chemistry 12:  Quiz on pH, read 4.16 and do 94,95,97,100, 102,104.  Lab 20G.  Minireview 4.11 WS.

Chemistry 11:  The Lab 11A Graphs were collected today.  Read p 144-156.  Do Unit 8 # 13-20, 22-27 which is due Friday.  Start Lab 11A part III if you are done.