Careers 9: After a short session on "business speak", we will head up to the library.
1) Tell me a bit about yourself
2) What are your strengths and weaknesses
3) What extra-curriculars are you involved with? What do you do with your spare time?
4) What are you favourite school subjects and why
5) Why should I hire you for this job?
In the Library, create a resume and print your resume. Use myBlueprint if you want, or construct it on word. Spend 10 minutes reading examples of resumes on the web - search for :high school student resume" and use the strong wording on these examples to help you with your own resume.
Print it when you are done, and with a partner exchange resumes and find errors or formatting mistakes in each other's work. Fix them, reprint, and bring them to Mr. Gale. A resume cannot have any errors.
Get the next Upskills booklet from me if your resume is perfect.
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