Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Careers 10:   We started with little review of interview skills, Resume verbs,  and Post secondary school names in BC and Alberta.

Time Management Assignment:  follow the instructions below:

1)  With Excel open, create a time vs day timetable.  In Column A, make rows for each half hour of the day, starting at midnight.  On row #1, create 1 column per day for 1 week, starting with Saturday. 

2)  Use the fill colour button, and make all of your required school hours blue.

3)  Repeat, making all of your sleeping hours yellow.

4) Repeat using a different color for all the categories of time spent:  Work, Soccer Practice, Church, etc.  Leave "free time" white.  School lunch hours and any "spares" you have in your school timetable are free time.

5)  Create a key to explain your color scheme.

6)  Show the total number of "free time" hours per week near the top.

7)  Save this with a useful/searchable file name to your "One Drive", and share it with me, Mr. Gale.

When you are done the Timetable, finish your Resume.

Careers 8:

After we looked at the most in-demand jobs in BC, we watched a video about Scott, a  User Support Technician in Nelson. Then we took out the lap tops and completed the following tasks:

A)  Time Management Assignment:  follow the instructions below:

1)  With Excel open, create a time table.  In Column A, make rows for each half hour of the day, starting at midnight.  On row #1, create 1 column per day for 1 week, starting with Saturday.

2)  Use the fill-colour button, and make all of your required school hours blue.

3)  Repeat, making all of your sleep hours yellow.

4) Repeat using a different color for all the categories of time spent:  Work, Soccer Practice, Church, etc.  Leave "free time" white.  School lunch hours and any "spares" you have in your school timetable are free time.

5)  Create a key to explain your color scheme.  Use a thick black border around your Key, and label it

6)  Show the total number of "free time" hours per week near the top.

7)  Save this with a useful/searchable file name to your "One Drive", and share it with me, Mr. Gale.

B)  Complete Tuesday's tasks.

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