Science 8: We started off by reviewing the Law of Reflection, and a little time was given to complete the reflection trials using the Ray Boxes. We did Activity 5-2 on page 176, an activity that could easily be accomplished at home. All 4 "What Did You Find Out?" questions are due on Friday. In the second half we learned about the Electromagnetic Spectrum, which is all the types of radiant energy (including visible light ROYGBIV). First, a short video clip from NASA. Then, we read section 4.3 and for each category of EMR we listed applications and made one sketch. An application is a kind of technology that makes use of the EMR to help people. We finished class by looking at different telescopes and discussing what EMR they use to view space (Hubble, James Webb, Chandra, Dominion Radio Telescope).
Chemistry 12: Today we did Lab 20G, an extravaganza of titration skills. It will be due on Monday, so put some time in tonight trying some analysis. You will be given time on Friday for Lab 20G. Also, I did not yet check Unit 4 # 49-57, and I would like to check them on Friday.