Friday, June 14, 2024

Science 9:  

Science 10:  We reviewed energy topics to begin with.  This clip is about energy needs on the International Space Station.   This one shows our dam.   Time was spent marking last day's chemistry review assignments (Double Replacement Reactions Lab and Ionic & Covalent Compounds WS).  Your Final Exam is on Thursday, June 20th.

Science 8: We debriefed the popcan implosion lab, then wrote a short Discussion paragraph to explain this on our lab report.  The Lab was handed in .  Time was given for the Matter Year End assignment.  We spent the last 30 minutes reviewing cells, cellular respiration, and the immune system.  You have a final exam with all the topics on Tuesday morning, so please spend a little time reviewing work from earlier parts of the course.  Focus on the material in your binder.  Only use your textbook if you know the pages are relevant by using information in the blog.  Your final exam is on Tuesday, June 18th.

Science 9:  Today was our last session with Georgie, working on the Farm to Table program.  Your Final Exam is on Wednesday, June 19th

Chemistry 11:  We completed the Organic Test today.  Your Final Exam is on Friday June 21st.

Thursday, June 13

Chemistry 11:  We went through the answer to the Organic Practice Test - we will have an organic test on Friday.  This clip shows how plastics are made from natural gas.   We took brief notes on Intermolecular bonding, then we read section 9.3 in our Hebdon book and did Unit 9 # 9-16.   The remainder of the time was spent reviewing for the Final - items available to you so far are the Moles Year End Review assignment, the Atomic Theory Practice Test, and the Reactions Unit Review.

Science 10:  We wrote the Genetics Test today, then we spent a little time on review of Energy.  In the second half, we focused on Chemistry review.  We practiced writing names and formulas of ionic and covalent compounds, then we did a short lab where we performed double replacement reactions and we observed precipitates.  You'll get a little time to complete these WS on Friday.  

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Science 8:  We began with our Geology Test, then we spent some time on a key term inventory once the test was done.  In the second half we did the pop can lab, then worked on the Year End Chemistry Unit review assignment, which is not due.  Your final is on Tuesday morning next week.  

Science 9:  We went to First Light Farms to see how food is grown on a local organic farm.  Wow!  Due next class is the worksheet that Georgie provided for us.  We will do the final classroom session with Georgie on Friday.  Your final exam is on Wednesday morning next week.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

 Science 9:  We went over reminders for our field trip (correct clothing for the weather, positive attitude, gratitude, careful listening, curiosity, etc).  We will meet near the bus stop for attendance on Wednesday morning for our trip to First Light Farm.  We spent time reviewing Chemistry Unit topics (atomic structure, Bohr diagrams, Names/Formulas of compounds). The WS titled Ionic and Covalent Compounds was completed and is due on Friday.  

Science 10:  Today we did our Genetics Practice Test.  Click here for the key.  The Genetics Test is on Thursday.

Chemistry 11:  We completed the Organic Practice Test today, and we will have the Organic Test on Friday.   Click here to see the key.  

Science 8:   We made a second practice quiz to start (4 topics this time:  glassware, cell anatomy, rocks, minerals) and everyone completed all 4 topics.  The Geology Practice Test answers were given out, then we reviewed matter topics ( periodic table, kinetic molecular theory).  With a partner, we found the density of a block of wood as well as ethanol.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Chemistry 11:  After a short review of functional groups we learned how an alcohol can react with an acid to form an ester.  I collected Lab 7B today.  We practiced 6 different reactions on a DIY WS, showing the products and naming them.  Remaining time was spent on the Moles YER assignment.  Organic Test on Friday.

Science 8:  We did the Geology Practice Test today, which should be completed for Tuesday.  Wednesday will be test day.

Science 9:  Everyone wrote the Earth Systems test today, then we spent time reviewing our first unit (Chemistry).  We first found the section in our text that contained chemistry topics, and spent 5 minutes reading the titles and subtitles.  Next we focused on the Chapter Summary pages (176 & 177), and for 5 minutes we worked with our partner taking turns explaining the meaning of each key term.  

Science 10:  Once more we practiced describing a possible sequence of events that would lead to the evolution of a leaf insect from a beetle-like ancestor.  Our partner partner tried yet again using an atlas moth with fake eyes on its wings as the example.  We reviewed chemistry topics after this (families and periods on the table, Bohr Diagrams, atomic structure, valence shells, chemical reaction equations, and balancing). A short assignment was provided and an answer key was posted at the side counter for self checking.  A little time was given to finish page 63 # 1-8 and this was collected today as well.  On Friday we will have a genetics test. 

Friday, June 7, 2024

Science 10:  We went through the Giraff WS, then we reviewed natural selection using hover flies as an example.  "How did black flies evolve to look like a wasp?" is a question that we should be able to describe using the ideas of natural selection.  We watched this clip about the evolution of the Pocket Mouse.  In the last half hour we read pages 50 - 54 and completed page 63 # 1-8 (half sentences, half point form).

Chemistry 11:  After going through the answers to the functional groups WS, we spent time finishing Lab 7B, which is due on Monday.  A few students began the Moles Year End Review WS.  

Science 8:  Three groups were formed, and each group was tasked with making a short station-style quiz (one word answers, generally) on one of 3 topics:  Rocks, Minerals, or Glaciation.  Once prepared, everyone completed the station quizzes, and work was checked against the answer keys posted at the back.  We spent the rest of the class working on 3D models of trilobites.

Science 9:  We had Georgie here from the Farm to Table program, and we learned about farm practices.  On Wednesday next week we will go by bus to First Light Farm.  I collected the Ecology Practice Test, marked it, and handed it back.  Click here to see the key.  On Monday we will do the Ecology Unit Test. 

Thursday, June 6, 2024

 Science 10:  We completed one more practice round of making a protein from a DNA sequence.  A little time was spent discussing how giraffes acquired their long necks - this clip is funny but does not explain how organisms change over time.  We wrote brief notes on Natural Selection, then completed the Giraffe WS.  We watched 31 minutes of What Darwin never knew.   We spent 20 minutes reviewing Chemistry topics at the end. 

Chemistry 11:  After going through a practice round of the three reactions involved in a precipitation reaction (formula, full ionic, net ionic), we took brief notes on Functional Groups and completed parts B and C of the associated worksheet (due Friday).  Lab 7B was prepared, and all the procedure completed, but no parts of this are due for Friday.  

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

 Science 9:  We began with a short review of the N, P, and C cycles.  We did activity 4E on page 336.  Most made a poster, some used Canva to make a digital poster.  In the second half we watched Fareen's TED talk about the opportunity of education.  In the final minutes we reviewed Chemistry topics from February.  Due next class is the Ecology Practice Test.  Next class we will have Georgie run the "Farm to Table" program, session 1.  On Wednesday morning next week we will go on a short field trip to First Light Farm.  Ecology test on Monday.

Science 8:  After a short review of finding relative age of sedimentary rock layers, we watched this video clip about Minerals.  We did Lab 12F, which models how the absolute age of sedimentary layers is determined.  Click here to see Figure 12.27.  In the second half we did the final tasks for the volcano inventory.

Volcano Inventory Final Task:

A) Create a pdf of your sorted volcano inventory and save it with a useful file name.  (highlight your table, File/Print, choose "Selection", Save as a pdf to your OneDrive)

B) Write a short email to Mr. Gale using Outlook.  Use proper sentence structure and workplace formatting.  Describe your experience in Science 8, and indicate your competency level according to the provincial scale (Emerging, Developing, Proficient, Extending)

What to write about in your email:

How did the pacing work for you?  (too fast, too slow, just right)

Were the topics relevant and interesting?  (which topics were the best ones, which were topics that you thought were not useful to learn, what other topics would improve the course)

Did your skills develop?  (which skills were easy, which skills were more challenging, what part of your skillset are you proud of, what part will need to be worked on in Science 9?)

Were there any aspects you enjoyed or disliked?  If Science 9 was an elective course,  would you take Science 9?

C)  Attach your Volcano pdf to the email, and indicate this in your email.  "Please find attached my sorted volcano inventory."

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Science 10:  We began by reviewing the structure of DNA and how proteins are made by ribosomes in the nucleus.  Everyone was given a gene sequence, then we transcribed the DNA sequence into an mRNA sequence, then translated the protein by using the Codon chart and writing the order of the amino acids.  We caused a few mutations - one that caused a slight change, and another that caused a catastrophic change.  We worked on two genetics review practice quizzes and answer keys were provided for checking your work.  This clip shows how populations change through time.  Spend some time reviewing for your favorite final exam.

Science 8:  We did a practice quiz on rocks and minerals, then we had a short discussion about fossils.  We completed Lab 12E from the super old text, where we ordered index fossils from youngest to oldest according to the Law of Superposition.  A few of us had time to use an old Bio 11 textbook to add the absolute ages to our list of Geological time periods.  

Chemistry 11:  Today we learned about precipitation reactions, where ions get together at concentrations that are higher than their solubility, and they precipitate out of solution.  The Precipitation Reactions Mini Lab WS is not yet due.  I did not get to look at WS #9 yet, so next class I will want to see this.

Science 9:  We finished watching "The Story of Stuff" after reviewing the 3 atom cycles (C,N, P).  The Earth Systems Practice test was given out, but is not due next class.  We will have a test on Friday.