Wednesday, June 5, 2024

 Science 9:  We began with a short review of the N, P, and C cycles.  We did activity 4E on page 336.  Most made a poster, some used Canva to make a digital poster.  In the second half we watched Fareen's TED talk about the opportunity of education.  In the final minutes we reviewed Chemistry topics from February.  Due next class is the Ecology Practice Test.  Next class we will have Georgie run the "Farm to Table" program, session 1.  On Wednesday morning next week we will go on a short field trip to First Light Farm.  Ecology test on Monday.

Science 8:  After a short review of finding relative age of sedimentary rock layers, we watched this video clip about Minerals.  We did Lab 12F, which models how the absolute age of sedimentary layers is determined.  Click here to see Figure 12.27.  In the second half we did the final tasks for the volcano inventory.

Volcano Inventory Final Task:

A) Create a pdf of your sorted volcano inventory and save it with a useful file name.  (highlight your table, File/Print, choose "Selection", Save as a pdf to your OneDrive)

B) Write a short email to Mr. Gale using Outlook.  Use proper sentence structure and workplace formatting.  Describe your experience in Science 8, and indicate your competency level according to the provincial scale (Emerging, Developing, Proficient, Extending)

What to write about in your email:

How did the pacing work for you?  (too fast, too slow, just right)

Were the topics relevant and interesting?  (which topics were the best ones, which were topics that you thought were not useful to learn, what other topics would improve the course)

Did your skills develop?  (which skills were easy, which skills were more challenging, what part of your skillset are you proud of, what part will need to be worked on in Science 9?)

Were there any aspects you enjoyed or disliked?  If Science 9 was an elective course,  would you take Science 9?

C)  Attach your Volcano pdf to the email, and indicate this in your email.  "Please find attached my sorted volcano inventory."

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