Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Science 10:  We began by reviewing the structure of DNA and how proteins are made by ribosomes in the nucleus.  Everyone was given a gene sequence, then we transcribed the DNA sequence into an mRNA sequence, then translated the protein by using the Codon chart and writing the order of the amino acids.  We caused a few mutations - one that caused a slight change, and another that caused a catastrophic change.  We worked on two genetics review practice quizzes and answer keys were provided for checking your work.  This clip shows how populations change through time.  Spend some time reviewing for your favorite final exam.

Science 8:  We did a practice quiz on rocks and minerals, then we had a short discussion about fossils.  We completed Lab 12E from the super old text, where we ordered index fossils from youngest to oldest according to the Law of Superposition.  A few of us had time to use an old Bio 11 textbook to add the absolute ages to our list of Geological time periods.  

Chemistry 11:  Today we learned about precipitation reactions, where ions get together at concentrations that are higher than their solubility, and they precipitate out of solution.  The Precipitation Reactions Mini Lab WS is not yet due.  I did not get to look at WS #9 yet, so next class I will want to see this.

Science 9:  We finished watching "The Story of Stuff" after reviewing the 3 atom cycles (C,N, P).  The Earth Systems Practice test was given out, but is not due next class.  We will have a test on Friday.

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