Friday, May 31, 2024

Science 9:  We reviewed the Phosphorus Cycle, then we did activity 4F on page 337 (all parts but #5).  Pg 100 # 1-16 is due Monday. 

Science 8:  After a short review of glaciation, we finished our Volcano Inventory on Microsoft Excel.  Everyone was given a unique sorting task to do using the Data/Sort function.  Mr. Grimm arrived and gave most of the class their myed password.   

Chemistry 11:  We marked WS #6, then we learned about aromatic molecules (benzene is the key example for our course).  Due Monday is Unit 10 # 30 & 31.  WE also finished Lab 6E (Calculations # 1-3 only).  

Science 10:  Today we learned about protein synthesis after completing a short review of Genetics Problems.  We worked from an old Biology 11 Textbook and did page 135 # 1-22 (answers only).  

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