Friday, May 17, 2024

Science 8:  We went over pg 508 # 1-13 (half in sentences, half in quality point form).  We reviewed local mountains, rivers, streams, and added lakes.  The Local Watershed map and crossword were labelled and completed. 

Science 10:  We completed the Astronomy Unit Test, then time was provided to finish the Human Karyotyping Activity (WS and cut/paste Karyotype) and the cell anatomy WS.   The Karyotyping WS is due on Tuesday.

Science 9:  We began with short review of the Carbon cycle and food chains.  This clip explains the carbon cycle quite well.  We read pages 54 to 58 in the old Science Probe to learn about biomes, and we filled in a placemat with the following info about each biome (rainfall, key producers, 2 key facts, one city in that biome).   

Chemistry 11:  We spoke about our saturated solutions of sodium chloride, and brainstormed how to find the concentration of NaCl in the water.  We learned how to find the concentration of ions by first writing the dissolving reaction.  We completed the [Ions] WS, which is due on Tuesday.  In the last part we learned the names of 10 simple alkanes.  

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