Friday, May 10, 2024

Science 10:  After a short review of planets, electromagnetic radiation, star life cycles, and asteriods, we took notes on the Origins of the Universe.  We read pages 354 to 358, then did the Expanding Universe activity on page 357.  This clip explains a little about the expanding universe.  This TED talk featuring Brian Cox shows how scientists try to simulate the conditions of the early universe in the Large Hadron Collider. 

Science 8:  We reviewed the local mountain peak names as well as some seismology.   After practicing calculating speed (called velocity sometimes),  we did Lab 13E part II and Discussion Questions 1-5.  Nothing is due for Monday.

Science 9:  Time was spent finishing the Population WS.  Only the number 1 and the graph are due for Monday.

Chemistry 11:  We completed Lab 12B (Procedure 1,2,4) and I came around to look at your Lewis Dot Diagrams.  

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