Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Science 10:  We discussed how DNA is able to replicate, or copy itself, then we sketched the process in our notes and watched this clip.  We read pages 15-19, the completed page 21 # 2-11, 14 and 15 (half in sentences, half in point form.  This work is not due on Wednesday. In the last 10 minutes we reviewed karyoytpes and DNA structure.  

Science 8:  We watched this clip that shows the mechanism for divergent and convergent plate boundaries.  This clip is a terrific animation of several types of volcano forming situations.  We looked at the map of western North America and learned how mountains and volcanoes can form near convergent plate boundaries.  We read section 18.1 in the old Probe textbook then we did page 521 # 1-3 and 6 - 10 in sentences.  

Chemistry 11:  We reviewed the concentration of ions, then wrote brief notes on Organic Chemistry.  We completed Organic Assignment #1, which is due on Wednesday. In the final 20 minutes we designed a procedure to determine the concentration of salt in our mini Dead Seas ( saturated solution of NaCl).  Some groups began their procedure.

Science 9:  We reviewed the 8 biomes then watched this
clip about the Polar Ice biome
.  We learned how climate graphs are constructed (use average temperature and total monthly precipitation), then everyone was paired with a partner to create a set of climate graphs representing 6 different biomes.  Each partner drew 3 different climate graphs (half of A-E plus Revelstoke). 

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