Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Science 9:  We started off by reviewing the Carbon Cycle and local tree species.  We reviewed local food chains by filling in the blanks, and discussed the molecules that are passed on to the predator by their prey source. This clip explains those molecules, called biomolecules.    We looked up 5 food items and found the percent by mass for each of carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids.  A little time was spent looking at the Canada Food Guide, and we listed the foods we eat to see if it matches the half-quarter-quarter suggestion for fruits/vegetables, carbohydrates, and proteins.  

Science 8:  We reviewed Pangaea and Continental Drift.  This clip shows a possible history of continents on the globe.  We read section. 17.4 from the old Science Probe text, and we completed pg 508 # 1-12 (half in sentences, half in point form).  A little time was given to complete the Pangaea cut and paste from Tuesday.  In the second half we did Lab 17A, clocking tectonic plates.  This clip showed some volcanic activity on the Big Island of Hawaii.  Both 508 and Lab 17A are due on Friday.

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