Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Chemistry 11:  After going through the answers to the first Organic Assignment, we did a mini review on finding the [ions] in solution.  We took notes on Branched Alkanes, and completed Organic Assignment #2, then continued on with finding the [NaCl] in our mini Dead Seas.  In the second half learned about cyclic hydrocarbons, and we did Organic WS #3.  Both WS #2 and #3 are due for Friday.   Everyone should be at the stage of evaporating the water from their mini Dead Seas at this point. 

Science 10:  We went through the first 4 problems on page 21, then we reviewed the process of Mitosis.  We watched this clip to review the structure of DNA and to talk about what enzymes do.  Time was provided to complete page 21 # 2-11, 14 & 15, and everyone worked on the diagrams for human male and female reproductive anatomy.  We sketched out the steps of Meiosis, and considered where errors happen to cause trisomy. In the second half we reviewed reproduction in flowering plants:

Meiosis, Sexual Reproduction, and Heredity         Science 10 


Today, you will spend 20 minutes learning by reading, and taking brief notesAllow yourself about 5 minutes of video learning and use headphonesSpend 20 more minutes creating a mind-map or mini poster that answers these questions: 


  1. A) How do flowering plants reproduce sexually? 

  1. B) In what structures do meiosis, fertilization, and embryo development occur? 


Finish this for Friday.


Marking guide: 


-Point form notes are created that attempt to answer the questions posed. 

-Miniposter shows some level of organization. 

-There is considerable connection between Questions A and B and the content on the miniposter. 

-The amount of detail and number of key terms show that new learning has occurred and is consistent with a 60 minute deadline. 

-you are able to explain your miniposter to someone verbally. 

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