Wednesday, May 29, 2024

 Chemistry 11:  The Dead Sea Labs were handed back today, and we added onto our Alkene/Alkyne notes as we learned about cis and trans isomers. WS #6 was completed, then we did day 1 of Lab 6E.  Due next class is WS #6 and Calculation #1 from Lab 6E.

Science 10:  We went through the Genetics WS side 1, then time was provided to finish the WS and a practice quiz was completed to test our skill level.  Students used the answer key at the side counter to self check their work.  We wrote brief notes on "Other Patterns of Inheritance", then we read pages 33-36 and completed page 39 # 1-10 (sentences where appropriate).  This is due Friday.   In the second half we did Lab 36, where we used Family Pedigrees to show how some medical conditions are passed on through generations.    We watched the first 11 minutes of this clip that explains how geneticists can work with DNA sequences to understand human migration across the globe.

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