Monday, May 27, 2024

Science 9:  We watched this clip about the Carbon and Nitrogen cycle, then we wrote brief notes on the Nitrogen Cycle.  We read pages 330 and 331, then we started pg 95 # 3-15 and 17 (do half in quality sentences, and half in point form. )

Science 10:  We wrote brief notes on Mendelian Genetics, then we read pages 26 - 29 and completed some questions from a hand-out.  

Chemistry 11:  We reviewed Organic Chemistry topics to start, then we finished the Dead Sea Lab, which is due on Tuesday.  We did a quiz on cycloalkanes and haloalkanes at the end of the class

Science 8:  We began with a quick sort of some rocks from the school's collection, in order to review the three rock families.  This video clip shows the three families quite well.  We read pages 386 to 390 then completed page 391 # 1-6 in sentences.  This is due Tuesday.  

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