Monday, May 13, 2024

 Chemistry 11:  We wrote notes about geometry and bond angles on our Lab 12B molecule sketches, then we looked at samples of 4 families of elements (alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, halogens, and noble gases.)  After reading pages 158 - 164 about the periodic table, we completed unit 8 # 31 - 39 which is due on Tuesday.

Science 8:  We spent time finishing Lab 13E (Layers of the Earth) and Discussion Questions 1-5 are due on Tuesday.  We wrote brief notes on Wegener's evidence for Continental Drift Theory.  This clip is funny, but does not explain continental drift.   We read section 17.2 from a former science textbook, and recorded 5 key terms (and their meanings) that were brought up in the reading.  In the final minutes we reviewed the names of mountain peaks that surround Revelstoke, and we identified rivers and large creeks on a map of Revelstoke.  

Science 10:  We used the placemat where we recorded information from the Star Life cycle interactive map.  We added the location of all 8 features onto our map of the Galaxy, to give an indication of how close these features are.  This clip is good for learning the star life cycle.  We read pages 360 -365, and completed page 369 # 1-5 (due on Tuesday).  

Science 9:  We went through the carbon cycle and added a few bits of information.  This clip explains the Carbon Cycle. We went to the park and followed a procedure to find the amount of carbon stored in a tree.

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