Thursday, May 16, 2024

Science 10:  We went through some answers to the Astronomy Practice Test, then it was collected and everyone completed a cell anatomy review diagram to refresh our memory of cell structure and function.  This video clip is a good summary of cell structure and function.   We wrote notes on DNA Structure, then read pages 10 - 15 in our textbook.  In the second half we did the Human Karyotype activity to remind us of chromosomes, homologous cells, sex chromosomes, and haploid/diploid number.  Friday will be our Astronomy Test day, so none of the Genetics work is due for Friday.

Chemistry 11:  We began with a review of electron configuration, then we took notes on solutions and made about 25 mL of saturated NaCl solution.  After reading sections 9.1 and 9.2, we completed Unit 9 # 1-8.  We spent a little time talking about fossil fuels, and how they were originally formed from ocean creatures.  At the very end I collected your Unit 8 # 57 - 67 from Tuesday.

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