Monday, June 10, 2024

Chemistry 11:  After a short review of functional groups we learned how an alcohol can react with an acid to form an ester.  I collected Lab 7B today.  We practiced 6 different reactions on a DIY WS, showing the products and naming them.  Remaining time was spent on the Moles YER assignment.  Organic Test on Friday.

Science 8:  We did the Geology Practice Test today, which should be completed for Tuesday.  Wednesday will be test day.

Science 9:  Everyone wrote the Earth Systems test today, then we spent time reviewing our first unit (Chemistry).  We first found the section in our text that contained chemistry topics, and spent 5 minutes reading the titles and subtitles.  Next we focused on the Chapter Summary pages (176 & 177), and for 5 minutes we worked with our partner taking turns explaining the meaning of each key term.  

Science 10:  Once more we practiced describing a possible sequence of events that would lead to the evolution of a leaf insect from a beetle-like ancestor.  Our partner partner tried yet again using an atlas moth with fake eyes on its wings as the example.  We reviewed chemistry topics after this (families and periods on the table, Bohr Diagrams, atomic structure, valence shells, chemical reaction equations, and balancing). A short assignment was provided and an answer key was posted at the side counter for self checking.  A little time was given to finish page 63 # 1-8 and this was collected today as well.  On Friday we will have a genetics test. 

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