Tuesday, June 11, 2024

 Science 9:  We went over reminders for our field trip (correct clothing for the weather, positive attitude, gratitude, careful listening, curiosity, etc).  We will meet near the bus stop for attendance on Wednesday morning for our trip to First Light Farm.  We spent time reviewing Chemistry Unit topics (atomic structure, Bohr diagrams, Names/Formulas of compounds). The WS titled Ionic and Covalent Compounds was completed and is due on Friday.  

Science 10:  Today we did our Genetics Practice Test.  Click here for the key.  The Genetics Test is on Thursday.

Chemistry 11:  We completed the Organic Practice Test today, and we will have the Organic Test on Friday.   Click here to see the key.  

Science 8:   We made a second practice quiz to start (4 topics this time:  glassware, cell anatomy, rocks, minerals) and everyone completed all 4 topics.  The Geology Practice Test answers were given out, then we reviewed matter topics ( periodic table, kinetic molecular theory).  With a partner, we found the density of a block of wood as well as ethanol.

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