Science 8: We finished going through the WS titled "Getting to Know the Plate Boundaries" and we used a box lid to model a divergent plate boundary. The documentary "Volcano" was completed, and we wrote down volcanic hazards (ash, vog, lava flows, blasts, mudflows from melting glaciers, pyroclastic flows, lava fountains, poisonous gases). In the last few minutes we learned about the rock cycle, viewed a number of samples, and quickly sketched the Rock Cycle on our own paper.
Chemistry 11: We learned about alkyl halides and read pages 222 to 225. Due on Monday are Unit 10 #16-19. The Dead Sea lab is not due.
Science 10: We went through the human reproductive anatomy WS and we will have a quiz on Monday on this skill. We went through the answer key to page 21 as well, and page 21 was handed in. Time was provided to learn how plant reproduce sexually, then we watch a few clips from "Sexual Encounters of the Floral Kind". ( from 29:00 until the end).
Science 9: After going over page 37 from the old Probe text, we handed in Lab 3A (biomes & climate graphs). We reviewed biomes, then made a bar graph showing which biomes store most biomass (and therefore Carbon). Use this data to draw your bar graph:
Thursday, May 23rd
Science 8: We watched this clip about the mechanism of moving tectonic plates. This clip is also useful at connecting these ideas to earthquakes. Time was given to finish page 521 in the old Probe textbook (# 1-3, 6-10, in sentences). Then we completed the WS titled "Getting to Know the Plate Boundaries". We took brief notes on Volcanos, then watched the first 32 minute of National Geographic "Volcano!". We finished off with a review of Degrees, Diplomas, Certificates, and Trades.
Science 9: After a short review of Biomes and Food Chains, we finished Lab 3A from the old Probe Textbook. Due on Friday is Analysis a - g in sentences, as well as 3 climate graphs. We took notes on Trophic Levels, then we read section 2.4 from the old Science Probe. Due Friday is pg 37 # 1-9, 11, 12 in good quality point form (no single word responses, many key terms). We finished off by watching a portion of the documentary called "Jungles".